Passaic County |
 Curtis-Wright Airport near Singac |
 Passaic River looking E. from Paterson St., Little Falls |
 Scene at Pompton Lakes |
 Ringwood Manor House, Ringwood Manor State Park, Ringwood |
Paterson |
 Home of Mrs. Garret A. Hobart, Wife of Late Vice-Preident of U. S., Carroll and Ellison Sts., Paterson |
 Lotte Chemical Corporation's Newest Addition, 4000 Gallon Rubber Lined Compartmented Tank Trailer, Paterson |
 Second National Bank Building, Paterson |
 Hamilton Trust Company, Paterson |
 Upper Broadway, Paterson |
 Passaic County Court House, Paterson [1939] |
 Washington Street, Paterson |
 Rogers Locomotive Shops, Paterson |
 Old Quarries, Paterson |
 Spruce Street Bridge and Boat House, Paterson |