Years 1738-1758

Rochester View of Market Street


 "The following copy of Baptisms is taken from the "Rochester Church Book of Records from 1737 to 1824 is valuable to all interested in Genealogy."

Transcribed & Arranged by C Parziale


Jul 26, 1752 May 25, 1746 Aug 22, 1756 Jun 13, 1739 Nov 08, 1752 Aug 16, 1741 Jul 16, 1738 Sep 09, 1750 Jul 16, 1738 Aug 12, 1739 Aug 24, 1740 Jul 24, 1757 Nov 08, 1752 Aug 22, 1756 Sep 06, 1752 Dec 08, 1754 Jun 25, 1738 May 28, 1746 Mar 25, 1744 Aug 22, 1756 Oct 07, 1750 Nov ??, 1757 Sep 27, 1741 Jun 25, 1738 Jul 16, 1738 Jun 31, 1738 Jun 31, 1738 Jun 20, 1756 Apr 01, 1740 Jan 03, 1742 Jun 14, 1739 Jun 28, 1738 Feb 24, 1745 Jun 25, 1738 Jun 28, 1738 Jun 13, 1742 Jun 15, 1740 Jun 28, 1738 Apr 08, 1739 May 09, 1756 May 28, 1758 Jun 28, 1752 Apr 14, 1754 Sep 22, 1754 Sep 22, 1754 Sep 22, 1754 Jun 23, 1756 July 31, 1757 Apr 13, 1755 Jul 26, 1738 Jan 10, 1742 July 31, 1757 Jun 23, 1756 Jan 10, 1742 Jul 26, 1738 Jul 21, 1751 Jul 21, 1751 Feb 25, 1751 Aug 16, 1747 Feb 11, 1756 May 06, 1739 Feb 08, 1738 Mar 16, 1742 Jul 26, 1752 Mar 28, 1747 Jun 11, 1738 May 29, 1757 Jun 18, 1738 May 24, 1741 Jun 14, 1741 Dec 04, 1743 Feb 05, 1744 Jun 15, 1746 Jun 22, 1740 Mar 26, 1738 Jul 04, 1746 Dec 14, 1755 Jul 23, 1749 Apr 24, 1757 Jul 30, 1749 Jul 08, 1753 Apr 20, 1755 Jul 08, 1753 Jul 08, 1753 Jul 22, 1753 Nov 30, 1755 Sep 02, 1750 May 24, 1741 May 25, 1746 Mar 20, 1748 May 06, 1739 May 06, 1739 Sep 08, 1754 Oct 11, 1752 Jun ??, 1750 May 06, 1739 May 06, 1739 Apr 24, 1757 May 06, 1739 Nov 24, 1751 Feb 17, 1754 ??? ??, 1743 Oct 27, 1754 Apr 21, 1754 Jul 26, 1752 Nov 30, 1746 Mar 16, 1755 Mar 16, 1755 May 26, 1751 Dec 08, 1751 Jun 16, 1751 Jun 16, 1751 Nov 30, 1755 Dec 04, 1757 Jun 28, 1752 May 09, 1756 Jul 18, 1756 Apr 14, 1751 Jun 24, 1753 Jun 28, 1752 Apr 14, 1751 Jul 11, 1756 Jun 28, 1752 Aug 25, 1753 Sep 02, 1753 July 31, 1757 Feb 09, 1755 Sep 13, 1741 Jun 12, 1757 Sep 06, 1741 Sep 06, 1741 Mar 25, 1739 Feb 07, 1742 May 16, 1742 Mar 23, 1746 Aug 05, 1753 Nov 23, 1755 Aug 05, 1753 Mar 23, 1746 Apr 20, 1755 Jun 16, 1751 May 16, 1742 Jun 14, 1753 May 16, 1742 Jun 11, 1753 Apr 13, 1755 Sep 23, 1753 Jun 16, 1751 Jun 14, 1753 Nov 23, 1755 Jun 16, 1751 Sep 23, 1753 Jun 07, 1753 May 16, 1742 Apr 08, 1753 May 16, 1742 Sep 23, 1753 Nov 10, 1754 Oct 28, 1750 Oct 28, 1750 Jul 26, 1752 Oct 28, 1750
Abigail Jennes
Aron Jennes
Betty Jennes
Daniel Jennes
David Jennes
Hannah Jennes
Hannah Jennes
Hannah Jennes
Jemima Jennes
John Jennes
John Jennes
Jona Jennes
Jonathan Jennes
Keturah Jennes
Lydia Jennes
Mark Jennes
Mark Jennes
Mary Jennes
Moses Jennes
Paul Jennes
Phena Jennes
Sarah Jennes
Sarah Jennes
William Jennes
William Jennes
Elizabeth Johnson
Sarah Johnson
Susanna Kenney
Lydia Kenny
Martha Kenny
Susanna Kenny
Abraham Knight
Betty Knight
Elizabeth Knight
John Knight
Joshua Knight
Kezia Knight
Richard Knight
Robert Knight
Comfort Knowles
Experience Knowles
Jno Knowles
Mary Knowles
Anna Layton
David Layton
Dolley Layton
Hannah Layton
Jacob Layton
John Layton
John Layton
Lydia Layton
Samuel Layton
Sarah Layton
Sarah Layton
Susanna Layton
Isaac Libbey
Sarah Libbey
Mary Lick
Edward Lock
Prudence Lock
Hannah Locke
Susanna Locke
Susanna Locke
Elizabeth MacCrelis
Jean MacCrelis
Daniel MacFee
James MacFee
Joseph MacIntire
Agnes MacNeal
Daniel MacNeal
Jean MacNeal
Abigail Main
Betty Main
Hannah Main
Lydia Main
Mercy Main
Lydia Marden
Lydia Marden
Elizabeth McCrelis
Robert McCrelis
John McFee
Sarah McFee
wife McFee
William McFee
Daniel McNeal
Elizabeth McNeal
Hannah McNeal
Jean McNeal
Mary McNeal
Benjamin Merrey
Abigail Merry
Benjamin Merry
Daniel Merry
Hannah Merry
John Merry
Joseph Merry
Mary Merry
Moses Merry
Samuel Merry, Jr.
Dolley Mighill
Moses Mighill
Jean Miller
Sarah Miller
Joseph Nelson
Lade Nelson
Abigail Odihorn
Abigail Page
Joseph Page
Elisabeth Palmer
Jonathan Palmer
Margaret Palmer
Molley Palmer
Samuel Palmer
William Palmer
Abraham Pearl
Daniel Pearl
Hannah Pearl
Icabod Pearl
John Pearl
Paul Pearl
Sarah Pearl
Sarah Pearl
wife Pearl
Billy Pevey
Daniel Pevey
Temperance Pevey
William Pevey
David Place
Hannah Place
Hannah Place
Hannah Place
Mary Place
Abigail Plaice
Abigail Plaice
Abraham Plaice
Deborah Plaice
Dollee Plaice
Dolly Plaice
Ebenezer Plaice
James Plaice
Jno Plaice
John Plaice
Jona Plaice
Jonathan Plaice
Joseph Plaice
Keziah Plaice
Love Plaice
Lucey Plaice
Lydia Plaice
Mary Plaice
Mary Plaice
Moses Plaice
Richard Plaice
Richard Plaice
Sarah Plaice
William Plaice
Ebenezer Plaice, Jr.
Beard Plummer
Elizabeth Plummer
Jno Plummer
Joseph Plummer
wife (unknown) Plummer
baptized child of Paul & Keturah Jennes
at his fathers house
baptized same day as Benjamin Herd
Child of William Jennes
Baptized with Abigail & Sarah Roger
Child of William Jennes
baptized, same day as Izett Bussell
& hus Paul renewed baptismal covt
Entered into Covt with Chh & baptized
& wife Keturah renewed baptismal covt
Daugh of Marh (?) Jennes
baptized same day as Hannah Hodgdon
Entered into Covt with Chh & baptized
Child of William Jennes
*See Notes Below
*See Notes Below
baptized, at Towow took the baptismal covt upon her
being sick at her Fathers House who dyed soon after.
Entred Into Covt & was Baptized
at her own house being sick took Baptismal Covt
Baptized at Barrington
baptized, Same day as Thomas Coleman
of Barrington took baptismal Covt & was bapt.
Baptized at Barrington
Baptized at Barrington
Robert Knight of above 70 years old
renewed her Baptismal Covt
took Covt & was Baptized with wife Anna
baptized child of David & Anna Layton
baptized upon mothers acct at a Lect at Jno Laytons
at Barrington
Entred into Covt & was Baptized
baptized upon mothers acct at a Lect at Jno Laytons
Entred into Covt & was Baptized
baptized at Barrington
Took Covt, baptized with wife Sarah Libbey
Took Covt upon baptized with hus. Isaac Libbey
baptized at her fathers house when sick
baptized at same time as the Merry's
baptized at ye Neck Lecture
baptized William Macfees
At York New Parish **notes
baptized, with mother Jean
entred into covt
baptized, ***
baptized at York old Parish
my daughter
my daughter (date is 1737/8 in text)
my daughter ****
baptized Daughter of Jno Marden
baptized child of William McFee
Renewed her Baptismal Covt with Hus William
Renewed his Baptismal Covt with wife
baptized same day as Olive Garland
baptized, with daughter Agnes, Entred into Covt.
baptized son of Benjamin Merrey at Rochester
wife of Saml Merry, Jr, renewed her Bapt Covt
entered into Covt & was Baptized
baptized son of Benjamin Merry
baptized son of Benjamin Merry
child of Saml Merry, Jr.
child of Saml Merry, Jr.
baptized at Towow
entered into Covt & was Baptized
baptized son of Jno Mighill
baptized by Mr. Wise child of Isaac Miller
of Barrington ¥
baptized at Durham
wife of Daniel Page Renewed her baptismal covt
child of Daniel & Abigail Page
Baptized & Received ¥¥
baptized child of Barnaby Palmer
baptized child of Barnaby Palmer
admitted into Covt and was Baptized
took ye covt & was baptized
baptized son of Joseph & Sarah Pearl
baptized child of Abraham Pearl
Renewed Bapt covt with Chh, wife of Joseph Pearl
wife of Abraham renewed her Baptismal covt
baptized, at his father's house
baptized son of Thomas Pevey
baptized same day as Tebbett Family
baptized daughter of Jno Place
wife of James Place renewed Bapt Covt
child of Hannah Place, Baptized
Renewed her Baptisml Covt
entered into Covt & was baptized with child Ebenezer
baptized child of Abrm Plaice
baptized with father Abraham
Renewed baptismal covt with this chh
baptized child of James Plaice
baptized son of James Plaice
baptized with husband Ebenezer & son Moses
Renewed baptismal covt with this chh
baptized child of James Plaice
baptized child of Abrm Plaice
baptized child of Jno & Lucy Plaice
baptized child of Ebenezer & Love Plaice
baptized ¥¥¥
baptized daughter of Jno Plaice
took ye Covt; baptized with wife Love
baptized child of Jno Plummer
Renewed his Baptismal Covt with wife
Renewed Bapt covt with husband Jno Plummer
Source of this material comes from the book,
History of Rochester, NH, Vol I., by Franklin McDuffee, A.M.;
Manchester; The John B. Clarke Co., Printers, ©1892; pages 586-594.

* Eliz & Sarah Johnson; June 31, 1738 so written; doubtless June 1, 1738 at Barrington

**Joseph MacIntire: ye father of ye child Jno MacIntire then renewed his covt with yt chh.

***Abigail Main; my daughter Was born Jan 27, 1743/4, about 9 at night

****Mercy Main; was born three quarters of an hour after six of the clock in ye morning and was baptized July 6th 1746

¥ Lade Nelson; Received his Baptismal Covt with ye Chh baptised his child

¥¥ Elizabeth Palmer; into full Communion with ys Chh wife of Barnaby Palmer

¥¥¥ Richard Plaice; upon his death bed at his fathers house ye son of James Plaice