Penny Postcards from New Hampshire

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Railroad Bridge, Highest in the State, 626 feet long, 105 feet high, Greenville

The N. J. West Hospital, Wilton

M. E. Church, Hillsboro Bridge

Central Square, Hillsboro

Community Building, Hillsboro

St. Paul's M. E. Church, Manchester

The Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester

High School, Manchester

St. Joseph Cathedral, Manchester

World War Memorial, Victory Park, Manchester

Amoskeag Bridge, Merrimac River, Manchester

Amoskeag Bridge and Dam showing Gale House on Dam, Manchester

Site of Old Stark Homestead, Manchester

Railroad Station, Manchester

Union Depot, Manchester

Hanover St. showing the Great White Way, Manchester

Hanover Street, Manchester

Electric Arches, Elm Street, Manchester

Elm Street, Manchester

Elm Street Looking North, Manchester

High School, Milford

Congregational Church and Chapel, Milford

Fitchburg Depot, Milford

City Hall, Nashua

St. Francis Xavier Church, Nashua

St. Patrick's Church, Nashua

New Y. M. C. A., Nashua

Monadnock Mountain in the distance, Peterborough

Unitarian Church, Peterborough

The Tavern, Peterborough

Contact Joy Fisher for more information
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