Coos County |
 Birds Eye View of Berlin, looking up the Grand Trunk [1917] |
 A. M. C. Huts in Pinkham Notch |
 Glen Ellis Falls, White Mountains |
 Looking across the Connecticut towards the Green Mountains from Lancaster |
 Gorham Common, Gorham |
 R. R. Station, Gorham |
 Joseph Stickney Memorial Church, White Mountains |
 Lake Francis above Murphy Dam, White Mountains |
 Twin Mountain Airport & Camps, Twin Mountain |
Dixville Notch |
 View from Mt. Abenaki, showing The Balsams, Lake Gloriette and Dixville Notch |
 The Balsams and Lake Gloriette, Dixville Notch |
 The Balsams and Lake Gloriette, Dixville Notch |
 The Flume, Dixville Notch |
 Webster Profile, near the Balsams, Dixville Notch |
 Dixville Notch |
Mount Washington |
 The Mount Washington, Bretton Woods, White Mts. |
 Mount Washington from The Mount Washington, Bretton Woods, White Mountains |
 The Mount Washington Hotel and Presidential Range, White Mountains |
 Air View - Cone of Mount Washington Highest Peak of the White Mountains |
 Mount Washington from Pinkham Notch, White Mts. |
 Trains at Base of Mount Washington Railway, White Mts. |
 Cave Grill, The Mount Washington, Bretton Woods |
Whitefield |
 {Caption partially illegible] ___, Mountain View House, Whitefield |
 Road to Mt. View House, Whitefield |
 Bird's Eye View of Whitefield from Stoughton Block |