Yancey County, NC

Mt. Vernon School Circa 1906

First row, left to right: Annie Washburn, Proffitt, Zula Fisher (Mrs. A.N. Fuller), unknown, Proffitt, Marjorie Davenport, deceased; unknown, Edith Grumley, Bela Berry, deceased; Richard Wiseman, lawyer in Chicago; Joe Patrick (Mrs.), unknown, Lawrence Autrey, deceased; Rom Duncan, lives at Nebo [now deceased]; next two unknown.

Second row, left to right: unknown, Jamima Biggerstaff, deceased; Myrtle Davenport (Mrs. John Young), Washburn, Helen Fisher, deceased; Stella Fisher, deceased; Nell Swann, deceased, George Bartlett's mother; Essie Biggerstaff, deceased; Lizzie Pendley (Mrs. Ed Cox), Edith Rowe, deceased; Mae Patrick, deceased; Virdie Patrick (Mrs. Canipe, Mayor Albert Canipe's mother), Annie Harrison (Mrs. Washburn), Dowe Woody, deceased; Spence Autrey, deceased; unknown.

Third row, left to right: Julie Rose, deceased; Walter Buchanan, unknown, Sadie Duncan [now deceased], Avery Rose, deceased; unknown, Ed Buchanan, deceased; Bill Wiseman, deceased; next two unknown, Lonnie Gunter, Lynn Davenport (lives in New York State).

Fourth row, left to right: Ora Duncan (Mrs. Virgus Freeman) [now deceased], unknown, Eva Washburn (Mrs. Ransom Edney), Ben Biggerstaff, Bertie Pendley, deceased, mother of Baxter Johnson; Arthur Rose, deceased; Grace Blalock (Mrs. Rube Swann, deceased); Clara Rose, deceased; Lane Rowe, deceased; Kate Blalock (Mrs. Arthur Gibbs), Minnie Buchanan, Edith Rowe, deceased; Maude Wiseman (lives in Kingsport, Tenn.).

Fifth row, left to right: Eva Patrick, deceased; Irma Fisher (Mrs. Reid Berry) holding brother, Bill Fisher; Mable Wiseman, deceased; Aby Biggerstaff, deceased; Carrie Harrison (Mrs. Milas Woody), Sadie Wiseman, deceased; Charlie Slagle, deceased (father of Mrs. D.L. Phillips); Arthur Washburn, deceased; Dudley Berry (lives in Mass.), Dallas Duncan, deceased; Isaac Duncan, deceased; Willis Gunter, Lindsey Pendley, deceased; Robert Wiseman, deceased; Bess Berry (Mrs. Ray Dickey), unknown, Essie Buchanan, Paul Rose, deceased.

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Archives by Ginger Wineman wilngin@juno.com

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