NC Archives Wayne County, NC
USGenWeb Archives
Village of Everittsville

Description Date Size Submitter
1838 - John Everitt & Wm. Lane to Wilmington & Raleigh Railroad Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1846 - David Everitt to Wm. M. Puryear Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1848 - Jno. W.S. West & David B. Everitt to Wm. D. Cobb Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1848 - Jno. E. Becton to Thomas W. Pridgen Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1848 - David B. Everitt to Eli Murray Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1848 - William R. Musgrave to William Hollowell & Others, 1848 Mar 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1848 - Thomas W. Pridgen to David Jones Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1850 - David B. Everitt to George W. Collier & Eli Murray Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1850 - John Everitt to David F. McKinne Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1852 - William M. Peryear to Thomas W. Pridgen Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1852 - David Jones to David F. McKinnie Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1852 - John W.S. West to George W. Collier Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1853 - Jesse P. Nevill to Thomas W. Pridgen Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1854 - Jesse P. Nevill to Cullen A. Blackman Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1854 - Thomas & Caroline E. Fitsgerald to Ann W. Hooks Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1855 - William D. Cobb to William J. Hall Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1855 - Samuel Smith to James D. Campbell Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1858 - Thomas W. Pridgen to William J. Hall Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1860 - David B. Everitt to George W. Collier Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1864 - David B. Everitt to William T. Morisey Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1866 - George W. Collier to William H.H. Cobb Feb 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1866 - David B. Everitt to James H. Everitt Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1866 - Ann W. Hooks to John S. Midyett May 2015 Image Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1867 - Samuel Smith to Richard Washington May 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1869 - Sheriff John C. Rhodes to W.H.H. Cobb Feb 2015 Images Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
1869 - George W., John & William Collier to Missionary Association Jun 2016 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
1869 - Samuel P. Collier to Missionary Association Jun 2016 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry

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