NC Archives Wayne County, NC
USGenWeb Archives
Village of Everittsville

Description Date Size Submitter
John E. Becton Awarded Bid, 1850 Apr 2015 1 kb Architects & Builders
Council Wooten, et al vs John E. Beckon, 1851 Feb 2004 13 kb Grace W. Turner
Frederick Becton vs John E. Becton, 1857 Oct 2007 11 kb Martha M. Marble 
The Registry
Julia A. Bunting - Deceased, 1857 Jun 2015 2 kb Guy Potts The Registry
William Carraway - Deceased, 1865 Jun 2015 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Ann S. Cobb Estate Feb 2015 12 kb Stacey Jones & Guy Potts
Elizabeth Collier - Deceased, 1855 Jun 2015 2 kb Guy Potts The Registry
George W. Collier - House of Commons, 1852 May 2015 1 kb Daily Journal
George W. Collier - Tax Collector Jul 2004 8 kb George W. Collier
D. B. Everitt vs Mary Caraway & Others, 1867 Jun 2015 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
John Everitt vs William K. Lane Et Al, 1843 Mar 2015 10 kb N C Reports
John Everitt - Administrator, 1860 Jun 2015 2 kb Guy Potts The Registry
John Everitt - Mayor, 1865 May 2015 1 kb Weekly Record
Willis Hall - Deceased, 1857 Jun 2015 2 kb Guy Potts The Registry
William Hollowell Heirs, 1858 Sep 2014 1 kb N C Archives
Ann W. Hooks - Deceased, 1865 Jun 2015 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
William K. Lane War Tax Collector, 1861 Apr 2015 2 kb Weekly Standard
David McKinne Justice of Peace, 1867 Aug 2014 1 kb N C Archives
Solomon Pope - Deceased, 1852 Apr 2015 1 kb Wilmington Journal
State vs Geo. W. Collier, 1860 Jun 2015 Image Guy Potts The Registry
State vs D. B. Everitt, 1863 Jun 2015 Image Guy Potts The Registry
State vs John Wright & John Carraway, 1861 Jun 2015 Image Guy Potts The Registry
State vs John Wright & John Carraway, 1862 Jun 2015 Image Guy Potts The Registry
State vs John P. Cobb, 1867 Jun 2015 Image Guy Potts The Registry
Village Residents in Court Records Feb 2015 20 kb N C Archives

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