NC Archives Wayne County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Casey Deeds
Description Date Size Submitter
Casey Family Deeds Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Brogden Township
Matthew Casey to James A. & Bennet C. Fields, 1852 Mar 2016 2 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Sleepy Creek
Bryan Casey Land Grant, 1850 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Bryan Casey to Mathew Casey, 1851 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
John Casey to Micajah Casey Jr., 1804 May 2016 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
William & Mary Harris to Micajah Casey Jr., 1805 May 2016 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
William Harris to John Casey, 1810 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
John Casey to William Whitfield, 1812 Jun 2018 3 kb David B. Cofer Jr.
John Smith to John Casey, 1819 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
J. Fields to Matthew Casey, 1852 Jul 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Matthew Casey to Newman Potts, 1855 Nov 2000 4 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Micahan Casey Land Grant, 1778 Nov 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Micajah Casey Land Grant, 1786 May 2016 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Samuel Herring to Micajah Casey, 1787 Jul 2000 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Sally Casey to Micajah Casey Jr., 1804 May 2016 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Ulle Lewis to Richard Casey, 1813 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
William Casey to Micajah Casey Jr., 1806 May 2016 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Sally, William & Richard Casey to William Whitfield, 1812 Jun 2018 3 kb David B. Cofer Jr.
Edmund Reaves to Richard Casey, 1836 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Falling Creek
John Casey to John Scarboro, 1851 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Kinion Grantham to Matthew Casey, 1846 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Matthew Casey to Theophilus L. Underwood, 1850 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Benjamin Britt to Micajah Casey, 1833 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Everit Joiner to Richard Casey, 1835 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Cullin Wright to Richard Casey, 1839 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Richard Casey to John Williams, 1846 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
John R. Hood & Kinion Grantham to Wright Casey, 1845 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Bear Creek
Micajah Casey to Lemuel Hill, 1836 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Micajah Casey to Thomas Uzzell, 1842 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
William Casey Land Grant, 1820 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Joseph Everitt to William Casey, 1829 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
William Casey to James Parks, 1830 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
William Casey Division of Lands, 1839 Jun 2020 Plat Guy Potts The Registry
James Griswold to Wright Casey, 1851 Jul 2003 7 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Thunder Swamp
Joel Bass to John Casey, 1812 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Lemuel & Mary Chesnut to John Casey, 1812 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Joshua Bass to John Casey, 1813 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Everitt Bass to John Casey, 1814 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Andrew Massey to John Casey, 1816 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Brooks Swamp
Charles Casey Land Grant, 1830 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
John Casey Sr to Lee Casey, 1831 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Carraway Creek
Richard Casey to John Carraway - Slaves, 1823 May 2016 2 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
James & Susan Ann Griswold to Richard Casey, 1824 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
John Carraway to Richard Casey, 1826 Jun 2020 3 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Alby & Ann [Carraway] Whitley to Richard Casey, 1845 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Wright Casey to William D. Cobb, 1850 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Wright Casey to Richard Casey, 1850 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Wright Casey to Richard Casey, 1850 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Zelpha, Reubin, Susan & Hepsey Casey to Wright Casey, 1850 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Walnut Creek
James R. Parker to Micajah Casey, 1843 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Unknown Locations
John King to Jeremiah Casey, 1783 May 2016 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Jeremiah Casey to David Newsom, 1796 May 2016 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
John Casey to John Kornegay, 1834 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
James B. Smith to John Casey, 1836 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
John Casey to Richard Casey, 1837 Jun 2020 2 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Matthew & Sallie A. Casey Jr. to Luvy, Joseph Francis, and Johm Lemuel Fields, 1875 Jul 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Lovey Fields to Matthew Casey Jr., 1877 Jul 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Matthew & Sally A. Casey Jr. to Joseph F. & John L. Fields, 1879 Jul 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Micajah Casey Land Grant, 1778 Dec 2012 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Elijah Smith to Micajah Casey, 1840 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Richard Casey to John Casey, 1823 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Richard Casey to Josiah B. Fields, 1845 Apr 2016 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
William & Zelhey Casey to Stephen Hines, 1813 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Nathan Jones to William Casey, 1814 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Wright & Charlotte Casey to William Exum, 1838 Jun 2020 1 kb Guy Potts The Registry
Johnston County
Robert Allen to Micajah Casey, 1778 Nov 2004 3 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Micajah Casey Land Grant, 1782 Aug 2003 Image Guy Potts 
The Registry
Micajah Casey Land Grant, 1782 Aug 2003 Image Guy Potts 
The Registry
Wright Casey to Roan Wilson, 1842 Nov 2004 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry
Benjamin Fields to Wright Casey, 1842 Nov 2004 1 kb Guy Potts 
The Registry

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