James Lane Property to Isaac Hunter, 1799
Wake County, NC

(? Initial) High, Shff to Isaac Hunter
This Indenture made the 18th day of June One
thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven. Between Samuel High Sheriff
of Wake County in the State of North Carolina of the one part & Isaac
Hunter of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth
that whereas by Writs of Fire facias [sic] issued out of the County
Court of pleas and quarters of Wake County aforesaid by which he was
commanded to make of the goods & Chattles Land & tenements of James
Lane the sum of One Hundred and ninety one pounds Eighteen Shillings
Current money of this State besides other endorsed fins [sic} which was
recovered against him by Nathanial Jones Esquire C.T. and others in the
Term of December 1796. before the Justices of Wake County aforesaid,
in consequence whereof the said Sheriff did enter upon & possession
take of a certain tract or parcel of Land in the County aforesaid,
herein to be mentioned to be sold by Virtue of the aforesaid Writs of
Execution to the highest bidder, with all the improvements thereunto
belonging which was the property of the said James Lane. Situate [sic}
lying & being in Wake County aforesaid, and after giving due & lawful
notice did expose the same to public auction towards satisfying and
discharging the Judgments in the above _____ ________ the said Isaac
Hunter appearing at the day of late in the County of Wake aforesaid and
on the same day bid for the said Lands hereafter to be mentioned the
sum of One hundred and sixty seven pounds current money of the State &
was the highest bidder for the said Tract or parcel of Land &C.[etc] &
by the said Samuel High Sheriff as aforesaid was struck of to his the
said Isaac Hunter Now This Indenture witnesseth that the said Samuel
High as aforesaid pursuant to an act of assembly in that case made &
provided Hath bargained sold ________ conveyed & confirmed and by these
presents doth bargain sell _______ convey & confirm unto the said Isaac
Hunter his Heirs & assigns forever, the aforesaid Tract or parcel of
Land & promises containing Four hundred and ninety five acres lying and
being in the County of Wake of aforesaid bounded as follows, to wit,
lying & being on the South Side of Crabtree Creek, and on the North
side of Walnut Creek and on both sides of the head of Rocky Branch.
Beginning at a White Oak near the dry pond in Jo.s Dillards line
(inserted above line -so said Isaac Hunter-), thence West two hundred
and forty pole to a Red Oak, thence North three hundred & thirty pole
to a post oak, thence East two hundred & forty pole to a pine, thence
to the first Station. Together with all the privileges profits &
advantages to the same belonging or appertaining of him the said James
Lane his heirs Executors and Administrators in & to the same to have &
to hold the hereby granted land &C. [etc] with the appurtinances to
him the said Isaac Hunter his Heirs & assigns forever, in as full &
ample manner to all intents aspects & purposes as the said Samuel High
Sheriff as aforesaid can convey the same in virtue of the Writs
aforesaid & in virtue of the several Acts of Assembly in such case made
& promised and in virtue of his office In witness whereof the said
Samuel High late Sheriff as aforesaid has hereunto set his hand and
seal the day and year first above written
Signed Sealed & Delivered
Ack.d Sam. High {Seal}
In the presence of
Wake County
September Sessions 1799
The written Deed was Acknowledged in open Court by Samuel High a
party thereunto & ordered to be Registered.
Nath Lane C.C.
Registered in the registers office of Wake County in book 2 & page 161
the 12th day of May 1800.
Exam.d W. Hinton
Willis Hinton, Reg.