Isaac Hunter to Peter Casso, 1799
Wake County, NC

DEED-Isaac Hunter to Peter Casso-Sept 18 1799
Subject: James LANE (son of Joel LANE) lost land willed to him by his
father, due to legal Execution on Judgments. Said land was purchased
by Isaac Hunter Jr. and then sold to John Rin [?] and Peter Casso
1785 to 1861, Volumes F,G,H,Q,K
Microfilm: NC State Archives/Olivia Rainey Library, Raleigh NC
Book Q page 160 and 161
I. Hunter to P. Casso
This Indenture made this 18th day of September in the
year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety nine, Between
Isaac Hunter of the County of Wake and State of North Carolina of the
one part and Peter Casso of the County and State aforesaid of the other
part, Witnesseth that the said Isaac Hunter for and in consideration of
the sum of Two Hundred and fifty Silver dollars to him in hand paid
before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof he doth
hereby Acknowledge and himself fully satisfied. Hath given granted
bargained sold and confirmed and by these presents doth absolutely give
grant bargain sell and confirm unto the said Peter Casso his Heirs and
assigns forever, a certain Tract of Land situate lying and being in the
County aforesaid on the waters of Crabtree Creek, Bounded as follows
Beginning at a Black Jack in Dividing corner running thence West one
Hundred and sixteen pole to a red Oak thence North Three Hundred and
ninety two pole to a post Oak, thence South Seventy two pole to a large
hickory Trumans corner, thence East forty four pole to a Sassafras
stake near Houses Creek, thence South to the beginning. Containing Two
Hundred and Sixty four acres ___the same more or less, it being Lands
granted from the State aforesaid to Joel Lane and by him Willed to his
son James Lane, and then sold by an Execution recourse being had to
grant with etc will more fully appear, To have and to hold the said
Bargained promises to the only proper use and benefit of him the said
Peter Casso his heirs and assigns forever, and the said Isaac Hunter
his heirs Executors and Administors doth command and agree that the
said Peter Casso may forever hereafter have hold use occupy possess and
enjoy the said Tract of Land without any __ hindrances or molestation
whatsoever, and that he will Warrant and forever defend the same
against the claim or claims of any person or persons Whatsoever, and
that this Deed is good and valid to all intents and purposes and that
it is free and discharged from all manner of incombrances given under
his hand & seal the day and date above Written.
Signed Sealed & Delivered
Isaac Hunter {Seal}
in presence of
Jn. Humphries
Edward Pride
Wake County
September Sessions 1799, The within Deed was duly Acknowledged by Isaac Hunter &
ordered to be Registered. Nath Lane C.C.
Registered in the Registers Office of Wake County in Book 2 and
page 160 the 12th day of May 1800.
Examn d W. Hinton Willis Hinton Rg.
Submitters Note: All spelling, capitalization, abbreviations,
punctuation or lack thereof, is original to the document.