WILSON COUNTY Established in 1855 from Edgecombe, Johnston, Nash and Wayne counties. A few early court records are missing; reason unknown. ORIGINAL RECORDS BONDS Apprentice Bonds, 1869-1919; 2 volumes. Bastardy Bonds and Records, 1855-1908; 3 Fibredex boxes. Constables' Bonds, 1857-1868; 1 volume. Officials' Bonds and Records, 1855-1958; 1 Fibredex box. Register of Officials' Bonds, 1868-1922; 1 volume. COURT RECORDS County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes, 1855-1868; 1 volume. Execution Dockets, 1855-1868; 3 volumes. State Docket, 1855-1868; 1 volume. Trial and Appearance Docket, 1855-1867; 1 volume. Superior Court Minutes, 1855-1914; 9 volumes. Equity Minutes, 1855-1866; 2 volumes. Equity Trial Docket, 1861-1868; 1 volume. Trial and Appearance Docket, 1855-1868; 1 volume. Civil Action Papers, 1850-1922; 64 Fibredex boxes. Civil Action Papers Concerning Land, 1854-1916; 5 Fibredex boxes. Criminal Action Papers, 1855-1919; 52 Fibredex boxes. Inferior Court Minutes, 1877-1885; 1 volume. Circuit Criminal Court/Eastern District Criminal Court Minutes, 1897-1901; 1 volume. ELECTION RECORDS Record of Elections, 1878-1936; 4 volumes. ESTATES RECORDS Record of Accounts, 1868-1968; 24 volumes. Record of Accounts (Branch Banking and Trust Co.), 1933-1968; 12 volumes. Administrators' Bonds, 1882-1896; 3 volumes. Record of Land Divisions, Dowers and Widows' Year's Support, 1855-1868, 1879, 1914-1915; 1 volume. Index to Dowers and Land Partitions and Sales, [1855-1937]; 1 volume. Estates Records, 1854-1959; 65 Fibredex boxes. Guardians' Records, 1855-1915; 19 Fibredex boxes. Guardians' Accounts, 1855-1868; 1 volume. Guardians' Bonds, 1869-1939; 5 volumes. Inventories and Accounts of Sale, 1855-1868; 3 volumes. Record of Settlements, 1868-1968; 18 volumes. Record of Settlements (Branch Banking and Trust Co.), 1936-1968; 2 volumes. Cross Index to Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1897-1925; 1 volume. LAND RECORDS Deeds of Sale, 1836-1962; 10 Fibredex boxes. Mortgage Deeds, 1855-1955; 5 Fibredex boxes. Deeds of Release, 1861-1962; 1 Fibredex box. Deeds of Trust, 1848-1961; 1 Fibredex box. Miscellaneous Deeds, 1850-1963; 2 Fibredex boxes. Miscellaneous Land Records, 1856-1962; 4 Fibredex boxes. MARRIAGE, DIVORCE AND VITAL STATISTICS Indexed Registers of Marriage, 1855-1903; 2 volumes. Marriage Records, 1874-1957; 1 Fibredex box. Divorce Records, 1859-1912; 5 Fibredex boxes. Maiden Names of Divorced Women, 1937-1969; 1 volume. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Alien Registration, 1924-1944; 1 volume. Petitions for Naturalization, 1909-1910; 1 volume. Coroners' Inquests, 1859-1915; 2 Fibredex boxes. Homestead Records, 1867-1930; 1 Fibredex box. Orders and Decrees, 1868-1904; 1 volume. Cross Index to Special Proceedings, [1868-1927]; 1 volume. Adultery Records, 1855-1915; 2 Fibredex boxes. Chattel Mortgages, 1858-1889; 1 Fibredex box. Powers of Attorney, 1859-1961; 1 Fibredex box. Minutes, Board of Directors of Farmers' Banking and Trust Company, 1920- 1927; 1 volume. Minutes, Tobacco Board of Trade of the City of Wilson, 1904-1922; 1 volume. Miscellaneous Records, 1786-1961; 3 Fibredex boxes. Slave Records, 1855-1864; 1 Fibredex box. Records of Assignees, Receivers and Trustees, 1855-1958; 8 Fibredex boxes. OFFICIALS, COUNTY Officials' Oaths, 1868-1924; 1 volume. ROADS AND BRIDGES Road Docket, 1855-1858; 1 volume. Road Orders, Board of County Commissioners, 1898-1914; 1 volume. Road Records, 1856-1911; 2 Fibredex boxes. TAX AND FISCAL RECORDS Tax Scrolls, 1915, 1920, 1921; 3 volumes. Tax Records, 1858-1935; 1 Fibredex box. WILLS Wills, 1840-1925; 7 Fibredex boxes. Cross Index to Wills, 1857-1926; 1 volume. MICROFILM RECORDS COURT RECORDS County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes, 1855-1868; 1 reel. Superior Court Minutes, 1855-1868, 1886-1908; 3 reels. ESTATES RECORDS Record of Accounts, 1868-1924; 6 reels. Administrators' Bonds, 1869-1897, 1908-1916; 2 reels. Record of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1897-1909; 1 reel. Record of Administrators, 1917-1926; 2 reels. Record of Executors, 1912-1960; 2 reels. Guardians' Bonds, 1855-1885; 2 reels. Record of Guardians, 1908-1919; 1 reel. Division of Land, Record of Dowers and Widows' Year's Support, 1855- 1923; 1 reel. Record of Settlements, 1868-1959; 3 reels. Index to Appointment of Administrators and Executors, 1900-1968; 1 reel. Cross Index to Executors and Guardians, 1908-1924; 1 reel. Index to Appointment of Guardians, 1900-1960; 1 reel. LAND RECORDS Record of Deeds, 1855-1901; 28 reels. Index to Deeds and Mortgages, Grantor, 1855-1916; 1 reel. Index to Deeds and Mortgages, Grantee, 1855-1916; 2 reels. MARRIAGE, DIVORCE AND VITAL STATISTICS Marriage Licenses, 1864-1957; 15 reels. Record of Marriages, 1855-1866; 1 reel. Marriage Registers, 1867-1954; 2 reels. Record of Cohabitation, 1866; 1 reel. Maiden Names of Divorced Women, 1937-1960; 1 reel. Index to Births, 1913-1958; 2 reels. Index to Deaths, 1913-1976; 2 reels. Index to Delayed Births, various years; 1 reel. MILITARY AND PENSION RECORDS Record of Armed Forces Discharges, 1945-1989; 16 reels. Index to Armed Forces Discharges, 1945-1974; 1 reel. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Lunacy Docket, 1956-1960; 1 reel. Orders and Decrees, 1868-1920; 3 reels. Index to Orders and Decrees, Plaintiff, 1897-1960; 2 reels. Index to Orders and Decrees, Defendant, 1897-1960; 2 reels. Special Proceedings, 1868-1917, 1934-1960; 5 reels. Index to Special Proceedings, Plaintiff, 1868-1960; 1 reel. Index to Special Proceedings, Defendant, 1868-1960; 1 reel. OFFICIALS, COUNTY Minutes, Board of County Commissioners, 1868-1914; 2 reels. SCHOOL RECORDS Minutes, County Board of Education, 1885-1916; 1 reel. TAX AND FISCAL RECORDS Tax Scrolls, 1915, 1920-1921; 1 reel. WILLS Record of Wills, 1855-1960; 6 reels. Index to Wills, 1855-1971; 1 reel. |