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North Carolina Wills & Inventories
Copied from Original & Recorded Wills & Inventories
in the Office of Secretary of State by J. Bryan Grimes - 1912

Copyright. All rights reserved -
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Nola Duffy

Name County Pages (Images)
John Bryan Grimes    
Book Cover   Cover
Title Page   Title
Note   5, 6
Index   579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587
Adams Sr., Abraham - 1734 Bath 7, 8
Allen, Eleazar - 1742 New Hanover 8, 9
Allen, Sarah - 1762 New Hanover 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Ardrene, John - 1712 Unknown 13, 14, 15
Arenton, William - 1761 Craven 19
Ashe, John Baptista - 1731 Bath 15, 16, 17, 18
Bailey, David - 1745 Pasquotank 20, 21, 22, 23
Barrow, William - 1716 Hyde 29, 30
Bartram Sr., William, Inventory Unknown 469, 470, 471
Bartram Jr., Wm., Inventory - 1772 Unknown 471, 472
Batchelor, Edward - 1777 Craven 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
Bate, Henry Lawrence - 1740 Chowan 34, 35, 36
Bell, Thomas - 1733 Albemarle 36, 37
Benbury, William - 1709 Chowan 38
Bennet, John - 1710 Currituck 39, 40, 41
Bird, Vallentine, Inventory - 1680 Albemarle 472, 473, 474
Blackledge, Richard - 1776 Craven 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
Blackledge, Richard, Inventory - 1777 Craven 475, 476
Blinn, Daniel, Inventory - 1753 Unknown 476, 477
Blount, Benjamin - 1739 Tyrrell 49, 50
Blount, Edmund - 1754 Tyrrell 51, 52
Blount, Elizabeth - 1732 Chowan 52, 53
Blount, James - 1686 Albemarle 53, 54
Blount, John - 1726 Chowan 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
Blount, John - 1754 Chowan 60, 61, 62, 63
Blount, Thomas - 1706 Unknown 63, 64, 65
Blount, William Chowan 65, 66, 67
Blunt, James - 1717 Chowan 55, 56
Bond, John - 1749 Beaufort 67, 68, 69, 70
Bond, Vinyard - 1762 Beaufort 70, 71, 72
Bond, William - 1757 Beaufort 73, 74
Bonner, Henry - 1738 Chowan 74, 75, 76
Bonner, John - 1754 Chowan 76, 77, 78
Bonner, Thomas - 1756 Bertie 78, 79
Boon, James - 1735 Bertie 79, 80, 81, 82
Boozman, Ralph - 1750 Perquimans 82, 83
Boyce, William - 1703 Albemarle 83, 84, 85
Boyd, Thomas - 1726 Bath 85, 86, 87
Brice, William, Inventory - 1753 Unknown 478
Bryan, Anne - 1773 Craven 87, 88, 89
Bryan, Anne, Inventory - 1773 Craven 478
Bryan, Edward - 1746 Craven 89, 90, 91, 92
Bryan, Edward, Inventory - 1749/50 Craven 478, 479
Bryan, Hardy - 1760 Craven 92, 93, 94
Bryan, Simon - 1753 Bertie 97, 98
Bryant, John - 1735 Edgecombe 95, 96, 97
Bryan, William - 1747 Craven 98, 99
Bundy, Benjamin - 1728 Pasquotank 99, 100, 101
Butler, John - 1773 Tyrrell 101, 102, 103, 104
Callaway, Caleb - 1706 Perquimans 104, 105, 106
Carr, William - 1754 Duplin 106, 107
Carruthers, John - 1752 Craven 112, 113, 114
Cartright, William - 1730 Pasquotank 107, 108, 109
Cartright, William - 1734 Albemarle 109, 110, 111
Casewell, Matthew - 1754 Tyrrell 122, 123, 124
Caswell, Richard - 1790 Dobbs 118, 119, 120, 121, 122
Chancey, Edmund - 1753 Pasquotank 114, 115, 116, 117, 118
Clifford, Thomas - 1735 New Hanover 124, 125
Collins, John - 1752 Bertie 125, 126, 127
Conway, Mary - 1774 Craven 127, 128, 129
Cotton, John - 1728 Bertie 129, 130, 131, 132
Cotton, John - 1742 Northampton 132, 133
Corbin, Jean - 1778 New Hanover 134, 135, 136, 137
Courtney, Robert - 1751 Onslow 137, 138, 139
Craven, James - 1755 Chowan 139, 140, 141, 142
Crisp, Nicholas - 1727 Chowan 142, 143, 144
DeRossett, Moses John - 1768 New Hanover 144, 145
Dobbs, Arthur - 1765 New Hanover 145, 146, 147, 148
Douglass, James - 1752 Bertie 148, 149, 150
DuBois, John - 1768 New Hanover 150, 151, 152, 153
Duckenfield, William - 1721 Chowan 161, 162
Duckinfield, Nathaniel - 1756 Bertie 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160
Dudley, Christopher - 1746 Onslow 154, 155
Duncan, Alexander - 1768 New Hanover 163, 164, 165
Durant, George - 1693/4 Albemarle 165, 166, 167
Durant, George - 1730 Albemarle 167, 168
Eagles, Richard - 1769 Brunswick 168, 169, 170
Eaton, William - 1759 Granville 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176
Eborn, Henry - 1732 Hyde 177, 178, 179
Eborn, Nathaniel - 1754 Hyde 180, 181
Eden, Charles - 1722 Chowan 176, 177
Eubank, George - 1732 Bertie 182
Evans, Barwell - 1756 Beaufort 182, 183, 184
Evans, Richard - 1756 Beaufort 184, 185, 186
Falconer, Thomas - 1756 Chowan 186, 187, 188
Fendall, John - 1696 Perquimans 188, 189
Figures, Bartholomew - 1758 Northampton 189, 190, 191, 192
Fonvielle, John - 1773 Craven 192, 193, 194, 195
Fortsen, Mary - 1665 Pasquotank 196
Franck, John Martin - 1745 Craven 197, 198, 199, 200
Fry, Thomas - 1726 Bath 200, 201
Goodlatt, Alexander - 1713 Unknown 201, 202
Grainger, Caleb - 1765 New Hanover 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207
Gray, John - 1750 Bertie 207, 208, 209
Green, Farnifold - 1711 Bath 210, 211, 212
Griffin, Edward - 1754 Tyrrell 212, 213, 214
Grist, Richard - 1753 Beaufort 214, 215, 216
Hardy, John - 1719 Chowan  
Hare, Edward - 1777 Hertford 216, 217, 218, 219
Harrell, John - 1756 Bertie 219, 220, 221, 222
Harrell, John - 1759 Bertie 222, 223, 224, 225
Harrington, Humphrey - 1713 Perquimans 226, 227
Harris, John - 1711 Albemarle 225, 226
Harvey, Thomas - 1699 Albemarle 228, 229
Harvey, Thomas - 1729 Perquimans 230, 231, 232, 233
Hassell, John - 1754 Tyrrell 251, 252, 253
Hatch, Anthony - 1726 Albemarle 233, 234
Haywood, John - 1758 Edgecombe 234, 235
Hecklefeild, John - 1721 Albemarle 236, 237
Henley, Peter - 1758 Chowan 237, 238, 239
Heritage, William - 1769 Craven 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247
Hill, Harman - 1755 Beaufort 247, 248, 249
Hill, Isack - 1710 Chowan 249, 250, 251
Hodges, James - 1758 Pasquotank 253, 254, 255, 256
Holebrough, Joseph - 1711 Bath 256, 257
Hoskins, Thomas - 1734 Albemarle 257, 258
Huntor, Isaac - 1753 Chowan 258, 259, 260, 261
Hyrne, Henry - 1772 New Hanover 261, 262, 263, 264, 265
Innes, James - 1759 New Hanover 265, 266
Isler, Christian - 1747 Craven 266, 267, 268
Jenore, Joseph - 1732 Unknown 268
Johnston, Gabriel - 1753 Bertie 269, 270, 271
Johnston, Samuel - 1756 Onslow 272, 273
Jones, Frederick - 1723 Chowan 273, 274, 275, 276
Jones, James - 1750 Tyrrell 277, 278
Jones, William Harding - 1732 Albemarle 278, 279
Knight, Lewis Alexander - 1732 Pasquotank 279, 280
Lawson, John - 1708 Bath 280, 281
Lear, John - 1695 Chowan 281, 282, 283
Leydon, Francis - 1728 Albemarle 283, 284, 285
Lillington, Alexander - 1697 Perquimans 285, 286, 287
Lillington, John - 1723 Bath 287, 288
Little, William - 1734 Chowan 289, 290, 291
Lovick, John - 1733 Chowan 291, 292, 293, 294
Low, Emanuel - 1727 Pasquotank 295, 296, 297
Mason, Roger - 1756 Hyde 297, 298
Maule, John - 1774 Beaufort 299, 300, 301
Maule, Patrick - 1736 Beaufort 301, 302
Maule, William - 1755 Bertie 303
McCulloch, Henry - 1755 Bertie 304, 305
McKinzie, John - 1754 Chowan 305, 306, 307
Moncreif, John - 1713 Unknown 307, 308, 309
Moor, Thomas - 1753 New Hanover 312, 313
Moore, Roger - 1751 New Hanover 309, 310, 311, 312
Moseley, Edward - 1750 New Hanover 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320
Nicholson, Samuel - 1727 Unknown 320, 321
Oliver, Francis - 1756 Chowan 321, 322, 323
Ormond, Wyriott - 1773 Beaufort 323, 324
Paine, John - 1767 New Hanover 324, 325, 326
Parker, Francis - 1757 Edgecombe 326, 327, 328
Pfifer, John - 1777 Mecklenburg 328, 329, 330, 331
Phenney, George - 1737 Unknown 331, 332
Pilkington, Seth - 1754 Beaufort 334, 335, 336
Pilson, Grace - 1743 Craven 332, 333, 334
Pollock, Cullen - 1751 Tyrrell 336, 337, 338, 339, 340
Pollock, George - 1738 Chowan 341, 342
Pollock Sr., Thomas - 1722 Chowan 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347
Pollock, Thomas - 1732 Bertie 348, 349, 350
Porter, John - 1728 New Hanover 350, 351
Porter, John - 1751 Hyde 352
Porter, John Peyton - 1755 Beaufort 353, 354, 355
Porter, Joshua - 1734 Bath 355, 356, 357
Porter, Mary - 1717 Chowan 357, 358, 359, 360
Porter, Nicholas - 1749 Johnston  
Pugh, Francis - 1733 Bertie  
Reading, Churchill - 1734 Bath  
Reading, Lionel - 1725 Bath  
Redding, John - 1754 Perquimans  
Riddick, Joseph - 1759 Perquimans  
Rieusett, Peter - 1734 Bath  
Robertson, James - 1754 Pasquotank  
Robisson, Susanna - 1709 Unknown  
Rowan, Matthew - 1760 New Hanover  
Ryan, Thomas - 1753 Bertie  
Salter, Edward - 1734 Bath  
Sanderson, Richard - 1733 Perquimans  
Scarbrough, Macrora - 1752 Perquimans  
Scollay, Elizabeth - 1767 Bertie  
Shepard, David - 1774 Carteret  
Shine, Daniel - 1757 Craven  
Skinner, Richard - 1752 Perquimans  
Slade, John - 1743 Hyde  
Slade, Samuel - 1746 Beaufort  
Slocumb, Samuel - 1713 Bath  
Snoad, Henry - 1752 Beaufort  
Snoad, John - 1743 Beaufort  
Sothell, Seth - 1693 Albemarle  
Springs, Aron - 1756 Beaufort  
Swann, Samuel - 1707 Perquimans  
Swann, Samuell - 1753 Perquimans  
Swann, Thomas - 1733 Pasquotank  
Toms, Francis - 1729 Perquimans  
Turnbull, James - 1754 Tyrrell  
Turnbull, James - 1704 Perquimans  
Warren, Abraham - 1740 Perquimans  
Watkins, Thomas - 1754 Perquimans  
Watkins, William - 1773 Pitt  
Weeks, Bingman - 1745 Carteret  
West, Thomas - 1757 Bertie  
Whitehurst, Thomas - 1766 Brunswick  
Whitmell, Thomas - 1735 Bertie  
Wickliff, William - 1754 Craven  
Williams, Thomas - 1758 Beaufort  
Williams, William - 1725 Currituck  
Winright, Ann - 1751 Carteret  
Winright, James - 1744 Carteret  
Wood, James - 1752 Northampton  
Worley, Lovick - 1754 Tyrrell  
Yeates, William - 1752 Bertie  

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