Onslow County, NC

Jacksonville Police Department 1959
Picture of Officers of the Jacksonville Police Department 1959. There
is no date for this Newspaper Article. However my grandfather Assistant
Cheif Hugh Henderson got the award for 45 years of service and he started
full time in 1914 so that would make this taken in 1959.
FIVE SERVICE AWARDS were presented at last night's annual police banquet
in Cowell Memorial Auditorium. Recipients, left to right, are Det. Sgt.
Fred Hall, Chief Clyde Cook, Assistant Cheif Hugh Henderson, Sgt. Jessie K.e
MuCumbee and Plt. Ralph Strother. McCumbee won the "Sergeant of the year"
trophy, Strother the "Patrolman of the year" award. Henderson received his
award making 45 years service. Cook's trophy, presented by his men, cited
his "ability, progress and loyalty." Hall's award noted the "long hours"
the detective has spent on the job. (Staff Photo).
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Samuel Henderson
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