NC Archives Onslow County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Description Date Size Submitter
Nicholas Edward Armstrong Bible Sep 2000 5 kb Steve C. Pearsall
Richard J. Brock Bible Nov 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
John Burnett Bible Feb 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
Burnett/Redd/Sidbury/King/Corbett/Thompson Bible Jan 2023 Images Sloan S. Mason The Registry
Burton Family Bible Feb 2001 5 kb Sloan S. Mason 
The Registry
Dove-White-Shepherd Bible May 2004 5 kb Martha M. Marble 
The Registry
Arnold B. Foy Bible Nov 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
Enoch Foy Bible Nov 2001 2 kb Fran Henderson
Enock Foy Bible Sep 2010 2 kb Martha M. Marble The Registry
Frederick Foy Bible Sep 2010 2 kb Martha M. Marble The Registry
Hiram & Susannah Westbrook Foy Bible Apr 2011 3 kb Martha M. Marble The Registry
Hiram W. Foy's Bible Feb 2001 5 kb Fran Henderson
Joseph M. Foy Bible Record Feb 2001 2 kb Fran Henderson
John M. Franck Bible Nov 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
William French Bible Feb 2001 4 kb Fran Henderson
Bryan Hatsell Bible Feb 2001 2 kb Fran Henderson
Isaac Newton Henderson Bible Dec 1999 4 kb Fran Henderson
Josiah Henderson Bible Jun 2005 Images Samuel Henderson
Thomas B. Holland Bible Feb 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
Banister Lester Humphrey Family Bible Mar 2000 1 kb Jerald S. Humphrey
Samuel R. King Bible Jun 1999 4 kb Vera J. Humphrey
Mashburn Family Bible Sep 1999 Images Sloan S. Mason 
The Registry
Mattocks Family Bible Nov 2001 2 kb Fran Henderson
William Montfort Bible Feb 2001 2 kb Fran Henderson
Nicholas Starkey Moore Bible Feb 2001 2 kb Fran Henderson
Isaac B. Morton Bible May 2000 4 kb Stan Morton
Durant Hatch Rhodes Bible Nov 2001 Images Fran Henderson
Henry Rhodes Bible Nov 2002 4 kb Sloan S. Mason 
The Registry
John Martin Franck Rhodes Bible May 2000 Images Sloan S. Mason 
The Registry
Rhodes Bible Records Feb 2001 2 kb Fran Henderson
Daniel Sanders Bible Nov 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
Isaac Newton Sanders Bible Feb 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
J. A. Sanders Bible Feb 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
John Sanders Bible Nov 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
Simmons Bible Feb 2001 2 kb Fran Henderson
David Thomas Bible Feb 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
Richard George Washington Ward Bible Nov 2001 4 kb Fran Henderson
Ward/James/Foy/Huggins/Murrill/Loy/Morton/Ambrose/Humphrey/Woodard Bible Jan 2023 Images Sloan S. Mason The Registry
Theophilus Weeks Bible Feb 2001 3 kb Fran Henderson
Theophilus Weeks Bible Jul 2020 Images Sloan S. Mason The Registry
Jane Wright's Bible Nov 2001 2 kb Fran Henderson

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This page last modified Tuesday, 03-Jan-2023 18:34:04 EST