NC Archives
Lincoln County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Description Date Size Submitter
Henry Jacob Anthony May 2006 3 kb Nancy Poquette
Henry Jacob Anthony - Addenda Jun 2011 3 kb Nancy Poquette
Philip Anthony May 2006 1 kb Nancy Poquette
Johann Gottfried Arends May 1999 4 kb Josephine Gee
Robert Benjamin Babington Mar 2008 Photo Joy FisherThe Registry
Michael & Clara Lutz Davis Mar 2002 Photo Greg Davis
John Duckworth May 2006 6 kb Nancy Poquette
Forney Family Oct 2002 12 kb Josephine Gee
William Gates Family Mar 2002 Photo John Helms
General Joseph Graham Aug 2007 2 kb Carolyn Shank
Major General Joseph Graham, 1759-1836 Dec 2007 14 kb Carolyn Shank
Hager Family Feb 1999 47 kb JoAnn Saunders
Robert Frederick Hoke Dec 2009 1 kb Rosie H. Guthrie
Joseph Forney Johnston Dec 2009 1 kb Rosie H. Guthrie
Robert Daniel Johnston Dec 2009 2 kb Rosie H. Guthrie
Silas McBee Dec 2009 2 kb Rosie H. Guthrie
Capt. Phillip Null Sr. (1752-1834) Sep 2004 9 kb Charles R. Harper
Captain Phillip Null Jul 2005 14 kb Charles R. Harper
Capt. Phillip Null Sr., 1752-1834 Jul 2005 14 kb Charles R. Harper
John Robert Reinhardt, 1876-1949 Jul 2006 9 kb Garry Remington
Michael Rudisill Feb 1999 2 kb Josephine Gee
Gaither & Katie Ann Johnson Watts Feb 2004 5 kb Wanda O. Ramsey

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