Dunn Cemetery
Lenoir County, NC

In 1939 the cemetery was surveyed by the Historical Records Survey of North Carolina and the location was described as follows: "Located on the farm of R. B. Dunn, 3 miles from Kinston, NC, one mile east of N.C. Highway #11 (Dunn Road)". Not all interments are represented here as the stones may not exist or are buried.

Photos contributed by Kay Ogle.

Walter Dunn Senr, May 15, 1788 - Dec. 26, 1850, Aged 62 years, 7 mos, 11 days
Beneath this stone an honor'd parent lies
Death will not stay for pleading children cries
No fond companion can afford one breath
When fastened in the arms O Death

Cynthia Dunn, Apr. 17, 1804 - Jan. 27, 1887, Aged 82 years 9 mos 10 days
Wife of Walter Dunn
A devoted wife an affectionate mother and a faithful Christian

Dunn Children of William W. & Susan R. Dunn
Willie Charlie, April 17, 1862 - Oct. 9, 1869
Franklin Loftin, Oct. 17, 1863 - Jan. 13, 1866
Maude Frances, March 12, 1865 - June 22, 1883
Walter, June 21, 1870 - May 14, 1871
Cynthia, June 21, 1870 - Nov. 12, 1871
"The Baby Boy", Oct. 13, 1874 - Oct, 18, 1875
William W. Dunn was son of Walter and Cynthia Loftin Dunn
Married Susan H. Roundtree February 13, 1860
William, wife Susan and sons Sam R. and Bob B. Dunn are
buried in Maplewood Cemetery in Kinston

Shadrick Loftin, Jan. 27, 1783 - Nov. 12, 1869
Father of Cynthia Loftin Dunn
[Died of cancer caused by his hat rubbing on his ear]

Sarah Loftin, No birth date - Sep. 10, 1853 - Age 68 yrs.
Wife of Shadrick Loftin and mother of Cynthia Dunn

George Bagby, Aug. 18, 1880 - Aug. 25, 1880, Son of G. K. & H.M. Bagby

Georgia Bagby, Feb. 26, 1878 - July 19, 1878 - Infant dau. of G.K. & H.M. Bagby

Hellen Bagby, Dec. 31, 1875 - Feb. 15, 1881 - Dau. of G.K. & H.M. Bagby
Aged 5 Yrs 1 Mo 15 days

Hellen M. Bagby, Apr. 29, 1846 - Apr. 19, 1881 - 34 Yrs 11 Mos 20 Days
Wife of G.K. Bagby
Daughter of Walter and Cynthia Loftin Dunn,
married Dr. George Kendrick Bagby June 11, 1867

Infant Daughter Bagby, Born and Died Sept. 5, 1879 - Dau. of G.K. & H.M. Bagby

Cynthia Jennie Chadwick, Sep. 14, 1864 - Jan. 9, 1882 - Dau. of E.H. and T.F. Chadwick

Edward H. Chadwick, Feb. 27, 1831 on South River Craven Co NC - Apr. 30, 1875 at
Old Fort NC

Theresa Frances Chadwick, Feb. 26, 1837 - Aug. 12, 1902
Wife of Edward H. Chadwick - married June 11, 1867
Daughter of Walter and Cynthia Loftin Dunn

Almirah Gertrude Cox, (Apr. 29, 1857) - July 8, 1868 Aged 11 yrs 2 mos 20 days
[Daughter of Rachel Almira Dunn and Lewis Bryan Cox married June 2, 1856]

Rachel Almuah Cox, (May 28, 1839) - Feb. 13, 1858 - Aged 18 yrs 3 mo 16 days
[Daughter of Rachel Almira Dunn and Lewis Bryan Cox]

Rosa E. Faulkner, June 6, 1831 - Aug. 8, 1902 Wife of William E. Faulkner

Agnes S. Hemby, 1874 - Sep. 18, 1942

Edward Odum, 1841 - July --, 1866

Frank F. Broadway, Jan. 8, 1888 - Dec. 18, 1933

Paul R. Broadway, May 26, 1894 - Feb 12, 1945

Billy Broadway, no other information

Rosa Broadway, no other information


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