Trinity Cemetery
NC Archives Halifax County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Trinity Cemetery, Scotland Neck, Halifax County, NC

Tombstone Photographs - Surnames P-S

Packer, Elizabeth

Page, Albert Sidney

Page, Jesse Bell Hancock

Page, Mary J Josey

Paramore, Carrie L

Paramore, Claud Allen Jr

Paramore, Claude A III

Paramore, Claude A

Paramore, Emily W

Paramore, Henry A

Paramore, Hugh Leggett

Paramore, Tassie J

Paramore, Vernon R

Parker, George L

Parker, George T

Parker, Isky

Parker, Lorenzo D

Parker, Maxine

Parker, Rossie

Parker, Vicie Ann

Parker, Warren A & Cheryl L

Parker, William D

Parker, William Norman Sr & Pauline Moore

Parks, Caddie O & Leslie R

Parks, Clarence B

Parks, Eloise Dunn

Parks, James O & Ruth H

Parks, James O

Parks, Linda Ruth

Parks, Margaret Phippins

Parks, N Dudley

Parks, Oyis F

Parks, Rebecca

Partin, Benjamin Russell

Partin, Benjamin Russell

Partin, Joseph B

Partin, Lizzie White

Partin, Minnie Fleming

Partin, Percy Benson

Partin, William T

Patterson, Lloyd William

Paull, James Smith

Peacock, Herbert Fuller

Peacock, Herbert Fuller

Peacock, Kathleen Robertson

Pearson, Margaret T Rereckau

Pender, Lawrence & Rebecca & Elizabeth Powell & Thomas & Charles

Pendleton, Alice Mary Lawrence

Pendleton, George Edmund Jr

Pendleton, George Edmund

Pendleton, Julian

Pendleton, Kate Lawrence

Pendleton, Neda Maylor

Pendleton, Walter L Jr

Pendleton, Walter L Sr

Pendleton, William Thomas

Perry, Aubrey W

Perry, Betty Allmond

Perry, Cleo

Perry, David W

Perry, India Wilkerson

Perry, James Edward Jr

Perry, James Edward

Perry, Jesse A

Perry, Lena Wilkerson

Perry, Marcus Wright

Perry, Mary D Fowle

Peters, Annie

Peters, John

Peters, Sarah

Peters, Thomas H & Susana A Human

Peterson, Avery Clarence

Phillips, Edward Dean

Phillips, Edward Dean

Phillips, June Boyd

Phillips, Lena Bell

Phillips, Ralph A

Phillips, Robert Lee

Phillips, Sallie Merriam Josey

Phippins, Floyd M

Pierce, Rice B

Pippen, Albert M Sr

Pippen, George Carroll

Pippen, H L

Pippen, Marvin Osgood & Emma Lou

Pippen, Marvin Osgood & Louise Stack

Pippen, Myra S

Pittman, Betsie Whitmore

Pittman, Carey K

Pittman, Charles Frederick Sr

Pittman, Clara P

Pittman, Daughter

Pittman, David Lee

Pittman, Edgar L

Pittman, Ethel Griffith

Pittman, Frank Shields

Pittman, Henry Allen & Alice Shields

Pittman, Henry Allen

Pittman, Henry W

Pittman, James Laertes

Pittman, James A & Annie Biggs

Pittman, John F & Robert Julian & Infant

Pittman, Joseph John

Pittman, Joseph Shields & Mary Ballard

Pittman, Joyce Baucom

Pittman, Julian Allen

Pittman, Laertes M

Pittman, Laertes Morgan

Pittman, Lelia Shields

Pittman, Marmaduke W & Winnefred E Brantly

Pittman, Mollie K

Pittman, Nellie Stanford

Pittman, Pauline Ann Ware

Pittman, Peggy Perry

Pittman, Perry

Pittman, Philip W

Pittman, Phillip Hodges

Pittman, Rebecca Bradley

Pittman, Richard Bradley

Pittman, Rosina

Pittman, Sallie Taylor

Pittman, Vidette Griffith

Pittman, Virginia Blackwell

Pittman, William W

Pope, A E

Pope, Adelaide Futrell

Pope, Asa B & Daisy B

Pope, Clara Bishop

Pope, Clara

Pope, E W

Pope, Eva H

Pope, Frank Roy & Mary Louise

Pope, George P

Pope, Henry Arthur

Pope, Heshman V

Pope, India

Pope, J Carol

Pope, Joseph Richard

Pope, Louis L & Martha F

Pope, Martha Spair

Pope, Norman A

Pope, Paul E

Pope, Robert M

Pope, Roland Gordwin

Pope, Sadie Lee P

Pope, W. W. & Martha E Turner

Pope, William Cary

Porter, Infant Son

Porter, Madeline D Riddick

Porter, Roscoe M Sr

Powell, Alice H

Powell, Alice Hyman

Powell, Aquilla P

Powell, E E

Powell, Ed E Jr

Powell, Jesse A

Powell, Lee A

Powell, Linwood S

Powell, Maud Bryant

Powell, Robbie

Powell, Samuel A

Powell, Victoria B

Powell, William S

Preast, Dewey B & Hope W

Preast, Franklin C & Betty Umphlet

Price, Aleathia Staton

Price, Burton Edward

Price, Cary

Price, Charlie

Price, Granville B

Price, Marion Lee

Price, Mary Lyles

Privette, Ida U

Proctor, Edward J

Proctor, Eleanor Smith

Proctor, Frances Louise

Proctor, Ida

Proctor, Thelma Louise

Pugh, James A

Pulley, Absilla Brewer

Pulley, Thomas J

Purrington, Alfred Luther

Purrington, Dr John Holmes

Purrington, Georgie Bosley

Purrington, Mary J

Purrington, Philip Parker

Purrington, Philip West

Purrington, Rebecca Foster

Purrington, Robert F

Purrington, Roliff Holmes

Purrington, Ruby McGwigan

Purrington, Rufus H

Purrington, Sally F

Purrington, Sally W

Purrington, Sara Georgina

Purvis, Etta Allsbrook

Putnam, Gertrude P

Radcliff, William D & Laura M

Randolph, Susie E

Rasbery, Wilmer

Reynolds, B Ralph Jr

Reynolds, Mary Lillian Harden

Ricks, Mary J Pender

Riddick, Albert B

Riddick, Albert F

Riddick, Albert M

Riddick, Clarence B

Riddick, Claudia Elizabeth

Riddick, Claudia Irene Dardin

Riddick, Emma Allsbrook

Riddick, Ethel Tart

Riddick, Gertrude Whitehead

Riddick, Harry Lee

Riddick, Henrietta S

Riddick, Hubert H

Riddick, Infant Son

Riddick, Jack C

Riddick, James Darden

Riddick, Joe L

Riddick, John Pittman

Riddick, John Timothy

Riddick, Juliette Smith

Riddick, Julius Stuart

Riddick, Leanora Scott

Riddick, Lillian Steotoe

Riddick, Louise Josey

Riddick, Lynton B

Riddick, Mary Hayes McDowell

Riddick, Mary Winneford

Riddick, Maxie C

Riddick, Minnie G

Riddick, Nannie Della Stephenson

Riddick, Neusom A

Riddick, Preston Grey

Riddick, Raymond W 1

Riddick, Ruby Mae Stalls

Riddick, Willella

Riddick, William S

Riddick, William Thomas & Georganna Briggs

Riddick, William

Riddick, Willie A

Robbins, Frances Ward

Robbins, Jasper Wilson

Roberson, Arthur S

Roberson, Lula Walston

Robertson, Aline Hancock Wommack

Robertson, Joshua

Robertson, Nathalie Cocke

Robertson, Will A

Robertson, William Walter

Rodgers, Eric Winfred & Lucy Morton

Roebuck, Donald Winstead

Rogers, John Leon & Katherine Johnson

Rogister, Eva Blowe

Rogister, Frances Keel

Rogister, George T

Rogister, George T

Rogister, George W

Rogister, Henry & Estelle B

Rogister, James Collin

Rogister, James Henry

Rogister, Lonnie G

Rogister, Margaret Cobb

Rogister, William H

Ross, Mary White

Royal, Lake W Allsbrook

Rue, Annie

Rue, Infant Daughter

Rust, Virginia

Sadler, Beatrice Turner

Sadler, Elizabeth H Crawley

Salisbury, Carl Johnson

Salisbury, Paul Lee & Mary Estelle Johnson

Sams, John Lawrence

Sams, Robin Dahl

Sanders, Anne Ruffin Baker

Saunders, Agatha Baker

Saunders, Anne

Saunders, Elizabeth Brandon

Saunders, Elvira Frances Fary

Saunders, Fannie C

Saunders, Florence Pendleton

Saunders, Florida Cotten

Saunders, Frank Hart

Saunders, Frederick Stanton

Saunders, Joseph H

Saunders, Joseph Hubbard

Saunders, Julia Hart

Saunders, Julian Lee Jr

Saunders, Julian Lee Sr

Saunders, Laura Baker

Saunders, Laura L Baker

Saunders, Lizzie Sheppard

Saunders, Mary Staunton Brandon

Saunders, Mary Varina

Saunders, Nellie Moorfeild

Saunders, Norfleet Smith

Saunders, Richard Benbury Capt

Saunders, Ruth Clark

Saunders, Scott Lee

Saunders, Walker Anderson

Saunders, William Lawrence

Savage, John Noorwood

Savage, John P

Savage, John Y

Savage, Julia P

Savage, Kate P

Savage, Margaret A

Savage, Margaret Parks

Savage, Pattie

Savage, Pollie

Schulte, Allen Lee

Schulte, Marion Josey

Sears, Braxton Craig

Sears, Cedric E

Sears, Eleanor W

Sears, Gillis P

Sears, Martha V

Sears, Pinel

Sears, Robert Stanley

Sessions, Bess Steptoe

Seyffert, George F

Seyffert, Gertrude M

Shackell, Aubrey E

Shackell, Lena A

Shackell, R George

Shackell, Robert A

Shannon, Louise Sears

Shaw, Ellen M

Shaw, Rufus S

Shearin, Ella Mae

Shearin, Forest Green

Shearin, Helen Allsbrook

Shearin, John Luther

Shearin, Sadie Marie

Shearin, Virginia G

Sherrod, Benjamin Biscoe

Sherrod, Maye Boatright

Sherrod, Pattie Hyman

Sherrod, William B

Shields, Ann N

Shields, Benjamin Francis

Shields, Charles C

Shields, Charles, J

Shields, Cora Hart

Shields, Cora Lesa E

Shields, Dorothy Hodgin

Shields, Elizabeth Garden

Shields, Ella Mae Miller

Shields, Felicia Norfleet

Shields, Frances Boland

Shields, Frank Percival

Shields, Frank Percival

Shields, Gertrude Kitchin

Shields, Hallie

Shields, Infant Son

Shields, James Edward

Shields, James Edward

Shields, James G

Shields, James Griffin Jr

Shields, James Griffin

Shields, Jane Norman

Shields, Joseph B

Shields, Leah Arrington

Shields, Lena Smith

Shields, Leon G

Shields, Margaret Whitmore

Shields, Margaret, Boland

Shields, Mary Elizabeth

Shields, Mary Tiller

Shields, Mollie Tillery

Shields, Nannie Dupree

Shields, Pauline Tillery

Shields, Peter Evans

Shields, Rebecca Hill

Shields, Rebecca Whitmel

Shields, Rebecca Wilson

Shields, Robert Cecil

Shields, Rowena Hines

Shields, Rowena

Shields, Susan India

Shields, Thomas Prof

Shields, Walter D

Shields, Walter Davis

Shields, William H

Shields, William Henry

Shields, William Madison

Shivers, Tabitha Moore

Shute, Agnes Ann

Sills, Andrew J

Smith, Adelaide Evans

Smith, Adelaide M Evans

Smith, Alex

Smith, Alexander Hall

Smith, Ann Hayes Cocke

Smith, Ann Johnson

Smith, Arabella Toole Clark

Smith, Archibald Stuart Hall

Smith, Atherton Barnes

Smith, Benjamin D

Smith, Benjamin Gordon

Smith, Bertha Albertson

Smith, Charles Harrison III

Smith, Charles Harrison

Smith, Claiborn T Jr

Smith, Claiborn T

Smith, Eleanor Stuart

Smith, Elizabeth Curtis

Smith, Elizabeth N

Smith, Elizabeth Norfleet

Smith, Elizabeth Wheatley

Smith, Emma Morris

Smith, Francis Robert

Smith, Frank Johnston

Smith, George Elliott

Smith, George Fisher

Smith, George J

Smith, George Robert

Smith, Gilbert Elliott

Smith, Helen

Smith, Infant Daughter

Smith, Irene Augusta Boyle

Smith, Isaac Hall Jr

Smith, Isaac Hall

Smith, James B

Smith, James Norfleet

Smith, James Norfleet

Smith, James Stuart

Smith, Janie Wooten

Smith, Joseph Cheshire

Smith, Juliette Riddick Hatton

Smith, Lena Hill

Smith, Louisa Catherine Hill

Smith, Louise Love Stephenson

Smith, Lucille Carroll

Smith, Mark A

Smith, Mary Ann

Smith, Mary Cushing

Smith, Mary F

Smith, Mary Herbert

Smith, Mary Rebecca Alexander

Smith, Mary Weldon

Smith, Nannie Cocke

Smith, Nannie Elizabeth

Smith, Nathalie

Smith, Nathaniel C

Smith, Norfleet Saunders

Smith, Norfleet

Smith, Oscar F

Smith, Pattie Sherwood

Smith, Pattie

Smith, Peter Evans

Smith, Peter Evans

Smith, Phoebe

Smith, Rebecca Norfleet Hill

Smith, Rev. Walter Johnston

Smith, Richard H

Smith, Richard Henry Jr

Smith, Richard Henry

Smith, Richard Henry

Smith, Robert A

Smith, Robert Walton

Smith, Rozella Harris Wiggins

Smith, Sally W

Smith, Sally

Smith, Sarah Eliza

Smith, Susan Evans

Smith, Susan Evans

Smith, Susan Evans

Smith, Virginia Peterson

Smith, Walter J

Smith, Weldon

Smith, William Baker

Smith, William D Capt

Smith, William Edward

Smith, William Edward

Smith, William Emmette

Smith, William H & Julia A Spruill

Smith, William R

Smith, William Ruffin

Smithson, Louvenia Cherry

Smoot, Martha Salsbury

Smythe, Cleveland H

Smythe, Gertrude W

Snipes, Amy Viola

Snipes, Annie M

Snipes, Oscar A

Southerland, Mary Ann

Speed, Augustus Beavis

Speed, Bessie Gray

Speed, Charles & Nannie C

Speed, Dr E T

Speed, Ellen Jane

Speed, Ellen Jane

Speed, Howard Eugene

Speed, John H

Speed, John Henry Jr

Speed, Julian T

Speed, Lucy Ann

Speed, Nellie

Speed, Sallie L

Spence, Mary Ruch Condrey

Spruill, Charles Whitmell

Spruill, Elizabeth B

Spruill, Imra & Elizabeth E

Spruill, Peter E

Spruill, Shephard Riley & Sarah F Norman

Stainback, Sallie Whitmore

Stallings, James Lee

Stallings, Joe Ricks & Elizabeth Dunn

Stallings, Joseph Ricks & Hellen Mary

Stallings, Lizzie R

Stallings, Maybell

Stallings, Nancy A

Stallings, Sadie

Stamper, Eugene F

Stamper, Jennie Hearne

Stamper, William B & Sallie E

Starling, George W & Opal Lee

Starling, Michelle

Starr, Patty Sherrod

Starr, William Joseph Jr

Staton, Allen

Staton, Belle Branch

Staton, Cary Bradley

Staton, Cary E

Staton, Claude S

Staton, Edward W

Staton, Effie S

Staton, Eugene

Staton, Frances Braddy

Staton, Frederick V

Staton, James A & Addie E

Staton, James Albert

Staton, Lillie

Staton, Lillie

Staton, Lucille A

Staton, Maggie E

Staton, Robert Durward

Staton, W R

Steptoe, Charles E

Steptoe, Charles Nelms

Steptoe, Leon Elliot

Steptoe, W. N.& Willie

Stevenson, Bessie W

Stevenson, James R

Stevenson, James R

Stevenson, Joyce Alexander

Stevenson, Kathlyn Louise

Stevenson, Mittie P

Strickland, Benjamin A

Strickland, Joseph C

Strickland, Lyda E

Strickland, William B

Suiter, Ione Kitchin

Suiter, Katherine Kitchin

Suiter, Lewis Brittle

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