Trinity Cemetery
NC Archives Halifax County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Trinity Cemetery, Scotland Neck, Halifax County, NC

Tombstone Photographs - Surnames K-O

Keanum, Joyce Hancock

Keefe, James Edward

Keel, Clinton L

Keel, Effie Williams

Keel, Ella Mills

Keel, Jackson

Keel, James Robert

Keel, Jeanette R

Keel, Mary Hester

Keel, Mollie V

Keel, Selma R

Keel, W Ashley

Keel, Willie R

Keel, Willie

Kennedy, James & Helen Perry

Kenney, Viola Rodgers

Kesler, Elizabeth

Kesler, Ruth

King, Charlie L W

King, J H

Kirkland, Ernest L & Ada Bliss

Kirkland, Ernest L

Kirkland, John H

Kirkland, Lula P

Kitchin, Alvin Paul

Kitchin, Annie Lovelace

Kitchin, Beth H

Kitchin, Carrie Lawrence

Kitchin, Charlie, Lawrence

Kitchin, Claud Jr

Kitchin, Claud

Kitchin, Clement Saterfield

Kitchin, Clifton H

Kitchin, Dora Shaw

Kitchin, Ethel Pope

Kitchin, Eva M

Kitchin, Evelyn Moore

Kitchin, Frances Reba Wommack

Kitchin, Hattie Leggett

Kitchin, Infant Son

Kitchin, Ione

Kitchin, Irwin Clark

Kitchin, John Arrington

Kitchin, John Colman

Kitchin, Kate Mills

Kitchin, Kate Parks

Kitchin, Leland Hodge Jr

Kitchin, Leland Hodge

Kitchin, Lillia B

Kitchin, Louis L

Kitchin, Louis Leonard

Kitchin, Ludia Josey

Kitchin, Maria F Arrington

Kitchin, Mills & Jane Bushong

Kitchin, Norma Colman

Kitchin, Rebecca Calvert Clark

Kitchin, Sam B

Kitchin, Samuel B

Kitchin, Stedman Jr

Kitchin, Stedman

Kitchin, Sue Musette Satterfield

Kitchin, Theodore A

Kitchin, Thurman Delna

Kitchin, William Arrington

Kitchin, William Hodge

Kitchin, William Hugh

Kitchin, William Walton

Lamb, Bertie J Bryan

Lamb, Gideon

Lamb, Mary L White

Lamb, Nannie Shields

Lamb, Nellie Kathalene

Lamb, Olivia Shields

Lamb, William Shields

Lamb, Wilson Dupree

Lancaster, Lila Woodard

Lane, Benjamin F

Lane, Bertha C

Lane, H Eugene & Margaret T

Lassiter, Emily Ware

Lassiter, Novella

Lassiter, Robert Pittman

Latham, Sarah Merriam Phillips

Laurence, Mary B

Lawrence, Amanda P

Lawrence, Ann E Montague

Lawrence, Annie O

Lawrence, Annie Rebecca

Lawrence, C T

Lawrence, Charles T Jr

Lawrence, Charlie W

Lawrence, Edwin C

Lawrence, Eliza Tripp Shaw

Lawrence, Ernest W

Lawrence, Grace L

Lawrence, Ida Mae

Lawrence, James Douglas

Lawrence, James H

Lawrence, James S

Lawrence, John Duke

Lawrence, John Elmore

Lawrence, John Graham

Lawrence, Kate Dunn

Lawrence, Laura Bateman

Lawrence, Mary N

Lawrence, Mollie E

Lawrence, Sarah S

Lawrence, William Oscar Jr

Lawrence, William Oscar

Lee, Blanche Harrell

Lee, Willis Linwood

Leggett, Arthur K

Leggett, Baby

Leggett, Effie Staton

Leggett, Ernest H

Leggett, Ernest Hodges

Leggett, Helen Hillard

Leggett, Henry L

Leggett, Hillard Montague

Leggett, Infant Daughter

Leggett, James Wilson

Leggett, Lizzie

Leggett, Lucile

Leggett, Margaret Hodges

Leggett, Margaret Virginia

Leggett, Maude R

Leggett, Phoebe Hancock

Leggett, Unknown

Leggett, Vera

Leggett, William Thomas

Lescester, Pauline

Lewis, Bertha Parrish

Lewis, Elise V

Lewis, Fannie K

Lewis, Francis A

Lewis, Ida G

Lewis, J Eugene

Lewis, John E Jr

Lewis, John E

Lewis, John Hancock & Martha Jane Savage

Lewis, Katherine Parrish

Lewis, Lou White

Lewis, Margaret M

Lewis, Mary Etta

Lewis, Mary Portis Hale

Lewis, Mavis Thigpen

Lewis, Nancy A

Lewis, Richard A

Lewis, Spencer C

Lewter, John T

Lilley, C A

Lilley, E A

Lilley, Elsie Coggins

Lilley, Joseph

Lilley, M Haynes

Lilley, Marion B

Lilley, Mary

Lilley, Melvin Mullen Dr

Lilley, Roy N

Lilley, Sallie B

Lilley, William McIver

Lippincott, John Evans

Little, Priscilla

Livermon, A Graig

Livermon, Bessie Shields

Livermon, James Shields

Locke, Ethel Barnhill

Locke, William T

Long, Daisy B

Lowe, John H & Mildred B

Maciag, Martin J & Marjorie A

Maddison, Jane Purrington

Maddison, Laurence Beckley

Madry, Amos Welford

Madry, Claudius Jarrette

Madry, David A & Delphia Cherry

Madry, Ernest Oscar

Madry, Eupha MacKenzie

Madry, Frances White

Madry, Herbert Raymond

Madry, James David

Madry, James Thurman

Madry, John William Jr

Madry, John William

Madry, Lena Allsbrook

Madry, Mary Highsmith

Madry, Mildred Louise

Madry, Nancy Cassell

Madry, Nellie

Madry, Patty Weeks

Madry, Robert Jarrette

Malone, Charles Noah

Malone, Charlie N

Malone, Clara Wood

Malone, Ellis Joyner

Malone, Sallie Wood

Maney, Teresa H

Manning, Anna W

Manning, Robert Gilbert

Manning, Thomas W

Manning, William H

Manning, William Walter & M Della

Marks, Alma Strickland

Marks, Bessie Moore

Marks, Charles Fox

Marks, George Gilbert

Marks, Henry Carter

Marks, James Henry

Marks, Jennie Sewell

Marks, Jesse Whitaker

Marks, Jessie E

Marks, Marjorie

Marks, Mary Anna

Marks, Walter B

Marks, William Benjamin

Marks, William E

Marks, William Edward

Marston, Hilda Hancock

Marston, Richard Henry

Martin, Curtis Pope

Martin, David Herman

Martin, David Hilton Jr

Martin, David Hilton

Martin, Herbert Vernard

Martin, Louis Schmidt

Martin, Minnie Gertrude

Martin, Minnie Pope

Martin, Stella Hyman

McCabe, Reba Cherry

McDaniel, Harry Gunter

McDaniel, Nancy Wood

McDowell, Allison

McDowell, Annie Kitchin

McDowell, Archibald Jr

McDowell, Archibald

McDowell, Archibald

McDowell, Charles L

McDowell, Claude Walton

McDowell, Dorothy Mariam Dunn

McDowell, Eunice

McDowell, Frances Morton

McDowell, Gertrude Kitchin

McDowell, Harry Lee & Adeline Tillett

McDowell, Harry Lee

McDowell, Harry Lee

McDowell, Harry Lee

McDowell, James Allison & Mary B Ashcraft

McDowell, Kay H

McDowell, Margaret J

McDowell, Mary B

McDowell, Noefleet Owen & Margaret Joyner

McDowell, Norfleet O

McDowell, William Herbert & Emily Briggs

McDowell, William Kitchin

McDowell, William O Jr

McDowell, William Owen & Olivia Norfleet Lawrence

McDowell, William Owen

McGlaughon, Robert E

McGlaughon, Ruby J

McIntyre, Ruby Lowe

McNaughton, F Marguerite

Medford, Allie Barfield

Medford, Allie Dora

Medford, Charlie & Minnie Harrell

Medford, Charlie T

Medford, Eugene

Medford, Nancy

Medford, Steward

Medford, Willie

Meeks, Margaret K

Meyer, Dorothy Fargis

Mills, Elizabeth Braswell

Mills, Joseph William

Mills, Luther Rice

Mills, Mrs Elizabeth

Mills, Mrs Elizabeth

Mills, Robert

Minshew, C G

Minshew, Charles Lemuel

Minshew, Joseph Stephen

Minshew, Lucy Ann

Minshew, Oliver Grey

Mitchell, Alex

Mitchell, Mary Cherry

Mitchell, Sarah E

Mizell, John Thomas

Mizell, Susan Long

Mizelle, James L & Noleeka M

Mizelle, Wade L Jr

Moore, A. P Jr & Frances S

Moore, A P

Moore, Allie T

Moore, Andrew T

Moore, Annie Melissa

Moore, Arthur Olivar

Moore, Beverly Armstrong

Moore, Bruce Futrell

Moore, Carrie T

Moore, Claude Wilson Sr

Moore, Connie N

Moore, David Oscar

Moore, Elder E W

Moore, Eleanor Blondie

Moore, Joseph Thomas & Judy Z

Moore, Julia Brown

Moore, Katherine Frutrell

Moore, Lydia Bob White

Moore, Mary Allsbrook

Moore, Ora Flowers

Moore, Owen J

Moore, Willie & Frank

Morris, Annie P

Morris, Bessie

Morris, Eddie

Morris, G Christine

Morris, Gaylord J & Vera B

Morris, Grady L & Elba H

Morris, Grady L

Morris, Janie B

Morris, Jimmie L

Morris, Jordan Shields

Morris, Mary A

Morris, Mary B

Morris, Maxie C

Morris, Myrtle Henderson

Morris, Nellie Bellamy

Morris, Robert L

Morris, Talmadge John

Morrisett, Angerona

Morrisett, Johnson M

Morse, Ennis Bryan

Morse, Francis Russell

Morse, Pauline Pittman

Morse, Son

Moye, Abram James

Moye, Lydia Bruce Kitchin

Mullen, John Clarie & Betty Tillery

Murphey, Ella Latimer

Murphey, William J

Murphy, Eleanor Clark

Neal, Aac Norfleet

Neal, Anna Mary

Neal, Annie Mary

Neal, Edward S

Neal, James C & Laura D

Neal, John Baker

Neal, Nannie E

Neal, Richard Smith

Neal, Sally E

Neal, Sally Smith

Nelson, Bettie

Nelson, Eppinetus

Neville, Charles Edward

Neville, Murray Collins

Neville, Pauline C

Neville, Virginia Pope

Newell, Cora Harper

Newell, Infant Son

Newell, Mary Ruth

Newell, W H

Newsome, Annie H

Newsome, James Ernest Jr

Newsome, L B Jr

Nicholls, Catherine

Nicholls, Frances M

Nicholls, Jehu

Nicholls, Martha Bryan

Nonkes, Henry W

Nonkes, Paul Joseph

Norcum, Frances D Watson

Norfleet, John A

Norfleet, Louise

Norfleet, Mary F

Oliver, Claude Russell

Olschner, Sallie Bet Quinerly Darden

ONeal, Mary

ONeal, William David

Osborne, James Robert

Outterbridge, Andrew W

Outterbridge, Emma Lillian

Outterbridge, Ida Louise Burroughs

Overton, Lennie Estelle

Owens, Annie Lee

Owens, Robert R

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