Trinity Cemetery
NC Archives Halifax County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Trinity Cemetery, Scotland Neck, Halifax County, NC

Tombstone Photographs - Surnames H-J

Haislip, Mrs W J

Hale, Annie Thigpen

Hale, Carol Ray

Hale, Charles Herbert Sr

Hale, George Herbert

Hale, Harry Lee Jr

Hale, Harry Lee Sr

Hale, Inez Butler

Hale, Lila Barnhill

Hale, Margaret Coates

Hale, Marvin D

Hale, Ornda

Hale, Paul Jr

Hale, Thomas Norwood

Hale, Willie B

Hall, Archibald Stuart

Hall, Caroline Gilliam

Hall, Cornellia Whitaker

Hall, Dr Archibald Stuart

Hall, Edward Wood

Hall, Edward

Hall, Emily Baker

Hall, Emily Baker

Hall, Emily Turner Baker

Hall, Infant Son

Hall, J Stuart

Hall, James Baker Jr

Hall, James Baker MD

Hall, James Baker

Hall, Mary Wood

Hall, Richard S

Hall, Robert Park

Hall, Weldon E

Hall, William Weldon & Maria Long

Hall, Winfred H

Hamill, Mabel Braswell

Hamill, Walter Franklin Sr

Hamm, Robert William

Hancock, Alethia T

Hancock, Alice E Dickens

Hancock, Andrew F

Hancock, Annie Gray

Hancock, Bennie C

Hancock, Bennie G Jr

Hancock, Bennie W

Hancock, Caroline Booth

Hancock, Chas. F

Hancock, Clarence L & Elaine B

Hancock, Corena C

Hancock, Edna Earl

Hancock, Ernest Vernon

Hancock, Estelle C

Hancock, Eva Vaughan

Hancock, Everet

Hancock, Florence V Clark

Hancock, George Lewis & Sarah Frances

Hancock, George Lewis Jr

Hancock, Henry Thomas & Bettie Parks

Hancock, James E Sr

Hancock, Jesse Everett

Hancock, Julia T

Hancock, Lila Rae

Hancock, Lizzie Moore

Hancock, Louis Newton War

Hancock, Mary G

Hancock, Mary P

Hancock, Robert E

Hancock, Sallie Bush

Hancock, Vernon Jr

Hancock, Walter M

Hancock, Waverly

Hancock, William H

Hancock, William T

Hanff, Blanche Smith

Hanff, Hazel Wommack

Hanff, Isaac Hall

Hanff, Samuel Merrill Jr

Harden, Thelma Bell

Harden, William Dorsey & Mary Nellie

Hardin, Sarah F

Hardin, William H

Hardy, Helen Weeks

Hardy, Helen Weeks

Hardy, John P, & Elizabeth E

Hardy, Rowland Leigh

Hardy, Vernon Eugene

Harrell, Addie Warren

Harrell, Albert White

Harrell, Benjamin Albert

Harrell, Benjamin T

Harrell, Benjamin Turner

Harrell, Bettie R

Harrell, Betty A White

Harrell, David F

Harrell, DeWitt Allen

Harrell, Elsie D

Harrell, Frances Sater

Harrell, J Daniel

Harrell, Mary Salsbury

Harrell, Milton

Harrell, Robert E

Harrell, Sarah Hall

Harrell, Walter R & Bessie B

Harrell, William Leonard Jr & Sadie McGuffin

Harrell, William Leonard

Harris Joe Mac

Harris, Katherine S

Harris, Lucy & Lula

Harris, Lydia Diugid

Harris, Nellie D

Harris, Oscar Godwin & Irma Lee

Harris, R. W

Harris, Rosalie

Harrison, Annie Lawrence

Harrison, Cottie B

Harrison, Henry Lee & Nancy Dunn

Harrison, I Fred

Harrison, Joseph Albert

Harrison, Lucy Hassell

Harrison, William J & Mary L

Harvell, Sam J

Harwell, Thomas L

Haskett, Mary T

Haskett, Thomas B

Haskett, W C B

Hatem, Albert

Hatem, Myrtle War

Hathaway, Clyde

Hawkins, Ellen S

Hawkins, Nellie B

Hawkins, Robert D H

Hawkins, Romulus C

Haynes, Dora Allsbrook

Hearn, Lucetta A

Hearn, Marina C

Hedgepeth, Janes Bishop

Hedgepeth, Josephine Bishop

Hedgepeth, Lebron Creth

Hedgepeth, Matilda Catherine

Helms, Florence Mae

Helms, Ira L Sr

Helms, Pearl Lavender

Henderson, Annie Josey

Henderson, Dulan Eugene Jr

Henderson, Dulan Eugene

Henderson, Estelle Hollingsworth

Henderson, Frances Killebrew

Henderson, Infant Daughter

Henderson, James Kennedy Jr

Henderson, Jesse Perry & Eleanor R

Herring, Charles H

Herring, Cornelia J

Herring, Edna G

Herring, Gloria Lee

Herring, James M

Herring, John Robert Jr

Herring, John Robert

Herring, John Robert

Herring, Marie Allsbrook

Herring, Martha B

Herring, Pauline Shields

Herring, William Norfleet Jr

Herring, William Norfleet

Herring, William S

Heydenreich, Paul Henry

Hicks, Bettie P Hackney

Hicks, Lillian

Hicks, Thomas H

Higgs, James A

Hill, Atherton B & Mary E

Hill, Atherton Barnes

Hill, Edward W

Hill, Eliza Evans

Hill, Eliza Hall

Hill, Elizabeth Hyman

Hill, Emily M Brown

Hill, Gavin Hyman

Hill, James Charles

Hill, James Norwood

Hill, John L

Hill, John Manning

Hill, Joseph Blount

Hill, Lavinia B

Hill, Louisa Hall

Hill, Nannie E

Hill, Rebecca Norfleet

Hill, Stuart Hall

Hill, Susan Evans

Hill, Thomas B

Hill, Thomas Norfleet Jr

Hill, Thomas Norfleet

Hill, Thomas Norfleet

Hill, Walter N

Hill, Whitmel J Jr

Hill, Whitmel John & Josephine B Nicholls

Hill, Whitmel John

Hill, Whitmel

Hilliard, E E

Hilliard, Henry Montague

Hilliard, Mary W Montague

Hinchee, Hilda Braswell

Hines, Elias C

Hodges, Loretta Ann

Hodges, Rena Flowers

Hodges, Roberta

Hoffman, Bella May

Hoffman, Gerson

Hoffman, Kathleen Tillery

Hoffman, Mannie

Hoggard, Annie Evans

Hoggard, David G

Hoggard, Hilda I

Hoggard, Rosa Lele

Hollaway, Samuel B & Hazel W

Holliday, Annie Lee

Holliday, Dennis H

Holliday, Dennis Hutson Jr

Holliday, Elizabeth Eleanor Cherry

Holliday, Jesse Gray

Holliday, Jesse Lawrence

Holliday, Joseph Ransom

Holliday, Mary Elliott

Holliday, Mary Joyce

Holloman, Martha Hall

Holloman, William D Jr

Hooker, Emma H

Hooker, John L

Hopkins, Alice S Whitehead

Hopkins, Estelle

Hopkins, George F & Lena M

Hopkins, Henry H

Hopkins, Joseph Henry

Hopkins, Willie

Hoppe, Katherine Moore

House, Albert & Emma L Staton

House, Albert Clarence

House, Benjamin V

House, Cornelia Clark

House, Eliza

House, Elizabeth Hines

House, Etta Jo

House, Etta Mae Yandle

House, F T

House, Fannie C

House, Gene Mitchell

House, Gertrude Whitehead

House, Hattie Mae

House, Hugh

House, Irene Whitehead

House, James

House, Joseph Philip War

House, Josephine Maddrey

House, Josephine Saunders Newsome

House, Miriam Allsbrook

House, Nancy Lucille Harrell

House, Naomi Bennett

House, Oscar J Jr

House, Oscar J Sr

House, Richard D Jr

House, Richard David

House, Robert E

House, Sarah Barnhill

House, Theodore Ebbin

House, W Lawrence

House, William A

Howard, Dorothy Lewis

Howard, Edgar Allison

Howard, J L

Howard, Jack L

Howard, Johnnie L

Howard, Lawrence N Jr

Howard, Lawrence Norman & Dorothy Neville

Howard, Martha Virginia

Howard, Mattie Pope

Howard, Thomas P III

Hudgins, George Washington

Hudgins, Kate Lee

Hufham, George A

Hufham, James Dunn

Hufham, Mary A

Hufham, Mary Faison

Hutchison, Dr Charles LaF

Hyde, Annie A Stevenson

Hyde, Mary E

Hyde, Thomas Wilber

Hyman, Clara D

Hyman, Claudia Stella

Hyman, Edward Wheatley

Hyman, Elmer C

Hyman, Estelle B

Hyman, Ethel A

Hyman, Fannie Lamb

Hyman, Gavin L

Hyman, Henry Haywood

Hyman, Herbert S

Hyman, John Charles

Hyman, John H

Hyman, Jones M Jr

Hyman, Jones M

Hyman, Lizzie Harrington

Hyman, Mary Hatton

Hyman, Mollie Braxton

Hyman, Olivia Shields

Hyman, Samuel Benjamin

Hyman, Wilber

Isanogle, John William

Isanogle, Margaret Bowers

Jackson, Hilda H

Jackson, John Andrew

Jackson, Rosa L Williams

James, Mamie

Jenkins, Kelly

Jenkins, Lucille Keel

Jenkins, William M & Vicky A

Johnson, Ada L

Johnson, Alethia Marks

Johnson, Annie May Taylor

Johnson, Archibald Jethro

Johnson, Clara H

Johnson, Dora Ruth & Ola Mae

Johnson, Emmett A

Johnson, Evie L

Johnson, George Herbert II

Johnson, George Herbert

Johnson, Gullford F & Annie Smith

Johnson, Hazel Allsbrook

Johnson, Hugh

Johnson, Infant Daughter

Johnson, J T

Johnson, James M Dr

Johnson, John C & Beatrice H

Johnson, John Clayton War

Johnson, Kate Whitaker

Johnson, Kenie L

Johnson, Lewis

Johnson, Lizzie White

Johnson, Louvina Smith

Johnson, Lucius Junius

Johnson, M. E. Hobbs

Johnson, Maggie A

Johnson, Martha

Johnson, Mary Weldon

Johnson, Nathaniel D & Alice V Mumford

Johnson, Nellie

Johnson, Percy

Johnson, Rhetta

Johnson, Richard M Dr& Pattie T Shields

Johnson, Robert H

Johnson, Robert L & Maud Richardson

Johnson, Ruby Tillery

Johnson, Sally Collins

Johnson, William D

Johnson, William E & Aleathia O

Johnston, Cornelia House

Johnston, Daniel Wade

Johnston, Jennie Rogister

Johnston, Perkins Daniel

Jones, Anna A

Jones, Ardelia B

Jones, Charles A

Jones, Charles Allen Jr

Jones, Cyrus M

Jones, Ethel Louise

Jones, Gertrude Hunsy

Jones, Infant

Jones, Ivy R

Jones, J Ashley

Jones, Janet Sue

Jones, Janet

Jones, John N

Jones, John P War

Jones, Joseph John

Jones, Julius N

Jones, Laura E

Jones, Manley Clark

Jones, Mary Louise

Jones, Mary Lucretia

Jones, Richard O

Jones, Robert Sr

Jones, Robert T

Jones, Samuel Otho

Jones, Susan Hines

Jones, Thomas Ray

Jones, William T

Josey Plot

Josey, Anna Kitchen

Josey, Charles Conant

Josey, Claud Kitchin

Josey, Dan E Jr

Josey, Danford Edmondson Sr

Josey, Infant of Danford & Joyce

Josey, James Linwood

Josey, John Napoleon

Josey, Joyce Harris

Josey, Kate Kitchin

Josey, Lydia Bruce Brewer

Josey, Marietta, Edmondson

Josey, Mary Cotten

Josey, Mary Louisa Powell

Josey, Mary Powell

Josey, Mattie Herring

Josey, Napoleon B Jr

Josey, Napoleon B

Josey, Napoleon B

Josey, Rille Harris

Josey, Robert & Anna

Josey, Robert Carey III

Josey, Robert Carey Jr

Josey, Robert Carey

Josey, Sadie T Perry

Josey, Sallie

Josey, Will H

Justice, Sallie Cooke

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