Trinity Cemetery
NC Archives Halifax County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Trinity Cemetery, Scotland Neck, Halifax County, NC

Marion & Bud Josey have taken photos of the entire cemetery and transcribed them into a document to compare with the original church records. Trinity Cemetery is divided into two sections, Episcopal and Baptist. A copy of the Church Burial records was given to us in the late 1980’s by Martha Holloman and Lovie Lewis of Scotland Neck. The records show in many cases the spouse and her maiden or full name. There are many burials in this cemetery that have no markers.

Tombstone Photographs - Surnames A-B

Acree, John S

Adkins, Mary Bradley Nonkes

Albertson, Charles W

Albertson, Maybelle Ida Sears

Alexander, Allen H

Alexander, Angeline E

Alexander, Annie Dupree

Alexander, Bob

Alexander, Caroline Augusta

Alexander, Charles Shields & Mattie Herring Josey

Alexander, Edmond

Alexander, Edward Madison

Alexander, Ethel Dunn

Alexander, Infant Daughter

Alexander, James Harper & Mary Shields

Alexander, James Harper Jr & Ethel Rives Dunn

Alexander, James Harper Jr

Alexander, John Chrostopher

Alexander, Lena H

Alexander, Lorraine Jackson

Alexander, Mark T, C.S.A

Alexander, Mark

Alexander, Nettie A

Alexander, Robert Nickols

Alexander, Robert Park

Alexander, Sally Turner

Alexander, Samuel M Jr

Alexander, Samuel M

Alexander, Sarah

Alexander, Seaton H

Alexander, W Ervin

Alexander, Woodbury N

Allmond, Martha McGee

Allmond, Martha McGee

Allmond, Robert L

Allmond, William Edward

Allsbrook, Adelaide M

Allsbrook, Aleta Smith

Allsbrook, Alice B

Allsbrook, Allen Paul

Allsbrook, Allen

Allsbrook, Anne E House

Allsbrook, Arthur T

Allsbrook, Ben D

Allsbrook, Benjamin I

Allsbrook, Benjamin Ira & Della House

Allsbrook, Bennett

Allsbrook, Bernard

Allsbrook, Carrie Amanda

Allsbrook, Claude L

Allsbrook, Clifton Bryan

Allsbrook, Donnie Hackney

Allsbrook, Elisha A

Allsbrook, Ella Smith

Allsbrook, Emma

Allsbrook, Ernest F

Allsbrook, Ethel L

Allsbrook, Etta Edmonds

Allsbrook, Eunice Parks

Allsbrook, Eva Manning

Allsbrook, Eva

Allsbrook, Evolyn

Allsbrook, Fran Pope

Allsbrook, Frances E

Allsbrook, George Marmaduke

Allsbrook, Helen

Allsbrook, Henry Clifton & Peggy Sykes

Allsbrook, Henry Clifton

Allsbrook, Henry W

Allsbrook, Herman H

Allsbrook, Horace B

Allsbrook, James H & Augusta J

Allsbrook, James Henry

Allsbrook, James Thomas

Allsbrook, Jennie Whitehead

Allsbrook, Jerre Edward

Allsbrook, Jesse B

Allsbrook, Joe M & Anna M

Allsbrook, John L & Beatrice S

Allsbrook, John L

Allsbrook, John W

Allsbrook, Joseph M

Allsbrook, Joseph W

Allsbrook, Katherine A

Allsbrook, Kelly A

Allsbrook, Kindred R

Allsbrook, Laura H

Allsbrook, Lena C

Allsbrook, Lida P

Allsbrook, Lillian R

Allsbrook, Lucy Ann

Allsbrook, Lucy Bradshaw

Allsbrook, Lydia House

Allsbrook, Margaret E

Allsbrook, Martha Shelton

Allsbrook, Mary Elizabeth Parks

Allsbrook, Mary Elizabeth

Allsbrook, Mary Irene

Allsbrook, Mary W

Allsbrook, Mildred Cobb

Allsbrook, Mildred Doris

Allsbrook, Mildred Kirkland

Allsbrook, Minnie B

Allsbrook, Musey W

Allsbrook, Nora H

Allsbrook, Pauline J

Allsbrook, R Johnson

Allsbrook, R Owen

Allsbrook, Rasburn P

Allsbrook, Richard Leroy

Allsbrook, Richard Mabry

Allsbrook, Robert E & Shirley C

Allsbrook, Robert Theron

Allsbrook, Roland

Allsbrook, Rosa Lena

Allsbrook, Rosa S

Allsbrook, Rupert H

Allsbrook, Ruth B

Allsbrook, Senie

Allsbrook, Sherwood H

Allsbrook, Thurman Eugene

Allsbrook, Tommy R & Joyce B

Allsbrook, Tommy R

Allsbrook, Unknown

Allsbrook, Verna I

Allsbrook, W Bernard

Allsbrook, W Collin Jr

Allsbrook, W Collin

Allsbrook, W Naomi

Allsbrook, Wilber Rroger

Allsbrook, Wilson & Susan H Bell

Allsbrook, Wilson

Allsbrook, Zebulon D

Alston, Charlie Dunn

Alston, Lucretia B

Alston, Reginald W

Alston, Samuel

Alston, Sue Dunn

Anderson, Richard Warner

Andrews, George Britton Sr

Andrews, George W

Andrews, Hattie Jones

Andrews, Jennie Allsbrook

Anthony, Charity B

Anthony, Dorris

Anthony, James G

Anthony, John Hill

Anthony, Mattie Lawrence

Anthony, Whitmel Hill

Applewhite, Annie E

Applewhite, Birdie E Savage

Applewhite, Edward T

Applewhite, Ernest P

Applewhite, James Oscar

Applewhite, John H & Birdie Elizabeth Savage

Applewhite, John T

Applewhite, Laura Jordan

Applewhite, Mary Fereree

Applewhite, Mary Tillery

Applewhite, Robert B

Applewhite, Robert B

Arrington, Annie Maria

Arrington, Bartholomew Figures

Arrington, Mary Pope

Ashford, John Durward

Askew, Dora Lee & Florence Ann

Askew, Jerry D

Askew, Lillian Irene

Askew, Patience Anne Bradley

Askew, William Dunn

Ausbon, Nancy Edwards

Baird, Nell McGlaughon

Baker, Daughter

Baker, Daughter

Baker, Earnest & Susie B

Baker, Eva M

Baker, Francis W

Baker, Lafayette John

Baker, Lafayette John

Baker, Lafayette Norman

Baker, Nancy

Baker, Pattie Norman

Baker, Roxanna Griffin

Baker, Sallie A

Baker, Sarah Elizabeth

Baker, Susie

Baker, Thomas Edward

Baranoski, Dorothy W

Barber, Allie Scott

Barbour, Lynn Cephus

Barbour, Selma Twisdale

Barco, Alice Maxine Hoffman

Barco, Robert B Jr

Barnes, John Linwood

Barnes, Nannie Applewhite

Barnes, W Earl

Barnhill, Chacie E

Barnhill, Charlie Grady

Barnhill, Dorothy P

Barnhill, Hettie D

Barnhill, J Goodwyn & Evelyn P

Barnhill, James B & Frances P

Barnhill, Ruby Wood

Barnhill, Ryan H

Baron, Effie H

Baron, Jacob

Baron, Lessie

Barr, Ann

Barr, Wife of L B

Barraud, Philip St. George

Barraud, Sallie Turner Smith

Barrett, Ermine Lowe

Bass, Charlie B

Bass, Herbert H

Bass, John & Pearl M

Bass, Laurie Ann

Bass, Virginia E

Bass, Vivian P

Bateman, Mattie D Lindsay

Bates, Ethel Allsbrook

Battle, Maria Louise

Battle, Tipp Paul & Pattie

Battle, William J & Mattie Edwards

Bazemore, Cecil Smith

Bazemore, Joseph J

Bazemore, Lena Madry

Bazemore, Rev. Cyrus William

Beasley, Ester May

Beavis, Sarah Virginia

Beck, Charles A

Beck, Charles Anthony & Mattie Cotten

Bell, Annie E Whitmore

Bell, Charles H

Bell, Dallas F Sr

Bell, Emily Edwards

Bell, Herman Charles

Bell, Ida Allsbrook

Bell, Infant Daughter

Bell, James Ray & Evelyn Ezzell

Bell, James Whit

Bell, Laura D

Bell, Laura J

Bell, Lawrence C

Bell, Lawrence G

Bell, Lucinda House

Bell, Macon

Bell, Marvin E

Bell, Mollie G

Bell, Olivia Emily Hyman

Bell, Thomas Edwin

Bell, Walter F & Lena H

Bell, William A

Bell, William H

Bell, Wilton

Bellamy, Dr William Edward Jr

Bellamy, William Edward

Berry, Daniel G

Berry, Ella G

Berry, Miss Olivia

Biggs, Noah & Mary Lawrence

Billups, Christopher Jordon

Bishop, James B & Sarah I

Bishop, John J

Bishop, John

Bishop, William

Bishop, Willie

Blackwell, Lillian C

Blackwell, Robert Pettigrew Jr

Blackwell, Robert Pettigrew

Blackwell, Will Fayette Neff

Bland, Sadie Virginia

Blow, Aubrey L

Blow, Bessie G

Blow, Julia Wood

Blow, Mattie G

Blow, Ora Byrd

Blow, Russell

Boles, Lucile R

Bolles, Roscoe L

Bond, Graydon

Bond, Mary

Bond, Robert C

Bond, Robert Henry

Bond, Sarah Elizabeth Hall

Bond, William R

Boon, John W

Boon, Mary J Mills

Boon, Willie C

Bordeaux, Henry P

Borneman, Ethel Madry

Borneman, Infant

Borneman, Oliver D

Boseman, Annie C

Boseman, James Ferdie

Bowers, Frances

Bowers, James S

Bowers, Jarl Ellis

Bowers, William Charles Jr

Boyd, Addie Parks

Boyd, James Elisha

Boyd, Mable Medford

Boyette, Charlotte Whitehead

Boyette, David Harrison

Boyette, Donald Raymond

Boyette, Kate

Boyette, Stella Hoffman

Bracy, Belvidere D

Bracy, George E

Bracy, George W

Bracy, Infant Son

Bracy, Sue E

Bradley, Dale Brantley

Bradley, Elaine Hancock

Bradley, Guss

Bradley, Mildred A

Bradley, Nora B

Bradley, W Earl

Bradley, William S

Bradley, Willoghby Bradley

Brantley, George Cecil

Brantley, George Dudley

Brantley, Lottie B

Braswell, Julian C

Braswell, Lawrence D

Braswell, Lelia E

Braswell, Lucian L

Braxton, E L

Braxton, Edgar D & Evelyn W

Braxton, J C

Braxton, Joseph Allen

Braxton, Lillie L

Braxton, Mary

Braxton, Penny E Little

Braxton, Susan Morgan

Bridgers, Grant Tonieal Sr

Bridgers, Stella W

Brinkley, Carey Sylvester

Brinkley, Infant Son

Brinkley, J Frank

Brinkley, Jessie Perry

Brinkley, John Thomas

Brinkley, Mary Lee Biggs

Brinkley, Romulus Hawkins

Brinkley, Romulus Hawkins

Brinkley, S P

Brinkley, Sadie Telfair

Brinkley, Spencer Powell

Bristow, Jesee L

Britton, John Deloatche

Britton, William Henderson & Annie Deloatche

Broadwell, Bonnie P

Brodie, Julia Boyd Smith

Brown, Adelaide Evans

Brown, Albert L

Brown, Charles D

Brown, Elizabeth Kitchin

Brown, Ida M

Brown, Jane Shields

Brown, Mildred Irene

Brown, Robert Joseph Sr

Browne, Anne McDowell

Browne, J Archibald

Bruce, Betty Suiter Whitehead

Bruce, Betty Suiter Whitehead

Bruce, James

Bruce, Logan Lithgow

Bruce, Rev. Logan Lithgow

Bryan, Ennis Jr

Bryan, Ennis

Bryan, Etta Dunn

Bryan, George W

Bryan, Herman W

Bryan, Infant Son & Daughter

Bryan, John Ashley

Bryan, Mabel

Bryan, Nellie Hawkins

Bryan, Noah Biggs

Bryan, Romulus Hawkins

Bryan, Ruth V

Bryant, Annie W

Bryant, Annie

Bryant, Benjamin F

Bryant, Bernice Worth

Bryant, Cullen & Ellen

Bryant, David F

Bryant, James Arthur

Bryant, Jefferson

Bryant, Lee

Bryant, Nan L

Bryant, Nannie Shields

Bryant, Naomi E

Bryant, Stonewall Jackson

Bryant, Van Buren

Bryant, William E

Bunch, Alice E

Bunch, Carrie D Allsbrook

Bunch, Ellie Williams

Bunch, Eva H

Bunch, F H

Bunch, Gladys B

Bunch, Hilda E

Bunch, J M

Bunch, Jeremiah

Bunch, Jesse L Sr

Bunch, John D

Bunch, Luther G

Bunch, Sarah Jane Peele

Bunch, W Garfield

Bunch, Wayland M

Bunch, William Ann

Bunting, Bertha B

Bunting, Burnice

Bunting, Catherine H

Bunting, Francis O

Bunting, James D

Bunting, James Stewart

Bunting, Jim H

Bunting, Julius A

Bunting, Julius R & Mattie D

Bunting, Leonard & Sarah W Dollie

Bunting, Leone Boies

Bunting, Lillian A

Burges, Isham Fox

Burges, Laura

Burges, Lucy Cornelia

Burges, Lucy Fox

Burges, Mary Matilda

Burges, Pattie Jane

Burges, Thomas Lovatt

Burgess, J.T. & Pattie

Burgess, Katie Mae

Burgess, Rebecca J

Burgess, Sarah

Burroughs, C E

Burroughs, J B

Burroughs, Orissa B

Bush, James P

Butler, Bessie Margaret

Butler, Estelle B

Butler, Grady A

Butler, L Shelton

Butler, Thurman

Butterworth, Lena Hyman

Butterworth, W F

Butterworth, William Frank

Butts, Herbert Stanley & Lillian May

Butts, Jesse M

Butts, Jesse Wade

Butts, Lillie May

Butts, Sarah Annie White

Byrd, Annie L

Byrd, Charlie R & Dorcas O

Byrd, Ellen Hatcher

Byrd, Floyd

Byrd, James H

Byrd, James N

Byrd, Mary L

Byrd, Rufus Pelham

Byrum, Walter G

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