Sunnyside Cemetery
NC Archives Halifax County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Sunnyside Cemetery, Scotland Neck, Halifax County, NC

Compiled by J Edward "Bud" & Marion Josey

Tombstone Photographs - Surnames A-G

Acree, Julian F & Lossie P

Adams, Herbert S & Emily F

Alexander, Samuel E & Mary M

Alexander, Scotty

Alkazin, Mitchell David & Linda Khazen

Allen, Lenna W

Allsbrook, Annie W

Allsbrook, Ashley Raby

Allsbrook, Cecil E & Judy H

Allsbrook, Donald E

Allsbrook, Grady L & Louise P

Allsbrook, James T

Allsbrook, Julia B

Allsbrook, Larry Lee Sr & Minnie Pendleton

Allsbrook, Leland L

Allsbrook, Miriam Brake

Allsbrook, Ruby Hodges

Allsbrook, Spencer W Jr

Allsbrook, Spencer Ward Jr & Betty Bryant

Allsbrook, Spencer Ward Jr

Allsbrook, Sybie B

Allsbrook, Thomas F

Allsbrook, Violet W

Allsbrook, Virginia W

Alston, Neil Cooke

Ambrose, Bobby S & Dorothy J

Anderson, Erlie Mae

Anderson, Hilton Vern Jr

Anderson, Hilton Vern

Anderson, Joe John

Anderson, Walter Wilson

Ashford, Robert Edward

Askew, Hazel H

Askew, Joshua

Averett, Allen McLean

Averett, Aubrey H

Averett, Emily Marie Roebuck Hall

Averett, James H Jr

Averett, James H

Avery, Henry R & Mabel J

Avery, Ida M

Avery, Raymond E & Rosa J

Ayers, Charlie R & Margaret J

Babis, John Redmond

Babis, Margaret Nelson

Baisey, Clyde Mark Sr

Baisey, Thelma Judge

Baisley, Mark Allen

Barfield, David Dwain

Barfield, Hattie Pauline

Barfield, Miss Irene

Barfield, William T

Barnes, Charles Brim Jr

Barnes, E Klon

Barnes, Emily Lawrence

Barnes, Gladys

Barnes, J Roscoe

Barnhill, Ann Pearson

Barnhill, Burt Harrison

Barnhill, Daniel L & Rubye R

Barnhill, Gattie B

Barnhill, Helen

Barnhill, Joe H

Barnhill, Joseph W

Barnhill, Kenneth R Jr

Barnhill, Kenneth Raymond Sr

Barnhill, Lelia Blanche Marks

Barnhill, Lemuel G

Barnhill, Lemuel Wesley

Barnhill, Minnie Elmore Bryan

Barnhill, Norma S

Bass, Aurelia P

Bass, Brooks C & Rachel B & Brooks C

Bass, George T

Batchelor, Annie N

Batchelor, Elizabeth Carol

Batchelor, Lucille V

Batchelor, Raymond S

Batchelor, Robert C

Batchelor, Sandra Faye

Batchelor, Van Buren

Bedsaul, Garland Ray

Bell, Christopher Alvin

Bell, Danford Murray & Annie Gray

Bell, Florence Lee Jones

Bell, Grover T

Bell, Kate Newsome

Bell, Leamon

Bell, Madry S

Bell, Sharon Basnight

Bellflower, John H

Bellflower, Lillie May

Bennett, Maida Evelyn

Best, Sallie Pope

Billington, Edward M, Thetus S

Bolding, Patrick D

Bolton, Dora McDaniel

Bond, Maude D

Bond, Willie E

Bowers, W Ernest & Martha D

Bowers, William E

Bowles, Oscar

Boyd, Clarence Dewitt

Braddy, Addie W

Braddy, Arthur

Braddy, Harvey Douglas & Barbara Marks

Braddy, Infant Daughter

Braddy, Murray

Braddy, Percy Edward & Madeline H

Braddy, Susie J

Bradley, Joseph Walton

Bradley, Nellie H

Bradley, S Gladstone

Bradley, Willoughby S & Dolly Jenkins

Bradshaw, Debirah Ann

Bradshaw, Malcom F

Bradshaw, Martha M

Bradshaw, Rillie Caroline

Bradshaw, Willie M

Brann, Melvin T & Gladys L

Braxton, Ellen J

Braxton, Ellen Rae Mitchell

Braxton, George W

Braxton, Gladys J

Braxton, Howard M

Braxton, Johnny T

Braxton, Mamie Leola

Brinson, F Thomas

Brinson, Jimmy Lee

Brinson, Lula Jones

Brinson, Margaret P

Brinson, Roy Thomas

Brinson, Samuel Mike

Brinson, Samuel R

Brinson, Shirley Harrison

Brooks, Albert L & Barbara R

Brown, E L, & Ruth Whitaker

Brown, Hubert D Sr

Brown, Peggy Dianne

Brown, Robert Carlton

Brown, Stephen Ray

Bryan, Elsie Davis

Bryan, Henry Edward

Bryan, Hilda Roberson

Bryan, James Willie Sr

Bryant, Archie C Sr

Bryant, Archie C

Bryant, Berry W

Bryant, Faye Byrd

Bryant, Iris C

Bryant, Mattie Jones

Bryant, Pearlie M

Bryant, Rosa Hathaway

Bryant, Stephen Annie Sr

Bryant, Walter Rudolph

Bullock, Larry J & Alice H

Bunch, Helen S

Bunch, Jarrette & Lynette

Bunch, Jarrette Peele

Bunch, Julian C

Bunch, Raymond Lee

Bunch, Richard Dillard

Bunch, Ruby Bellamy

Bunting, Boy

Bunting, W Maurice

Burke, Albert F

Burkett, Charles Horace

Burkett, Charles P

Burkett, Mildred P

Burkett, Minnie J

Burnes, John Haden

Burnes, Mildred Ricks

Burnett, Samuel T & Selena R

Burnett, Samuel Thomas

Butler, April Maxam

Butler, Aubrey Eugene

Butler, Chester M & Annie Inez H

Butler, James Allen Sr

Butler, Joe & Rosebel

Butler, Rodney Lathan & Hazel Hardee

Byrd, Donald

Byrum, Linwood R

Campbell, James H

Cannon, Annie W

Cannon, Charlie T

Carroll, James R Jr

Carroll, James R

Carroll, Milton Daniel Jr

Carroll, Nancy Allen

Carroll, Robert Edwin

Carroll, Roberta S

Carroll, William B

Carter, Christopher Lee

Carter, Elizabeth Dunn

Carter, Joseph S

Cartledge, Miller W

Christenberry, Alma H

Christenberry, Thomas T

Clark, George William & Betty McKee

Clark, Sam Stewart

Clark, William Kent

Clark, William L & Mildred B

Clay, Annie Bell

Clay, Robert A

Clemmer, Geraldine Parker

Clemmer, P D

Coffield, Vernon McNeil Sr

Coggins, Jeanette

Coggins, Ruffin Lee

Coleman, Irving Alexander

Coleman, Lillian Nyberg

Coleman, Mollie L

Coleman, Patrick H

Coleman, Susie Cooke

Collins, Margaret Helms

Condrey, Alethia Theresa Marks

Condrey, James Edward Jr

Conner, Cohen & Dorothy S

Cooke, Alma Warren

Cooke, Billy Lawrence Sr

Cooke, Bruce C & Rosa Belle

Cooke, Eckie C

Cooke, Elan Bland

Cooke, Elender Mitchell

Cooke, Florence T

Cooke, Fred B

Cooke, Jake C Jr

Cooke, Jake C

Cooke, Jesse L & Annie B

Cooke, Jessie Lillian

Cooke, Joseph James & Hazel Bunch

Cooke, Joseph R & Catherine J

Cooke, Louise Christine

Cooke, Mary E

Cooke, Perry Vann

Cooke, Sadie D

Cooke, Sophia B

Cooke, William Alfred

Cooper, Elsie Vaughan

Cooper, Henry Lee

Cooper, John Mayo

Cooper, Judith Davis

Cooper, Kelly M

Cooper, Lois Mead

Cooper, Sadie P

Cooper, Willie B

Cooper, Willie Benjamin & Edith Cooper Edmondson

Cotten, Cecil Earl

Cotten, Charlie M

Cotten, Hazel

Cotten, Ione Smith

Cotten, Joseph Walter & Sue Cheroti

Cotten, Lelia Cherry

Cotten, Wayland B

Covell, Frances D

Cowan, Marshall B

Croom, Donald C & Lila Harris

Croom, Donald Campbell

Cross, Caroline H

Daniel, Neff E

Daniel, Rosa Casper

Daniels, Ernest F

Daniels, Hazel W

Daniels, Joseph Billy

Daniels, William G & Reba B

Daniels, William Glenn

Davenport, Betty W House

Davenport, Eunice Staton

Davenport, Evelyn M

Davenport, James A

Davenport, James H

Davidson, Hilda Grey

Davidson, John M & Lena Radcliff

Davidson, John M

Davis, Annie Lucas

Davis, Earl P & Mary S

Davis, George Howard

Davis, George L

Davis, George W

Davis, Henry Thurman

Davis, Henry W

Davis, J Herman

Davis, Joseph Robert & Lillie Goodrich

Davis, Joseph Robert

Davis, Joyce Staton

Davis, Lillie G

Davis, Robert Moye

Davis, Ruby

Davis, W Major & Margaret B

Dean, D A

Dean, Steven A

DeBerry, Archie A

DeBerry, Early L

DeBerry, Mattie LeNeave

DeBerry, Maude P

Dempsey, Van Jr

Denton, Forest R

Denton, Guston L

Denton, Nathan F

Denton, Richard H & Doris M

Denton, Richard Hampton

Denton, Robert Junior

Denton, Ruby P

Denton, Vernon Lee

Dickens, Brunell E & Mary T

Dickens, Brunell E

Dickens, Howard B & Regina S

Dickens, Howard Brunell

Dickens, Lero Basden

Dickens, Mildred

Dickens, Minnie Lilley

Dickens, Nina Victoria

Dickens, Norman O & Catherine A

Dickens, Norman Otis

Dickens, Simon N

Dickens, W Calvin & Lydia H

Dickens, William Earl

Dixon, Andrew F & Barbra A

Dixon, Andrew F & Sadie H

Dixon, Cheryl B

Dixon, Sallie Lee

Dixon, Thomas J Sr & Amy W

Dixon, Thomas M

Dodd, James W

Donaldson, James M & Urtie N

Dortch, Hazel E

Dortch, Robert J

Dortch, Sylvia

Drake, Charlsie Almrda

Drake, George Smith

Drake, Infant Daughter

Drake, Infant Daughter

Drake, Lewis & Lorena M

Drake, Ray S

Drake, Raymond Earl

Draper, Francis A

Draper, Johnnie L

Draper, Julian A

Draper, Lafayett

Draper, Lelia Wheeler

Draper, Richard Erwin Sr & Helen Jordan

Dudley, Ethel Cowan

Dudley, James Charles

Dudley, John A

Dudley, William H

Duff, Chester L

Duff, Timmy Eugene

Duke, Ernest C & Peggy J

Dunlap Myrtle Jernigan

Duvall, Margaret Goff

Echols, John T & Evelyn M

Echols, John T

Edmond, Vernon D

Edmonds, Edgar L & Anne G

Edmonds, Edgar L

Edmonds, Edward F & Richard L

Edmonds, Edward Fred Jr

Edmonds, Hilma Newsome

Edmonds, Nellie H

Edmonds, William Lewis

Edmondson, Alice F

Edmondson, Carlton L & Ruth M

Edmondson, George Harry & Urlean Anderson

Edmondson, Herman S & Sadie Lucas

Edmondson, John Henry

Edmondson, John R

Edmondson, Joseph Anthony & Bonnie Guchard

Edmondson, Robert Franklin

Edmondson, Sadie Lee

Edmondson, Virgil Lee

Edwards, Amie Coleman

Edwards, Charles Murphy

Edwards, Clara Hassell

Edwards, George Thomas

Edwards, Harold Burton

Edwards, James Chad

Edwards, Jesse Marion

Edwards, Kenneth Burton

Edwards, Wimberly P & Mary W

Elkins, Graham J

Elkins, Viola May

Ellis, Ada L

Ellis, Danny Elwood

Ellis, Ella L

Ellis, Elwood

Ellis, Jasper

Ellis, Lonie Mae

Ellis, Martha L

Ellis, William Lewis

Elmore, James Grey

Emanuel, Alfred

Emery, Rebie S

Etheridge, Mary Lou

Everett, David Earl

Everett, Hugh R & Grace V

Ezzell, Cleveland W & Rosita G

Ezzell, Henry H & Lillie P

Ezzell, Lily Frances

Faithful, Joseph L & Ernestine S

Faithful, Lewis Curnie & Margaret E

Faithful, Lewis Curnie

Farmer, Janie Edmond

Finch, Horace Gordan

Flanagan, Albert B

Flanagan, Benjamin F

Flanagan, Charlie E

Flanagan, Charlie T

Flanagan, Ernest A

Flanagan, Ethel B

Flanagan, Ida M

Flanagan, Infant Daughter

Flanagan, Lois H

Flanagan, Magdeline Price

Flanagan, Thurman Ray

Flanagan, Wanda S & Juanita B

Fleming, Gerald Shelby

Fleming, Gerald Shelby Jr

Garriss, Sidney Morris & Lucille Collins

Gibson, Annie Mae

Gibson, John L & Annie W

Gibson, John L

Goodrich, James Edwin

Gougon, Thomas Levi Jr

Green, Gloria M

Greene, Myron A & Madeline A

Griffin, Annie B Morris

Griggs, Ethel Hale

Grimes, Augustus A

Grizzard, Alfred Garland

Grizzard, Mildred Flowers

Gums, Leland L & Leatha B

Gunn, Ira A & Eleanor D

Gunnells, James L & Joy Phillips

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