Sunnyside Cemetery
NC Archives Halifax County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Sunnyside Cemetery, Scotland Neck, Halifax County, NC

Compiled by J Edward "Bud" & Marion Josey

Tombstone Photographs - Surnames R-Y

Radcliff, Hazel M

Radcliff, Lena Mae

Radcliff, Hazel M

Radcliff, Lena Mae

Radcliff, Otis E & Betty

Radcliff, Otis Ephraim

Rawls, James Weldell

Reinker, James Kent & Linda Baisey

Rich, Linda Price

Riddick, Blanche B Averett

Robbins, Willie A & Maude B

Roberts, Ruby H

Robertson, Dorothy E

Robertson, John William

Robertson, Turner N

Robinson, Charley S & Jack W

Robinson, James Marvin

Robinson, Thomas J

Roebuck, Henry L & Hattie W

Roebuck, Henry N & Mary L

Roebuck, Jasper R & Mary L

Rogister, Curtis L

Ross, Gertrude Leary

Rufty, Thomas H, & Mary Edness

Satterthwaite, Fenner L

Scott, William L & Catherine H

Shearin, James Kennedy

Sheler, Lucile Hux

Sheler, Paul Harvard

Sherin, Jesse Edwin & Lanell K

Sherman, William W Jr & Betty L

Slade, George Josephine

Slade, Leala Baker

Smith, Benjamin W & Rebie P

Smith, Charles Robertson

Smith, Ernest F & Victoria P

Smith, Frances Ann

Smith, George A & Martha T

Smith, Glenwood E

Smith, Jack R & Evelyn R

Smith, James D

Smith, Joseph Edward

Smith, Kate Bell

Smith, Lorene B

Smith, Martha Taylor

Smith, Raleigh

Smith, Randolph E Jr & Barbara K

Smith, Rosa Lynch

Smith, William M

Speight, Juneious A & Hilda C

Spence, Robert Lee & Sallie P

Stahl, James L & Joann Adams

Stallings, Florine Williams

Stallings, Robert Levern

Stalls, Bertha

Stalls, Mayo

Staton, Bert House

Staton, Dallas G

Staton, Harper S

Staton, James Lynwood

Staton, James Lynwood

Staton, John T

Staton, John Troy

Staton, Joseph D

Staton, Logan J

Staton, Madeline P

Staton, Mary Ida

Staton, Mary Louise

Staton, Michael Loyal

Staton, Richard H & Daisy W

Staton, Ronald Lee

Staton, William A

Staton, William R

Stokes, James Hassell

Stokes, John Astor Sr

Stokes, Landon E & Gladys W

Strickland, Bessie P

Strickland, James E & Julia E

Strickland, Louis E

Suit, Charles Granville & Dorothy Baisey

Taylor, Infant Daughter

Taylor, Lena Allsbrook

Tharp, Thomas Gordon

Thompson, Billy Anthony

Thompson, Helen Whitehead

Thompson, Mildred Pittman

Thompson, Thomas W

Thompson, Warren T

Tillery, Cornelia Bulluck

Tillery, Edward

Tillery, Elaine B

Trayer, Trudy Barnhill

Tresslar, Beatrice G & Hazel G Smith

Tresslar, Beatrice G

Tuck, Faye Phelps

Tuck, Walter Pickette Sr

Turner, Christopher C Jr

Turner, James Earl Sr

Turner, Janice Daniels

Turner, Stewart Madison

Turner, Wallace S & Mary Catherine

Tutor, Russell Carl & Joan Winslow

Tyree, Ronald Franklin Jr

Tyson, Arden Blount

Tyson, William Arden

Underdown, James E & Mariam J

Underdown, James Edward Jr

Upton, John Pendleton

Upton, Minnie Lucas

Uzzell, Kirby Smith

Uzzell, Patrick Scott

Uzzell, Thelma M

Van Landingham, Robert F

Van Landingham, Spencer E

Vaughan, Hazel B

Vaughan, Joe Lassiter & Evelyn Carroll

Vaughan, Joe Lassiter

Vaughan, Louise Price

Veach, Everett Kermit Jr & Sue U

Vick, Claude

Vick, Irene H

Vick, Julian T & Evelyn W

Vick, Mary Bell

Ward, Annie P

Ward, George Frank

Ward, Mary Allsbrook

Warren, Addie F

Warren, Jeffrey A

Warren, W Theodore

Waters, Bitha Braddy

Waters, Charles H & Frances M

Waters, Charles H

Waters, Richard Cecil

Waters, Robert Ray Sr

Watkins, Margaret C

Watkins, William I

Watson, Linwood Earl

Watson, Marie B

Watson, Rev. H Willard

Watson, Samuel Denton

Watson, Samuel H

Watson, Willard Raymond Jr

Wayland, Norma Elkins

Weathersbee, Lena Naomia

Weathersbee, Marie C Burd

Weathersbee, Otelia M

Weeks, Danford A

Weeks, Donald Redmond

Weeks, Euthal R

Weeks, Mamie Barnes

Weeks, Mary Ethel

Weeks, Owen C & Vernon S

Weeks, Owen C

Wellner, William F & Nina G

West, Leslee G

West, M Craig

White, Arthur Otis

White, Dorothy Harrell

White, Eddie Earl

White, James Eugene

White, Lewis E & Gertrude N

White, Margaret Barnhill

Whitehead, Andrew Franklin

Whitehead, Charles Wesley

Whitehead, Dorothy W

Whitehead, Eleanor Cox

Whitehead, Eva Waters

Whitehead, James W

Whitehead, Krish Ine

Whitehead, Lydia E

Whitehead, Maggie Stokes

Whitehead, Mahlon Alvin

Whitehead, Pauline B

Whitehead, Pauline Welch Boone

Whitehead, Richard S Jr

Whitehead, Richard Samuel

Whitehead, Roland I

Whitehead, Velma P

Whitehurst, Cleo Piland

Whitehurst, Robert B & Mary Brown

Whitfield, Joseph Earl

Whittington, Allie B

Whittington, Annie Morris

Whittington, James Alton

Whittington, James E

Whittington, John Andrew

Whittington, Monroe

Whittington, Sarah L

Wilbright, Mamie

Wilkerson, Edna Walston

Wilkerson, Elmore

Wilkerson, Henry L & Verna E

Wilkerson, J Rufus

Wilkerson, John Rufus Jr

Wilkerson, Mildred Smith

Willett, Fannie Fields

Williams, Eldon P & Lila S

Williams, Eldon Palmer

Williams, Larry S Sr & Rita N

Williams, Lloyd

Williams, Mattie B

Williams, Rufus C

Williams, Rufus Conrad & Katherine Spence

Willoughby, L Pearl

Wilson, Albert Odell

Wilson, Berdie Dickens

Wilson, Billie Cherry

Wilson, Jerry Lewis

Wilson, Ruth B

Winborne, Nettie W

Winborne, Vernon H

Winborne, W Larry

Winborne, Walter L

Winborne, William Anthony

Winslow, Abner Thomas Sr

Winslow, Harriet Everett

Wommack, C Lee & Blanch B

Wommack, Claude E

Wommack, Claude Edward & Jean Wells

Wommack, James Edward & Erma O'Neal

Wommack, Joseph Benjamin & Mary Lilley

Worrell, Janis Tillery

Worrell, Myrle Arthur

Wright, Lorene Andrews Bradley

Yankey, James Louis & Louis Bell

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