NC Archives Greene County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Greene County, NC Estate Records, 1839-1845
By Bill Murphy
Description Date Size Submitter
Greene County Estates, Pages 1-287 Jan 2015 90 kb Bill Murphy
Greene County Estates, Pages 288-517 Jan 2015 70 kb Bill Murphy
Surname occurrences in this Volume
Abbot-Allen Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Allen-Bell Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Bennett-Britt Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Britt-Carr Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Carr-Creech Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Creek-Denny Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Deputy-Edmundson Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Edmundston-Faulk/Folk Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Felton-Grant Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Grant-Hanard Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Hanrahan-Hart Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Hart-Holliday Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Holmes-J. Norcott Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
John Norcott-Lassiter Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Lassiter-Meetinghouse Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Memasters-Mordecai Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Mordecai-Negroes Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Negroes Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Negroes-Patrick Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Patrick-Price Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Price-Sales Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Sales-Smith Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Smith-Sugg[s] Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Sugg[s]-Thompson Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Tillman-Vincent Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Vincent-Wicks Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Wicks-Williams Jan 2015   Bill Murphy
Willis-Yelverton Jan 2015   Bill Murphy

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