NC Archives Franklin County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Description Date Size Submitter
Thomas Arendell to Richard Reaves, 1803 Jan 2011 2 kb Beverly Watson The Registry
John R. Bunn to Joel Murphree, 1856 Dec 2002 2 kb Danny Bunn
Crooked Creek Plats, Circa 1764 Photo 60 kb Eric Hartsfield
Thomas Debnam to James Hartsfield, 1836 Jan 2003 3 kb Eric Hartsfield
James Drake to Samuel Williams, 1798 Jan 2003 3 kb Lisa Graham
Bridges Freeman to Jacob Hartsfield, 1780 Dec 2002 4 kb Eric Hartsfield
Howell Freeman to Jacob Hartsfield, 1785 Dec 2002 4 kb Eric Hartsfield
Joshua Gordan to William Reaves, 1802 Jan 2011 3 kb Beverly Watson The Registry
Jason Goswock to Mary & Mildred Reaves, 1846 Nov 2010 3 kb Beverly Watson The Registry
Robert Hall to Andrew Heartsfield, 1820 Dec 2002 3 kb Eric Hartsfield
W.I. & Mollie Harris to Ambrose Upchurch, 1874 Jul 2009 5 kb Susan Davis
Jacob Hartsfield Land Grant, 1794 Dec 2002 3 kb Eric Hartsfield
Jacob Hartsfield Survey, 1793 Dec 2002 2 kb Eric Hartsfield
Jacob Hartsfield Survey Order, 1791 Dec 2002 2 kb Eric Hartsfield
James Hartsfield to Jacob Cooley, 1834 Jan 2003 3 kb Eric Hartsfield
Andrew Heartsfield to James Heartsfield, 1832 Jan 2003 5 kb Eric Hartsfield
Jacob Heartsfield to Andrew Heartsfield, 1796 Dec 2002 5 kb Eric Hartsfield
Jesse Horn to William Reaves, 1789 Nov 2010 4 kb Beverly Watson The Registry
William Jeffrey Land Entry, 1779 Jan 2003 2 kb Lisa Graham
Shemuel Kearney Sale, 1859 Jun 2007 1 kb Carolyn Shank
Miscellaneous Deeds Feb 2003 7 kb Lisa Graham
John Pearce to Ambrose Upchurch, 1854 Jul 2009 2 kb Suan Davis
Peter Reaves to John Pate, 1826 Nov 2010 4 kb Beverly Watson The Registry
William Reaves to David Young, 1838 Nov 2010 4 kb Beverly Watson The Registry
William Reves to Archer Wiggins, 1806 Jan 2011 3 kb Beverly Watson The Registry
John Rives to William Perry Jr., 1785 Nov 2010 4 kb Beverly Watson The Registry
William Rives to Moses Neal Et Al, 1810 Jan 2011 3 kb Beverly Watson The Registry
Kirby Sanders to Jacob Hartsfield, 1793 Dec 2002 3 kb Eric Hartsfield
William West to John Rives 1783 Nov 2010 3 kb Beverly Watson The Registry
Ambrose Upchurch, Martha Alford & Ursuly Upchurch to William Privitt, 1879 Sep 2008 2 kb Susan Davis

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