The picture was taken in 1920 of the fifth grade class of Ms. Eva Neal. I don't know the name of the school, but it was in Durham. The names are on the back of the picture, but someone cut off some of the names at the bottom. Names 16 - 18, 31 - 32 are missing. My Mother is on the third row, fourth from the left. Mother told a story about one of the boys in the picture. I can't remember which one, but he could wiggle his ears, and nothing else moved. She kept practicing and trying until she could do it, too, and she really could wiggle her ears. I saw her do it many times.
Born 19 April 1909, her name was Christine Wilkins, dau. of Charlie B. and Delia Wallace Wilkins, originally from Johnston Co. Mother and her family lived on Anderson St. in West Durham, and my grandfather worked at the cotton mill. I think it was Erwin Mills. The family moved back to Selma in Johnston Co. the next year, and she lived there the rest of her life. She and my Father, Robert E. Hill were married in 1934. One of her brothers, L. R. Wilkins, remained in Durham, for by that time he was married and had a family of his own. She had three more brothers: Charlie Van, James Clinton and Edward Skinner. She also had one sister, Pauline.
Back of Picture
1920 - Fifth Grade Miss Eva Neal 1. Edward N. 19. Katie Jeffreys 2. Paul Taylor 20. Ophelia Wood 3. Dewey Peede 21. Margaret Phillips 4. Charles McBroome 22. Carlotta Satterfield 5. Robert Crabtree 23. Lois Cates 6. Vernon Wallace 24. Myrtle Williams 7. Jasper Bane 25. Winston Montgomery 8. Lois Rhodes 26. Edgar Andrews 9. Lucille Rigsbee 27. Theodore Smith 10. Lillie Howard 28. Hall Capps 11. Christine Williams 29. Coy Weaver 12. Estelle Rigsbee 30. Dennis James 13. Daisy Ray 31. [torn off] 14. Lois Cheek 32. [torn off] 15. Myrtle Keck 16. Mary Belkes (?) 17. [torn off] 18. [torn off]
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