NC Archives Craven County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

John Benners Will & Estate Records
File Description Date Size Submitted by
John Benners - Will, 1801 Nov 2009 8 kb Jo Huettl
Division of Real Estate - Family, 1801 Nov 2009 Plat Jo Huettl
Slaves Division, 1801 Nov 2009 3 kb Jo Huettl
Slaves Freed, 1801 Nov 2009 2 kb Jo Huettl
Division of Real Estate - Slaves, 1802 Nov 2009 Plat Jo Huettl
Thomas Partridge - Petition - Lot 21, 1802 Nov 2009 2 kb Jo Huettl
Thomas Partridge & Lucas Benners - Lot 21, 1802 Nov 2009 2 kb Jo Huettl
Thomas Partridge & Lucas Benners - Lot 28, 1802 Nov 2009 2 kb Jo Huettl
Thomas Partridge & Lucas Benners - Lot 28, 1803 Nov 2009 2 kb Jo Huettl
Polly Buck - Petition, 1836 Nov 2009 1 kb Jo Huettl
Elizabeth B. Jones - Deposition, 1836 Nov 2009 4 kb Jo Huettl
Mr. Jones - Deposition, 1836 Nov 2009 3 kb Jo Huettl
Recovery of Bounty Land, 1836 Nov 2009 3 kb Jo Huettl

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