Genealogical Services Branch
                       State Library of North Carolina
                               Raleigh, NC

Code   County          Date        Parent(s)
.001   Alamance        1849        Orange
.002   Albemarle       1664        Original County; abolished 1739
.003   Alexander       1847        Iredell, Caldwell, Wilkes
.004   Alleghany       1859        Ashe
.005   Anson           1750        Bladen
.006   Ashe            1799        Wilkes
.007   Avery           1911        Mitchell, Watauga, Caldwell
.008   Bath            1696        Original County; abolished 1739
.009   Beaufort        1705        Bath
.010   Bertie          1722        Chowan
.011   Bladen          1734        New Hanover
.012   Brunswick       1764        New Hanover, Bladen
.013   Buncombe        1791        Burke, Rutherford
.014   Burke           1777        Rowan
.015   Bute            1764        Granville; abolished 1779
.016   Cabarrus        1792        Mecklenburg
.017   Caldwell        1841        Burke, Wilkes
.018   Camden          1777        Pasquotank
.019   Carteret        1722        Craven
.020   Caswell         1777        Orange
.021   Catawba         1842        Lincoln
.022   Chatham         1771        Orange
.023   Cherokee        1839        Macon
.024   Chowan          1668        Albemarle
       Clarendon       1664        Original County; abandoned 1667
.025   Clay            1861        Cherokee
.026   Cleveland       1841        Rutherford, Lincoln
.027   Columbus        1808        Brunswick, Bladen
.028   Craven          1705        Bath
.029   Cumberland      1754        Bladen
.030   Currituck       1668        Albemarle
.031   Dare            1870        Currituck, Tyrrell, Hyde
.032   Davidson        1822        Rowan
.033   Davie           1836        Rowan
.034   Dobbs           1758        Johnston; abolished 1791
.035   Duplin          1750        New Hanover
.036   Durham          1881        Orange, Wake
.037   Edgecombe       1741        Bertie
.038   Forsyth         1849        Stokes
.039   Franklin        1779        Bute
.040   Gaston          1846        Lincoln
.041   Gates           1779        Chowan, Hertford, Perquimans
.042   Glasgow         1791        Dobbs; abolished 1799
.043   Graham          1872        Cherokee
.044   Granville       1746        Edgecombe
.045   Greene          1799        Glasgow
.046   Guilford        1771        Rowan, Orange
.047   Halifax         1758        Edgecombe
.048   Harnett         1855        Cumberland
.049   Haywood         1808        Buncombe
.050   Henderson       1838        Buncombe
.051   Hertford        1759        Chowan, Bertie, Northampton
.052   Hoke            1911        Cumberland, Robeson
.053   Hyde            1705        Bath
.054   Iredell         1788        Rowan
.055   Jackson         1851        Haywood, Macon
.056   Johnston        1746        Craven
.057   Jones           1779        Craven
.058   Lee             1907        Moore, Chatham
.059   Lenoir          1791        Dobbs
.060   Lincoln         1779        Tryon
.061   Macon           1828        Haywood
.062   Madison         1851        Buncombe, Yancey
.063   Martin          1774        Halifax, Tyrrell
.064   McDowell        1842        Rutherford, Burke
.065   Mecklenburg     1762        Anson
.066   Mitchell        1861        Yancey, Watauga, Caldwell, Burke, McDowell
.067   Montgomery      1779        Anson
.068   Moore           1784        Cumberland
.069   Nash            1777        Edgecombe
.070   New Hanover     1729        Craven
.071   Northampton     1741        Bertie
.072   Onslow          1734        New Hanover
.073   Orange          1752        Johnston, Bladen, Granville
.074   Pamlico         1872        Craven, Beaufort
.075   Pasquotank      1668        Albemarle
.076   Pender          1875        New Hanover
.077   Perquimans      1668        Albemarle
.078   Person          1791        Caswell
.079   Pitt            1760        Beaufort
.080   Polk            1855        Rutherford, Henderson
.081   Randolph        1779        Guilford
.082   Richmond        1779        Anson
.083   Robeson         1787        Bladen
.084   Rockingham      1785        Guilford
.085   Rowan           1753        Anson
.086   Rutherford      1779        Tryon
.087   Sampson         1784        Duplin
.088   Scotland        1899        Richmond
.089   Stanly          1841        Montgomery
.090   Stokes          1789        Surry
.091   Swain           1871        Jackson, Macon
.092   Surry           1771        Rowan
.093   Transylvania    1861        Henderson, Jackson
.094   Tryon           1768        Mecklenburg; abolished 1779
.095   [Not assigned]
.096   Tyrrell         1729        Chowan, Bertie, Currituck, Pasquotank
.097   Union           1842        Anson, Mecklenburg
.098   Vance           1881        Granville, Warren, Franklin
.099   Wake            1771        Johnston, Cumberland, Orange
.100   Warren          1779        Bute
.101   Washington      1799        Tyrrell
.102   Watauga         1849        Ashe, Wilkes, Caldwell, Yancey
.103   Wayne           1779        Dobbs
.104   Wilkes          1777        Surry, District of Washington
.105   Wilson          1855        Edgecombe, Nash, Johnston, Wayne
.106   Yadkin          1850        Surry
.107   Yancey          1833        Burke, Buncombe

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