NC Archives Caswell County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Bastardy Record Images
File Description Images Date Submitted by
Randolph Anderson & Anna Burton, 1894 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Dick Boswell & Elizabeth Watlington, 1866 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Matilda Brackin, 1867 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Matilda Brackin & Griffin Cobb, 1867 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Sylvester Bradsher & Chessy Kimbro, 1896 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Sylvester Bradsher & Chessy Kimbro, 1896 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Michael Brandon & Polly Pyron, 1840 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Isabella Brincefield, 1840 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
William Cooper & Alice Lipscomb, 1878 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Beverly Dickens & Fanny Pirant, 1839 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Elizabeth Dunavant, 1840 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Elizabeth Dunavant, 1837 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Harriet Dunavant, 1840 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Martha Dunavant, 1840 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Marticia Dunevant, 1838 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Marticia Dunevant, 1838 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Marticia Dunavant & Elizabeth Dunavant, 1844 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Mary Durham, 1866 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Alex Fuller Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Frances Fuqua, 1838 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
John Fuquay & Catherine Smith, 1845 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
John Fuqua, 1845 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Robert Garland & Adalaide Elliott, 1873 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Lee Graves Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Carter Groom & Fanny Pyron, 1833 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Carter Groom & Fanny Pyron, 1835 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
William Herring, 1837 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
William Herring & Lucy Hicks, 1837 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
William Herring & Lucy Hicks, 1838 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
William Herring, 1840 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
William Herring, 1840 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Alexander Hicks & Daisy Wilson, 1833 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Elizabeth Hicks, 1788 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Jerry Hinton & Martha Lea Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Jerry Lea, 1878 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Jerry Lea & Rebecca Boyd, 1878 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Jerry Lea & Anna Hooper, 1878 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
William Lea & Thomas Hooks, 1841 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Washington Lea & Bettie Goode, 1874 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Tom B. Lee & Tildie Lee, 1808 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Andrew Montgomery, 1841 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
William Parker & Holly Knolls, 1787 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Williamson L. Parks & Amanda Dabbs, 1848 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Thomas C. Pass, 1841 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Thomas Pass & Elizabeth Taylor Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Sarah Poteat, 1904 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Jennie Pulliam, 1880 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Parmelia Pyron (Piron), 1838 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Cary Richmond & Jinny Lea, 1874 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Harrison Rudd, 1873 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Harrison Rudd & Martha Stephens, 1873 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Sam Rudd & Lucy Richmond, 1872 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Thomas Rudd & Lou Williamson, 1878 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Pleasant Scott & Mary Pyron, 1845 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Catherine Smith, 1850 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Patsy & Jessie Stephens, 1890 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Thomas Turner & Rutha Hicks, 1883 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
James Wilson & Mildred Webb, 1785 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry
Thomas Yancey & Susanna Turner, 1786 Image Dec 2012 Rita Lea The Registry

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