NC Archives
Brunswick County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Description Date Size Submitter
B.D. Applewhite to Josiah B. Wilkins, 1861 Oct 1999 2 kb Natasha Miles
James Coker, 1794 May 1998 2 kb Steven J. Coker
John Hartsfield Heirs to Jonathan Rothwell, 1837 Mar 2003 3 kb Eric Hartsfield
John & Mary Lock to Nathaniel Reeves & Zachariah Butler, 1785 Aug 2010 7 kb Beverly Watson
James Moore (et Al) to Sarah Moore, 1830 Oct 2006 5 kb Donnie Pickard
Winney Reaves - 1858, Power of Attorney Jan 1998 2 kb Sonya Woosley
Rowell and Scull, 1807 Sep 1998 1 kb Sharon Shaw
Col. Benjamin Smith Donates Land, 1790 Sep 2007 2 kb Connie Ardrey

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