NC Archives
Albemarle County, NC
USGenWeb Archives

Description Date Size Submitter
John Bush to Edward Bryan, 1721 Nov 2008 5 kb Mary Maarbjerg The Registry
William Cranford to John Bush, 1720 Nov 2008 5 kb Mary Maarbjerg The Registry
Great Deed of Grant, 1668 Aug 2008 4 kb Guy PottsThe Registry
Hibens & Harbort to Thomas Norcom, 1697 Apr 2005 3 kb Beth Collins
Valentine Ming to Thomas Blitchenden, 1727 Apr 2005 3 kb Beth Collins
Thomas & Jane Tull to William Basnett, 1670 Nov 2007 2 kb Michael Schoettle
Thomas & Jane Tull to William Basnett, 1670 Nov 2007 2 kb Michael Schoettle
Charles Wilks to John Rice, 1728 Apr 2005 3 kb Beth Collins
John & Ann Williams to Henry Overstreet, 1724 Feb 2008 5 kb Jean M. Hirsch

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