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All information submitted to this project remains-to the extent the law allows-the property of the submitter, who agrees that it may be copied freely but never used for profit and never sold without the knowledge and permission of  the rightful owner.   Please remember that all information needs to be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence.  Enjoy your visit and come back soon.


George Beckwith Edward Cardwell C.D.Mine William Coburn
Walter Cooper George Cowan George Crane George Douglas
Edgar Fletcher Jennison Jones Alexander Gilliam Ira Leighton
S.W. Lewis John Murray P F Riley Asa Sloan
John Sockerson Lewis Vawater John Wellcome  

File Name Submitter
1870Census of the Lower Boulder Basin Ellen Rae Thiel

History of Montana - Bios. Sanders Volume III pub. 1913

File Name Submitter
AlvinBerry Ellen Rae Thiel
OliveV. Brasier, M. D. Ellen Rae Thiel
C.G. Campbell Ellen Rae Thiel
RobertE. Hammond Ellen Rae Thiel
DanielMathew Kelly Ellen Rae Thiel
IraAlbert Leighton, M. D. Ellen Rae Thiel
CorneliusPatrick O' Callaghan Ellen Rae Thiel
IkeEugene Odell Pace Ellen Rae Thiel
L.Q. Skelton Ellen Rae Thiel
JohnSockerson Ellen Rae Thiel

File Name Submitter

BLM Land Records for Jefferson County

Leeson's History of Montana 1739-1885 
Submitted By Ellen Rae Thiel
Mrs. Ollie J. Barnes Ferd Berendes E. F. Brooke Miles W. Brown
P. B. Clark Irvin Collier Hiram Cook William L. Copeland
George F. Cowan Thomas Crahan William Davies J. E. Dougherty
Allen M. Easterly F. W. Ellis D. B. Filson Van H. Fisk
T. H. Fuhrken William R. Gibbings John J. Hall Mrs. Frances E. Harvey
H. M. Hill John A. Keating E. A. Kimpton John Knoche
Louis G. Lawrence Charles Lefler W. H. Lockhart A. Macomber
Charles Maguire Jno. G. McCauley John McDermott Arche McMillan
E. McSorley Willaim Noonan Marion Pool Isom Preuitt
W. Quinn C. C. Ray Henry Raymond Clifton Reynolds
Rev. F. A. Riggin Alfred F. Rudd J. W. Sherlock Daniel J. Stannard
Wm. T. Sweet J. M. D. Taylor Andrew T. Thompson Benjamin Townsley
S. F. Tuttle W. J. Ward A. E. Wells Frank Wells
Wm. U. Williams David T. Williams Thomas Wright  

Our Yesterdays Complete Book
OurYesterdays Name Index Submitted by Ellen Rae Thiel
Play Ball !! Batter Up! The Brady-Twohy Family The Carey Ranch Chivariv Ari
St. John Evangelist Church The Cornelius Clark-Henry McCauley Family The Carpenter Branch William N. Davison
Douglas-Doherty-Wallgreen Ad Dulaney The Richard Dunn Family Entertainment
Epilogue The Edward Ryan Family Patrick Fenton The Flaherty Place
The Peter Flood Family The Francis Ryan Family The Philip Gillick Family The Hoopes Family
Boulder Valley Hospitality The Irish Wakes The Jack Dawson Family James Ryan-Florence Morgan Branch
John McKenna Frank Minier The Micheal Murphy Family The Mathew Smith Family
The Mullen Place The Mulveys St. John Evangelist Church Open Range
The Paradis Ranch Porter-Daley Place The Phillip Smith Family A. C. Quaintan
The Quinn Family Rodeos The William Rogers Family The Ryan-Smith Ranch
The Peter Smith-Thomas Dawson Family Swarbicks John Walsh Jack Waters
Mathias Weber Weber School Patrick Wickham Family Two Dot Wilson
The Ranch at The Y      

Vital Statistics In The Boulder/Basin Newspapers
 Submitted by Ellen Rae Thiel
This is very much a work in progress
Name Master Index ****IMPORTANT: This file explain the abbreviations in files below****
A B C D  E-F G H I-J K-L M N-O P-Q R S T U-V-W X Y-Z

Adoptions  A-Z

Births Submitted by Ellen Rae Thiel

A Ba Be Bi Br Bu Ca Ce Co Cr Da Di Dr E Fa Fl Ga Go
Ha He I-J-K L Ma Mc Mo N-O P-Q R Sa Sm Sn T-U V-Wi Wo Y-Z  
  A-F G-L M-R S-Z  
A An Ba Bar Be Bi Br Bu Ca Carm Ce Co Coo Cr Da De Di Dr
E Fa Fl Fos Ga Gn Ha Ham Hap He Him Hor I Ja Joh Ka Ki Ko
La Le Li Ma Mal Mas Mc McD McK Me Mo Mou N O Pa Pe Pl Q
Ra Rh Ro Ru Sa Sc Sh Si Sl Sn St Sti Su Ta Th To U-V Wa
We Wi Will Wo X-Y-Z  
A B C D E F G H-I J K L M Mc N O P-Q R S
T U V-W X Y-Z  
  A-F G-K L-R S-Z  
A Ba Be Bo Bra Bro Ca Cl Cr Da Do E F Ga Gr Ha He Hi
Hr I-J K La Li Ma Mc Me Mo N-O Pa Ph-Q Ra Ro Sa Sh Sl So
Su Ta Ti U-V Wa Wi Y-Z  
Name Changes

File Description Size Date Submitter
Hyde, Samuel June 1900 1K Apr 2008 Teresa Taramasso
Miller, Frank October 1896 2K Apr 2008 Teresa Taramasso


File Name Submitter
1864Poll List Ellen Rae Thiel
1883-84 Taxpayers Of Jefferson County   A-K     L-Z Ellen Rae Thiel

File Description Size Date Submitter

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This page was last updated  02 February 2019  Thanks for stopping by!