Mississippi USGenWeb Archives

   Evergreen Cemetery

 Harrison County, MS

Tombstone Photographs


Location: 28th Street
Gulfport,  MS

The photographs in this portion of the archives were taken by:
John Pritchard (jp)


(Click on the underlined links to download the tombstone photograph)

  Magnusen,_James Alfred (jp)
 Marshall,_Roderick F. (jp)
 McArthur,_Doris Ann (jp)
 McArthur,_William Lloyd and _Mary Elizabeth McArthur (jp)
 McCoy,_Annie L. (jp)
 McCoy,_Wm. G. (jp)
 McDonald,_Carl Archie (jp)
 McIntosh,_Lalah (jp)
 McIntosh,_Thomas B. (jp)
 McKay,_Ellis Edwin and _Gladys Necaise McKay (jp)
 McMichael,_Auborn J. and_Burdette G. McMichael (jp)
 McMichael,_John Henry (jp)
 McMichael,_Percy G. (jp)
 McMichael,_Robert M. (jp)
 McMichael,_William A. (jp)
 McNamee,_Robert Lloyd (jp)
 McNeil, Herbert (jp)
 Medcalf, Sarah C. Wedding(jp)
 Medlock,_Marie Hudson (jp)
 Menzdorf,_Elizabeth  (jp)
 Mills,_Joseph C. (jp)
 Mills,_Lenora W. (jp)
 Mills,_Samuel Ashton (jp)
 Moffat,_Edward A. Jr.(jp)
 Moffat,_Hazel S. (jp)
 Moody,_Ernest Braxton (jp)
 Moon,_Charles F. (jp)
 Moon,_Charles F._Jr. (jp)
 Moon,_Carl Robert (jp)
 Moon,_Judith Ann duaghter of John and Elizabeth Moon (jp)
 Moon,_John W. Sr. (jp)
 Moon,_Lois McDonald and_William Allen Moon (jp)
 Moon,_Laura Allen (jp)
 Moon,_Thomas Leo and_Mathilde Gragard Moon (jp)
 Moore,_S.W. (jp)
 Moore,_William James and_Lue Vennie Moore (jp)
 Moran,_Wallace Andrew (jp)
 Morgan,_Carrie (jp)
 Morgan,_William (jp)
 Moses,_John C. (jp)
 Murphy,_Herbert B. (jp)
 Myers,_Myron (jp)

 Napier,_Virginia Todd (jp)
 Nelson,_Lauren Nicole "Lala" (jp)

 O'Connell,_Iduma (jp)
 O'Connell,_John (jp)
 Odom,_Clara B. (jp)
 Odom,_Horace G. (jp)

Do you have any headstone photos from this or any other Mississippi cemetery to add to the collection?
If so, see How To Contribute.

 Rhonda Smith maintains this web site

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USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic photographs may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.