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Location: 28th Street
Gulfport, MS
The photographs in this portion of the archives were taken by:
John Pritchard (jp)
Michelle Ladner (ml)
Jackson,_Grace (jp)
Jackson,_Libbie Crain Anderson(jp)
Jacobs,_Albert A. (jp)
Jacobs,_Jean Tomblin (jp)
Jacobs,_Leon Hiller (jp)
Jacobson,_Martin (jp)
Jacobson,_Nora R."Bobo" (jp)
James,_Julia L. (jp)
James,_W.J. "Dad" (jp)
Jensen,_Adolph (jp)
Jensen,_Betty Lois(jp)
Jensen,_Leona King (jp)
Jewell,_Eleanor Fay (jp)
Johnson,_Viola L. wife of ___(stone
Broken)1905-1932 (jp)
Joyner,_Florence B. (jp)
King,_Clifford L.husband of Ida B. Jones
LaCuesta,_Henry (jp)
Lacy,_Charles Earl (jp)
Lacy,_Henry D.husband of Isabelle Lacy(jp)
Lacy,_Isabelle wife of Henry D.Lacy(jp)
Lacy,_Mamie Sue (jp)
Lacy,_Robert R.son of H.D. Lacy (jp)
Lacy,_Walter E. (jp)
Ladner_Daisy Pearson (jp)
Ladner,_Hilmon A. (jp)
Ladner, Irma W. Irma Weise Wife of
W. Victor Ladner(ml)
Ladner_Printon R.(jp)
Ladner,_Rema H. (jp)
Ladner_Rebecca P. & Oliver M. Ladner(jp)
Ladner, W. Victor(ml)
Ladnier_Lilly R.(jp)
Lamont,_Arthur George (jp)
Lang_Rubye Thomas(jp)
LaRosa_Frank Sr.(jp)
LaRosa_Ida Barrale(jp)
LaRosa_Katherine Lucille Price(jp)
LaRosa_Vincent Marion(jp)
Lawrence, George & Adams, Rosa &
Lawrence, William & Lawrence, Josephine(jp)
Lawson,_Leonard and _Claudia Lawson(jp)
LeBlanc,_Terry P. (jp)
Lee_Annie Elizabeth(jp)
Leonard_Henry A.(jp)
Lewis_Charles A.(jp)
Lewis_Don R.(jp)
Lewis_Edith Woodward(jp)
Lewis_Fannie N.(jp)
Lewis_Wendell Clyde(jp)
Lewis_Wendell Clyde_Jr.(jp)
Liggins_Charlie W.(jp)
Liggins_Mildred R.(jp)
Loper,_Annie Laura Stewart (jp)
Loper,_Hariett Elizabeth Griffin(jp)
Loper,_William M. (jp)
Lott_Frank O.(jp)
Lott_Ida M.(jp)
Lowe,_Walter (jp)
Lowery,_Bart S. (jp)
Lowery,_George F. (jp)
Lowery,_Ida B. Gartman (jp)
Lowry_Alex? (jp)
Lowry_Emma Sumrall(jp)
Lowry_James L.(jp)
Lowry_Dr. James L_Jr.(jp)
Luntz_Gena Mae(jp)
Lyons,_Alton Phillip_Jr. (jp)
Lyons,_Clifton J. (jp)
Lyons_Dora Parker(jp)
Lytle,_Bertha Dorman (jp)
Lytle,_Mark Fenton (jp)
Do you have any headstone photos from this or any other Mississippi
cemetery to add to the collection?
If so, see How
To Contribute.
Rhonda Smith maintains this web site
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