File Description | Size | Date | Submitter |
WWI Registrants Surnames A - B | 72K | --- | Raymond H. Banks |
WWI Registrants Surnames C - D | 84K | --- | Raymond H. Banks |
WWI Registrants Surnames E - G | 60K | --- | Raymond H. Banks |
WWI Registrants Surnames H | 70K | --- | Raymond H. Banks |
WWI Registrants Surnames I - L | 64K | --- | Raymond H. Banks |
WWI Registrants Surnames M | 69K | --- | Raymond H. Banks |
WWI Registrants Surnames N - Q | 55K | --- | Raymond H. Banks |
WWI Registrants Surnames R - S | 87K | --- | Raymond H. Banks |
WWI Registrants Surnames T - Y | 69K | --- | Raymond H. Banks |
File Description | Size | Date | Submitter |
Kemper County Enlistees, World War II, Names Walters - Eason | 66K | May 2007 | Tina Vickery |
Kemper County Enlistees, World War II, Names Edmonds - Kyzer | 67K | May 2007 | Tina Vickery |
Kemper County Enlistees, World War II, Names Lacy - Rincher | 66K | May 2007 | Tina Vickery |
Kemper County Enlistees, World War II, Names Roberts - Young | 59K | May 2007 | Tina Vickery |
File Description | Size | Date | Submitter |
Some Military Land Grants In Kemper County Mississippi For Soldiers Of The War Of 1812 | 3.3K |
Jan 2011 |
Linda S. Ayres |
was last updated Sunday, 19-Aug-2018 04:58:40 EDT