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Phelps County Missouri
Cemetery Records
File Name Description Size Date Submitted by:
burials.htm Alphabetical List of Phelps County Burials 20K Oct. 2002 Barbara Pugh
phelpcon.txt Volume 1 Phelps Co Cem.(con't) 26K Feb. 1999 Avlyn Conley
asst.txt Misc. Small Cemeteries 6K May 1997 Avlyn Conley
more.txt Misc. Cemeteries 5K Mar1998 Avlyn Conley
adams.txt Adams Cemetery 16K Apr1997 Avlyn Conley
adams2.txt Adams Cemetery #2 (updated) 33K Sept. 2003 Sharon Macormic
allencem.htm Allen Cemetery
2K May 2003 Sharon Macormic
asher.txt Asher Cemetery
12K Mar. 1998 Avlyn Conley
beaver.txt Beaver Cemetery 9K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
beaver2.txt Beaver Cemetery (updated)
16K June 2003 Sharon Macormic
beeler.txt Beeler Cemetery
9K Nov1998 Avlyn Conley
Sharon Macormic
bellcem.txt Bell Cemetery 2K Oct1997 Avlyn Conley
bell2.txt Bell Cemetery (updated)
2K Nov2003 Sharon Macormic
btreat.txt Benton Treat Cemetery
2K Nov2003 Sharon Macormic
beulah.txt Beulah Cemetery
2K Nov2003 Avlyn Conley
Sharon Macormic
black.txt Black Cemetery 3K May 1997 Avlyn Conley
black2.txt Black Cemetery
7K Apr2005 Sharon Macormic
brooks.txt Brookshire Cemetery
AKA Newport Cemetery
5K Jun2003 Sharon Macormic
brown.txt Brown Cemetery 2K May1997 Avlyn Conley
brown2.txt Brown Cemetery (updated)
3K Nov. 2003 Sharon Macormic
burton.txt Burton Cemetery 2K May 1997 Avlyn Conley
burton.txt Burton Cemetery (updated)
5K June 2003 Sharon Macormic
campbel.txt Campbell Cemetery Est. Circa 1850
2.69K Jul2004 Sharon Macormic
campcr.txt Camp Creek Cemetery (updated)
6K July 2003 Sharon Macormic
carney.txt Carney Cemetery 5K Apr. 1997 Avlyn Conley
cedarhl1.txt Cedar Hill Cemetery
4.1K Feb 2005 Sharon Macormic
coppedge.txt Coppedge Cemetery 12K May 1997 Avlyn Conley
coppfree.txt Coppedge-Freeman Cemetery 4K June 1997 Avlyn Conley
corncrk.txt Corn Creek Cemetery 4K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
ccreek.txt Corn Creek Cemetery(updated)
10K Nov. 2003 Sharon Macormic
cox.txt Cox Cemetery
1K Jan2006 Sharon Macormic
cowan.txt Cowan Cemetery 2K Februry 1998 Avlyn Conley
Creek Cemetery
KREWSON tombstone Images
Feb. 2000 Mabel Noble (Krewson)
davis.txt Davis Cemetery 2K Feb. 1998 Avlyn Conley
dean.txt Dean Cemetery AKA Old Dean Cemetery
1K 2008 Sharon Macormic
dyer.txt Dyer Cemetery AKA Carney-Dyer
6K June 2003 Sharon Macormic
edsprcem.txt Edgar Springs Cemetery 11K Aug. 1997 Avlyn Conley
elkprair.txt Elk Prairie Cemetery 7K Feb1998 Avlyn Conley
elkprar1.txt Elk Prairie Cemetery
12.7K Feb2005 Sharon Macormic
elliot.txt Elliot Cemetery
2K Jun1997 Avlyn Conley
Sharon Macormic
fairview.txt Fairview Cemetery 4K Nov1998 Avlyn Conley
falk-gol.txt Falkenrath-Gollahon Cemetery
2.60K Sep2004 Sharon Macormic
flags.txt Flag Springs Cemetery 4K Nov2003 Sharon Macormic
flatgrov.txt Flat Grove Cemetery
5K Nov1996 Avlyn Conley
Sharon Macormic
flatgrov69gcm.txt Flat Grove Cemetery
1.3Kb Jan2013 Nathaniel Pieper
fuhring.txt Fuhring-Brown Cemetery 1K Nov2003 Sharon Macormic
gabel.txt Gabel Cemetery
2.69K Jul2004 Sharon Macormic
goodall.txt Goodall Cemetery 6K Nov1996 Avlyn Conley
gorman.txt Gorman Cemetery 2K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
gronholt.txt Gronholt Cemetery 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
gron.txt Gronholt Cemetery(updated) 2K Nov. 2003 Sharon Macormic
grubb.txt Grubb-Andrews Cemetery 1K Mar. 1998 Avlyn Conley
hawkins.txt Hawkins Cemetery 7K Nov. 1996 Avlyn Conley
hawkins2.txt Hawkins Cemetery #2 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
hawkins3.txt Hawkins Cemetery #3 1K Nov. 1999 Avlyn Conley
hudgens.txt Hudgens Cemetery 2.69 .kb July 2004 Sharon Macormic
hughes.txt Hughes Cemetery 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
huskey.txt Huskey Cemetery 3.60K Sept 2004 Sharon Macormic
jackson.txt Jackson Cemetery 3K May 1997 Avlyn Conley
jackson2.txt Jackson Cemetery (updated) 5K June 2003 Sharon Macormic
kaintuck.txt Kaintuck Cemetery 2K Apr. 1997 Avlyn Conley
kaint2.txt Kaintuck Cemetery #2(updated) 2K May 2003 Sharon Macormic
laneysmth1.txt LANEY SMITH CEMETERY 4.5K Feb 2005 Sharon Macormic
Denis Seevers
light.txt Light Cemetery 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
linecem.txt Line Cemetery 2K Aug. 1997 Avlyn Conley
matlock.txt Matlock Cemetery 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
matmorr.txt Matlock (Morris) Cemetery 1K Mar. 1998 Avlyn Conley
Location of Maramec Community Cemetery 1K May 2009 PCGS
merspcem.txt Meramec Springs Cemetery 3K Aug. 1997 Avlyn Conley
miles.txt Miles Cemetery 15K Nov. 2003 Sharon Macormic
millcem.txt Mill Creek Cemetery 8K Oct. 1997 Avlyn Conley
millcrek.txt Upper Mill Creek Cemetery 2K Feb. 1998 Avlyn Conley
miller.txt Miller Cemetery (updated) 4K June 2003 Sharon Macormic
mitchell.txt Mitchell Cemetery 1K Mar. 1998 Avlyn Conley
mitch2.txt Mitchell Cemetery #2 (updated) 6K Sept. 2003 Sharon Macormic
mtolive.txt Mount Olive Baptist Church Cemetery 11K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
mtzincem.txt Mt. Zion Baptist Church Cemetery 5K Aug. 1997 Avlyn Conley
newburg.txt Newburg Cemetery 57K Nov. 2000 Erin Quinlivan
newport.txt Newport Cemetery
AKA Brookshire Cemetery
3K July 1997 Avlyn Conley
oakgr.txt Oak Grove Cemetery 29K Nov. 2003 Sharon Macormic
oldstjms1.txt Old St. James Cemetery 4.65K Feb. 2005 Sharon Macormic
Denise Seevers
pearidge.txt Pea Ridge 21K Feb. 1999 Avlyn Conley
Pillman/Harrison Cem
Pillman cem sign
wide shot of Pillman
14 K
18 k
22 k
May 2005 Sharon Macormic
pillman.txt Pillman Cemetery 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
pilotknob.txt Pilot Knob Cemetery 8K Mar. 1997 Avlyn Conley
pinehill.txt Pine Hill Cemetery 1K Nov. 2002 Janet Boom
pineh2.txt Pine Hill Cemetery (updated) 4K June 2003 Sharon Macormic
prewitt.txt Prewitt Cemetery 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
ramsey1.txt Ramsey Cemetery 4.27 K Feb 2005 Sharon Macormic
Denise Seevers
ray.txt Ray Cemetery 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
ranaud.cem Renaud Cemetery 4K Mar. 1998 Avlyn Conley
rheacem.txt Rhea Church Cemetery 14K Mar. 1997 Avlyn Conley
rosati.txt Rosati Cemetery 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
roseber.txt Roseberry Cemetery 3K Mar. 1998 Avlyn Conley
rosebry1.txt ROSEBERRY CEMETERY 7.55K Feb 2005 Sharon Macormic
smith.txt Smith Cemetery 32K Nov. 2003 Sharon Macormic
smith-laney.txt Smith-Laney Cemetery 2K June 1997 Avlyn Conley
stjamescity.txt St. James City Cemetery
a.k.a. Old Masonic Cemetery
376K March 2010 Craig & Dee Brown
stjames.txt St. James Catholic Cemetery 12K Nov. 1996 Avlyn Conley
stjamsold.txt St. James Old Cemetery 8K Nov. 1996 Avlyn Conley
strawhun.txt Strawhun Cemetery 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
swyers-gorman.txt Swyers - Gorman Cemetery 6 .kb January 2005 Sharon Macormic
thomas.txt Thomas Cemetery 3K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
tomfairv.txt Thomas Fairview Cemetery (updated) 11K Nov. 2003 Sharon Macormic
treat.txt Treat Cemetery 2K Feb. 1998 Avlyn Conley
troutcem.txt Trout Cemetery 5K Oct. 1997 Avlyn Conley
waysprg.txt Wayman or Springcreek Cemetery 3K June 1997 Avlyn Conley
wiese.txt  Wiese Cemetery 1K Nov. 1998 Avlyn Conley
williams.txt Williams Cemetery 1K June 1997 Avlyn Conley
wishon.txt Wishon Cemetery 16K June 2003 Sharon Macormic

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