USGenWeb Archives
Carroll County, Missouri

Carroll County GenWeb Project

Carroll County Archives

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Pre-1910 Births (T - V)

source: Missouri Digital Heritage

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Taake Egypt Twp Carroll May 1, 1888 Taake Henry Taake Sophia Bolin Detail
Taggart Hurricane Carroll November 5, 1886 Taggart tobias Taggart xx Detail
Taggart Combs Carroll September 6, 1886 Taggart James Taggart Millie Weicker Detail
Taggart Combs Twp Carroll January 14, 1885 Taggart Abner D. Taggart Arminda Ellen McCumber Detail
Tainter Rockford Twp Carroll August 16, 1883 Tainter George Tainter Lucretia Lightfoot Detail
Tainter Rockford Twp Carroll August 16, 1883 Tainter George Tainter Lucretia Tainter Detail
Talham Aug 4, 1884 Carroll June 25, 1884 Talham George W. Talham Nancy Jane Peerce Detail
Talhaw Eugene Twp Carroll April 1, 1885 Talhaw James Oliver Talhaw Sarah Nancy Adkins Detail
Tarpley Carroll Co., Mo Carroll August 16, 1883 Tarpley Thomas E. Tarpley Eliza E. Kelgore Detail
Tatham Eugene Carroll August 23, 1886 Tatham Thos Tatham Manerva Adkins Detail
Tatham Eugene Twp Carroll November 14, 1884 Tatham John M. Tatham Malinda Ann O'Conner Detail
Tatham Carrollton Carroll February 4, 1884 Tatum J. D. Tatum Sarah B. Barnes Detail
Tatham Eugene Carroll July 4, 1888 Tatham Bud Tatham Jane Adkins Detail
Tatham William Isaac Wakenda Twp Carroll September 13, 1884 Tatham Thomas Tatham Manerva Adkins Detail
Tayler Ben Bonbey Carroll Co. Carroll September 16, 1886 Tayler George W. Tayler Laura B. Walker Detail
Taylor Carroll Co. Mo Carroll May 2, 1884 Taylor D. Taylor M. Shulleff Sulleff Detail
Taylor Rupert Bogard Carroll April 1, 1886 Taylor Benj. Franklin Taylor Nannie C. Rupert Detail
Telers James I. DeWitt Twp Carroll February 19, 1884 Tulus Shelby Tulus Susan Jones Detail
Telus Carrollton, MO Carroll October 7 Telus Green Telus Minnie Parks Detail
Tenefeleman Carroll Co., Mo Carroll February 16, 1884 Tenefeleman Ed xx Bealy Detail
Tennings Tina Carroll January 17, 1885 Tennings Harry G. Tenings Stella Benton Detail
Tennison Abner Cecil Eugene Twp Carroll October 29, 1883 Tennison John Tennison Louise Ann Adkins Detail
Terrell Carrollton Carroll January 31, 1890 Terrell A. P. Terrell Beunova Trabue Detail
Tessbrook Washinton Twp Carroll April 18, 1884 Tessbrook George W. Tessbrook Julia Haines Detail
Tessil Trotter Twp Carroll March 7, 1884 Tessil Wm. Bery Tessil Sarah Ann McElasn Detail
Teters Lawley May Wakenda Carroll February 19, 1888 Teters Robert Teters Susan Jane Adkins Detail
Tharpe Apria Lee Wakenda Carroll January 26, 1884 Tharp William Tharp Ann Callen Detail
Tharpe Apria Jackson Wakenda Carroll January 26, 1884 Tharp William Tharp Ann Callen Detail
Thoeni Egypt Twp Carroll December 10, 1889 Thoeni Simion Thoeni Rose Zweifel Detail
Thomas Carrollton, Mo Carroll December 8, 1884 Thomas David A. Thomas Eugenia E. Everall Detail
Thomas Carroll Co., Mo Carroll February 6, 1885 Thomas Jno Will Thomas Mary Bertha Sheppard Detail
Thomas S. Carrollton Carroll March 25, 1885 Thomas Geo J. Thomas Martha Scott Detail
Thomas Eugene Twp Carroll October 24, 1884 Thomas Silas G. E.Thomas Amanda Ellis Detail
Thomas Moss Creek Twp Carroll July 15, 1884 Thomas Henry xx Detail
Thomas Carroll Co. Carroll December 8, 1887 Thomas E. H. Thomas Narcisa Wegeman Detail
Thomas Van Horn Carroll March 16, 1892 Thomas Ezekiel H. Thomas Martha E. Wagaman Detail
Thomas Carroll Co. Carroll April 21, 1888 Thomas W. Henry Thomas Minnie L. Smith Detail
Thomas Norborne Carroll November 24, 1889 Thomas Chas. M. Thomas Laura H. Mowder Detail
Thomas Carroll Co. Carroll February 29, 1888 Thomas Oliver Thomas Patsy Lewis Detail
Thomas Carroll Co. Carroll March 6, 1890 Thomas W. H. Thomas Bellie Wilson Detail
Thomas Miami Twp Carroll March 26, 1886 Thomas Sterling P. Thomas Anna Laura Walden Detail
Thomas Don Carroll Co. Carroll April 21, 1887 Thomas George A. Thomas Dora B. Bires Detail
Thomas Emma Mylhe Wakenda Carroll March 8th Thomas Rudolph C. Thomas Katie B. Atkinson Detail
Thomas George Hall Sugar Tree Twp Carroll January 11, 1885 Thomas Wm. Henry Thomas Mary Bell Austin Detail
Thomas Gorg T. Carrollton, Mo Carroll April 23, 1884 Thomas George W. Thomas Emanela Castello Detail
Thomas Harry Clay Carroll Co. Carroll January 20, 1886 Thomas Clay Thomas Alcinda Bitzer Cochran Detail
Thomas Henry Morgan Washington Carroll August 1, 1888 Thomas George M. Thomas Sarah M. Morgan Detail
Thomas John Grover Leslie Twp Carroll November 9, 1884 Thomas W. E. Thomas Sarah E. Thomas Detail
Thomas John Franklin DeWitt Twp Carroll January 22, 1884 Thomas Hertwig Bice Thomas Anna Laura Malden Detail
Thomas Miles Carson Miami Twp Carroll March 7, 1884 Thomas O. G. Thomas Julia F. Boston Detail
Thomas Nannie H. Combs Carroll January 25, 1886 Thomas John Jacob Thomas Mary Susan Catherine Poe Detail
Thomas Walter David DeWitt Carroll August 8, 1886 Thomas Archer David Thomas Cornilla Bell Cochran Detail
Thomas Wight Philipp Carrollton Carroll June 22, 1887 Thomas George Allen Thomas Della N. Cupp Detail
Thomasson Marcelle F. Prarie Twp Carroll March 3, 1884 Thomasson William F. Thomasson Julia Reas Detail
Thomis Emma Ruth Carroll Co., Mo Carroll October 16, 1883 Thomis Christian Thomis Dora K. Keedel Detail
Thompson Fairfield twp Carroll October 13, 1884 Thompson Morton F. Thompson Laura O. Lyon Detail
Thompson Carroll May 27, 1886 Thompson Chas. A. Thompson Mary Ellen Pfauder Detail
Thompson Hill Carroll January 28, 1886 Thompson F. M. Thompson Lura A. Lyon Detail
Thompson Eunice ?geva Prairie Twp Carroll July 20, 1884 Thompson Joseph Thompson Julia E. Newport Detail
Thompson Harry Logan Washington Twp Carroll August 24, 1884 Thompson Saml Thompson Nancy Anne Semins Detail
Thond Miles Point Carroll September 15, 1886 Thond Lanhart Thond Catherine Blake Detail
Thorp Wakenda Carroll January 18, 1889 Thorp Wm. Thorp Ann Callen Detail
Thurburn Albert Isaac Ridge Twp Carroll October 14, 1883 Thurburn Henry H. Thurburn Margaret E. Durst Detail
Thurston Newcomb Carroll February 21, 1889 Thurston Louis Thurston Laura Umphary Detail
Tiller Carroll June 24, 1884 Tiller Adrain Tiller Elizabeth Shafner Detail
Tiller Maudeville, Mo Carroll May 11, 1885 Tiller Geo P. Tiller Cornelia Carson Street Detail
Tillery Sarah Eugene Carroll December 23, 1883 Tillery George W. Tillery Catharine Snider Detail
Tinebrook Coloma Carroll December 10, 1884 Tinebrook Noah G. Tinebrook Annie Leslie Sanse Detail
Tolly Missouri, Carroll Co Carroll March 29 Tolly John Tolly Molly Goodbar Detail
Tomlin Trotter Twp Carroll June 26, 1885 Tomlin Calvin Tomlin Sarah I. Gregory Detail
Tomlin Combs Carroll March 14, 1886 Tomlin Wm. Tomlin Eliza Underwood Detail
Tomlin Combs Carroll November 22, 1888 Tomlin Wm. Tomlin Eliza Underwood Detail
Tomlin Carroll Co. Carroll September 25, 1888 Tomlin Spencer Tomlin Addie Standley Detail
Towlin Carroll Co Carroll Towlin Spencer Towlin Adie Standley Detail
Townsend Charles Raymond Ridge Twp Carroll July 6, 1883 Townsend W. A. Townsend Jennie Owenbaugh Detail
Townsly Ridge Carroll July 22, 1885 Townsly ?ef. Townsly Mary H. Nicum Detail
Tracy Jessie E. Washington Carroll November 12, 1888 Tracy Ira G. Tracy Sarah M. Martin Detail
Traughber Carroll Co., Mo Carroll May 10, 1884 Traughber M. S. Traughber Bettie Walker Detail
Trench Sugar Tree Twp Carroll February 3, 1885 French James Gentry French Margaret A. Burgner Detail
Trent Cherry Valley Twp Carroll January 28, 1884 Trent William Corby Trent Sarah Ann Retts Detail
Triphy Carroll Co. Carroll December 28, 1886 Triphy Reuben Triphy Margaret Home Detail
Triplett Hale City Carroll April 24, 1888 Triplett Thos. Triplett Mary Detail
Trotter Carroll Co., Mo Carroll March 1, 1885 Trotter Frank Trotter Mary W. Trotter Detail
Trotter Carrollton Carroll July 20, 1888 Trotter Jas. W. Trotter Alice Timmons Detail
Truet Cherry Valley Carroll January 1, 1886 Truet James C. Truet Manerva J. Harlurt Detail
Trussell Ralph Coloma Carroll November 15, 1885 Trussell Marion J. Trussell Lovie B. Braden Detail
Tucker Carroll Co., Mo Carroll July 11, 1883 Tucker John xx Detail
Tucker Washington Carroll September 26, 1890 Tucker John L. Tucker Lucy A. Pouers Detail
Tucker Plymoth, Mo Carroll March 6, 1884 Tucker J. L. Tucker Lucy Powers Detail
Tuiley Miami Twp Carroll June 5, 1889 Tuiley Chas (?) Wesley Tuiley Alice Johnson Detail
Tuley Mary Joseph Carrollton, Mo Carroll March 4, 1884 Tuly Joseph Narhanne Tuly Mary Susan Ev??is Detail
Tunbrook Hill Carroll October 13, 1887 Tunbrook George W. Tunbrook Julia Haines Detail
Tunney Combs Twp Carroll June 30, 1884 Tunney Jas F. Tunney Mary Prier Holden Detail
Turner Tina Carroll October 4 Turner John Turner Fluella Fisher Detail
Turner Carroll Co. Carroll June 20, 1886 Turner James Turner Mary E. Cheeseman Detail
Turner Gracy May Stokes Mound Carroll December 11, 1883 Turner Thomas J. Turner Mary Bunch Detail
Turpen Carrollton Carroll August 14, 1884 Turpen W. J. Turpen Laura Hendon Detail
Turpin Lucy Carrollton, Mo Carroll December 2, 1883 B.Turpin Henry Turpin Sarah Reis Detail
Turton Lula Cecil Norborne Carroll April 15, 1883 Turton Scott Turton Mabel Sebert Detail
Tutens Charles Mansur Carroll Co. Carroll December 6, 1886 Tutens Ira N. Tutens Henrietta Hickam Detail
Tuters Jesse Lee Wakenda Carroll November 17, 1885 Tuters Robt. J. Tuters Susan Jane Adkins Detail
Tutt Norborne, Mo Carroll December 16, 1883 Tutt Ashley C. Tutt Bettie Wilson Detail
Tweedee John G. Prairie Twp Carroll December 28, 1885 Tweedee Thos I. Tweedee Mary L. Standy Detail
Tweedie Carroll Co Carroll February 21, 1888 x Tweedie Lizzie Haus Detail
Underwood Combs Twp Carroll March 5, 1884 Underwood John Underwood Delyah Ann Beance Detail
Underwood Combs Carroll February 10, 1886 Underwood Lilburn F. Underwood Mary M. Robinson Detail
Underwood Combs Carroll March 25, 1888 Underwood Lilburn Underwood Mary M. V. Robinson Detail
Underwood Anna Laura Rockford Twp Carroll August 23, 1886 Underwood Martin Underwood Addie Crann Detail
Underwood Tallehassee Rockford Twp Carroll September 23 Underwood Martin L. Underwood Addie Frances Crew Detail
Utty Clernes Rockford Carroll August 27, 1884 Utty Frederick Utty Mildred Utty Detail
Valbracht Carrollton, Mo Carroll March 26, 1885 Valbracht Jno D. Vallracht Lizzie K. Nichol Detail
Valbracht John D. Carrollton Carroll October 7, 1887 Valbracht John Valbracht Lizzie Nichols Detail
Vandegrift Thomas A. Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 23, 1883 Vandegrift William V. Vandegrift C? E. Ball Detail
VanTrunep Fairfield Twp Carroll November 15, 1885 VanTrunep Jacob VanTrunep Ella A. Bowman Detail
Vaughan Hurricane Carroll October 30, 1890 Vaughan Geo. R. Vaughan Ann Shannon Detail
Vaughn Hurricane Twp Carroll January 24, 1884 Vaughn Geo Vaughn Anne Shannon Detail
Vaughn Leslie Carroll January 6, 1886 Vaughn M. C. Vaughn Julia A. Benson Detail
Vaughn Carroll Co. Carroll May 27, 1887 Vaughn McClenan Vaughn Julia T. Benson Detail
Veach Near Dewitt Carroll December 18, 1884 Veach Jacob Veach Julia E. Hall Detail
Venable Norborne Carroll January 18, 1884 xx xx xx Detail
Veries Lilly Belle DeWitt Twp Carroll May 25, 1884 Wellington W. Veries Veries Mara F. Eller Detail
Vincent Carroll Co. Carroll February 14, 1889 Vincent Gilbert Vincent Anna Dark Detail
Vogelmeier Fred M. Wakenda Twp Carroll May 12, 1885 Vogelmeier Henry Vogelmeier Louisa Dreselmeier Detail
Vogelsmire Carroll Co. Carroll March 10, 1887 Vogelsmire Henry Vogelsmire Louisa Dresselmise Detail
Vogt Norborne Carroll November 13, 1892 Vogt Fred Vogt Nancy Kelly Detail
Von Orb Cherry Valley Carroll December 25, 1886 Von Orb George H. Von Orb Malissa Golbor Detail

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