USGenWeb Archives
Carroll County, Missouri

Carroll County GenWeb Project

Carroll County Archives

Biographies Census Land Passports
Bible Records Court Records Marriages Photographs
Births Death Records Military Postcards
Books Deeds Newspapers Scrapbooks
Cemeteries . Obituaries Wills

Pre-1910 Births (S - S)

source: Missouri Digital Heritage

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Sackerile Carrollton, Mo Carroll October 25, 1885 Sackerile J. E. Sackerile Adilade Barker Detail
Sackville Carrollton, Mo. Carroll July 20, 1888 Sackville J. E. Sackville Adeliaide Barker Detail
Safar Grover Cleveland Prairie Twp Carroll February 3, 1885 Safar Henry Shafar Geninth Taylor Detail
Salmons Carrollton Carroll November 11, 1887 Salmons James Salmons xx Thompson Detail
Salmons Carrollton Carroll April 13, 1887 Salmons John G. Salmons Enora Davis Detail
Sampler Trotter Twp Carroll October 26, 1884 Sampler Francis M. Sampler Mrs. Detail
Sampson Combs Twp Carroll November 16, 1884 Sampson Andrew Sampson Abbee Finley Detail
Sampson Ridge Carroll April 23, 1892 Sampson Wm. Sampson Carry Dogen Detail
Sams Leora Combs Twp Carroll May 19, 1884 Sams Nathan L. Sams Matilda C. Fewsora Detail
Samuels Combs Twp Carroll November 4, 1886 Samuels Neal Samuels Anna V. Brandom Detail
Samuels Carroll Co., Mo Carroll June 14, 1884 Samuels Neal Samuels Anna V. Brandon Detail
Sanders Miami Twp Carroll September 22, 1884 Sanders Ely M. Sanders Susan Jane McEarly Detail
Sandusky Leslie Twp Carroll August 4, 1885 Sandusky Albert Sandusky Virginia Sinnard Detail
Sandusky Harry Gould Van Hom Twp Carroll July 17, 1883 Sandusky Jacob Sandusky Richard Emam Jelt Detail
Sanford Carrollton, Mo, Carroll Co., Mo Carroll July 12, 1884 Sanford Wm. Sanford Carrie Lewis Detail
Sarby Margarette Norborne, Mo Carroll December 10, 1883 Darby Andrew J. Darby Margaret Ann Mink Detail
Sartin Egypt Twp Carroll April 27, 1889 Sartin James Sartin Addie Shelby Detail
Saryders Cherry Valley Carroll December 27, 1886 Saryders Amos Saryders Matilda Mattox Detail
Sayler Mary E. Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 29, 1883 Seyler Jacob Seyler Ann Eliza Powers Detail
Schaffer Carroll Co., Mo Carroll August 30, 1883 Schaffer George Schaffer Martha Bealy Detail
Schaffer Carroll Co., Mo Carroll November 8, 1883 Schaffer Jacob xx Detail
Schaffer Maggie Belle Moss Creek Carroll March 30, 1888 Schaffer William F. Schaffer Arminta Fomster Detail
Schalle Lena Carroll Co., Mo Carroll February 17, 1885 Schalle Frank M. Schalle Katharine M. Brockbueder Detail
Schalt Trotter Carroll April 7, 1886 Schalt Wm. H. Schalt Sarah Collins Detail
Scheible Prairie Twp Carroll February 13, 1885 Scheible Mathew Scheibel Margaret Ann Donaldson Detail
Schieble Ray Co, Mo. Carroll June 3, 1890 Schieble E. Schieble Mary VanTrunk Detail
Schmiath Wm. August Combs Carroll April 26, 1889 Schmiath Henry J. Schmiath Laura Frances Woodward Detail
Schmidt Combs Carroll February 13, 1887 Schmidt Henry Schmidt Laura F Woodwork Detail
Schmidt Combs Twp Carroll February 8, 1885 Schmidt Henry Schmidt Laura Frances Woodward Detail
Schnapp Otto Bismark Carroll Co. Carroll September 17, 1886 Schnapp Jno. Otto Schnapp Maggie B. McNabb Detail
Schneider Carrollton Carroll January 5, 1888 Schneider Frank G. Reinen Schneider Allie Keimen Hamilton Detail
Schofield Margaret DeWitt, Mo Carroll May 24, 1884 Schofield Dan H. Scholfield Margrette Darrah Detail
Schreiber Carrollton, Mo Carroll August 5, 1884 Schreiber Chas H. Schreiber Clara H. Howard Detail
Schruberer Geo Earnest Hurricane Twp Carroll August 26, 1883 Schruberer Henry Schruberer Henrietta Lindsey Detail
Schull Precint Hale Carroll June 3, 1889 Schull Thos. B. Schull Mary L. Durham Detail
Scofield Agness DeWitt, Mo Carroll May 24, 1884 Scholfield Joseph H. Scholfield Margaret Darrah Detail
Scott Eugene Twp Carroll December 18, 1883 Scott James R. Scott Mary Ann Ann Detail
Scott Charles Combs Carroll February 14, 1886 Scott Wilson Scott Elizabeth Smart Detail
Scott EllenE. Carroll Co Carroll December 6, 1884 Scott Chares T. Scott Mary Ann Shelby Detail
Scott Honur T. Comtes Carroll July 6, 1885 Scott Wm. H. Scott Rosa A Blevins Detail
Seard Bosworth Carroll February 17, 1889 Seard John Wesley Seard Emma Wunnsch Detail
Sebastian Carroll Co. Carroll July 6, 1888 Sebastian Henry N. Sebastian Mollie Smith Detail
Sebastian Erna Carroll Co. Carroll December 5, 1886 Sebastian Henry N. Sebastian Mary Ann Smith Detail
Seebree Ray Carrollton Carroll July 2, 1884 Sebree James W. Sebree Mereal R. Black Detail
Seffins Carrollton, Mo Carroll September 7, 1884 Seffins Henry Louis Steffin Emma Ellensick Detail
Seigles Carroll Co. Carroll May 19, 1888 Wm. Seigles Seigles Mattie E. Jaggars Detail
Senne Tina Carroll May 26, 1884 Senne Gerald Senna Callie Senims Detail
Sepherd Carroll Co. Carroll March 17, 1889 Sepherd James M. Sepherd Eliza J. Walker Detail
Settles Combs Twp Carroll March 19, 1885 Settles Jno Abraham Settles Sarah Catharine Huft Detail
Settles Combs Carroll July 28, 1889 Settles Albert M. Settles Martha F. Leaton Detail
Settles Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 3, 1883 Seules J. W. Seules Antonella Smith Detail
Settles Combs Carroll April 28, 1897 Settles Albert Settles Martha Fannon Leaton Detail
Sevier Ralph Egypt Twp Carroll December 1, 1888 E. Sevier Chas. Sevier Emily J. Shank Detail
Shafer Prairie Twp Carroll January 27, 1886 Shafer Henry Shafer Cenith Thylor Detail
Shaffer Wm. O. Hurricane Carroll October 2, 1884 Shaffer Peny A. Shaffer Ohny R. Delany Detail
Shank Egypt Twp Carroll November 1, 1883 Shank Abraham W. Shank Fanny Mells Detail
Shankle Trotter Carroll July 10, 1888 Shankle J. H. R. Shankle Harriett Rosish Detail
Shanks Fairfield Twp Carroll March 7, 1884 Shanks Henry D. Shank Anna Shields Detail
Shannon Sophia Ellen Compton Twp Carroll April 6, 1884 Shannon Joni Shannon Susan Williams Detail
Sharp Carroll February 21, 1884 Sharp Abe Sharp Amy Detail
Shatton Prairie Twp Carroll June 3, 1890 Shatton Chas. E. Shatton Sallie Shank Detail
Shattuck Carrollton Carroll October 18, 1885 Shattuck Leonard D. Shattuck Minnie Mellroy Detail
Shauson twins Hurricane Carroll March 8, 1890 Shauson Samuel R. Shauson Susan Ellen Williams Detail
Shaw Wakenda Carroll October 15, 1885 Shaw James Henry Shaw Virettie May Dwiggins Detail
Sheets Carrollton Carroll August 26, 1888 Sheets Philip Sheets Sarah White Detail
Shehan Leslie Twp Carroll May 28 Shehan John Shehan Mary E. Creel Detail
Shelton DeWitt, Twp Carroll November 14, 1884 Shelton Thornton B. Shelton Ruth A. Foster Detail
Shelton DeWitt, Mo Carroll March 17, 1885 Shelton Saml Shelton Fannie Chatman Detail
Shelton Carrollton Carroll February 4, 1888 Shelton Thos Shelton Jane Fox Detail
Shephard Combs Twp Carroll January 22, 1885 Shephard Wm. Shephard Kate Detail
Shepherd Leslie Twp Carroll August 7, 1884 Shepherd Leander L. Shepherd Martha T. Standley Detail
Shepherd Carrollton Carroll March 14, 1888 Shepherd S. R. Shepherd Clara Bird Ames Detail
Shepherd Eugene Hill Hale Carroll February 1, 1886 Shepherd Samuel R. Shepherd Clara B. Ames Detail
Shepherd Jerda Combs Twp Carroll July 28, 1883 Shepherd William Shepherd Kate Johnson Detail
Sherhan Carroll Co Carroll July 30, 1884 Sherhan James Sherhan Charlotte Aurlin Detail
Sherwood Carroll Co., Mo Carroll November 10, 1883 Reyton Westfield Sherwood Sherwood Sarah Belle Queener Detail
Sherwood Carroll Co. Carroll February 17, 1888 Sherwood Thos Jefferson Sherwood Amanda Metz Detail
Sherwood Carroll Co. Carroll October 15, 1888 Sherwood R. Sherwood Cornelia H Anderson Detail
Shibel Carroll January 11, 1888 Shibel Engelbert Shibel Mry E. Vantrump Detail
Shields Stokes Md Twp Carroll December 18, 1883 Shields Allen F. Shields Mollie Tyler Detail
Shields Hill Twp Carroll September 16, 1886 Shields Hyman Shields Bettie Borden Detail
Shim Carroll Co. Carroll March 3, 1886 Shim Joel O. Shim Jennie Standley Detail
Shiner Carroll Co. Carroll March 16, 1887 Shiner Joe O. Shiner Jennie S. Standley Detail
Shinn Ridge Carroll October 20, 1887 Shinn John B. Shinn xx Cameron Detail
Shirley Leslie Twp Carroll March 26, 1884 Shirley Thomas Shirley Ann Ragan Detail
Shirley Carroll Co., Mo Carroll July 30, 1883 Shirley John Wm. xx Detail
Shirley Maudeville Carroll July 9, 1884 Shirley James Shirley Margaret Ceachom Detail
Shirley Prairie Twp Carroll December 21, 1884 Shirley John R. Shirley Harriet Long Detail
Shirley Charley Norborne Carroll May 16, 1887 Shirley Gideon B. Shirley Eugenia M. Maudur Detail
Shive Hurricane Carroll March 21, 1890 Shive Danield B Shive Sallie Hayden Detail
Shives Byrum B. Compton Twp Carroll September 30, 1884 Shives Dave B.l Shives Sallie Hayden Detail
Shockley A. H. Carrollton Carroll December 8, 1888 Shockley J. J. Shockley Lauar Ruttman Detail
Shockley Viola L. Carrollton Carroll January 20, 1888 Shockley A. J. Shockley Laura Rathurn Detail
Short Carroll Co. Carroll May 24, 1886 Short Isreal Short Nancy Jane Grigsby Detail
Shuckel Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 24, 1883 Shuckel Isaac W. Shuckle Larella Bousche Detail
Shull Carroll Carroll November 27, 1885 Shull James Shull Ada Wilmat Detail
Shutze Egypt Carroll February 13, 1888 Shutze Wm. Shutze Josephine Shope Detail
Sickles Carrollton Carroll August 18, 1888 Sickles Edward Sickles Katie Simms Detail
Siens Eugene Carroll December 28, 1883 Siens W. L. Siens Laura Bell Mabry Detail
Simmons Cherry Valley Carroll March 21, 1892 Simmons Arthur Simmons Genny Ameon Detail
Simon Carroll Co., Mo Carroll October 1, 1883 Simon Franklin Simon Carrie Detail
Simpson Ridge Carroll May 26, 1892 Simpson Robt Simpson Carrie J. Grover Detail
Simpson Carroll Co. Carroll June 27, 1887 Simpson Chas. H. Simpson Anna K. Kauffman Detail
Simpson Carroll Co. Carroll July 2, 1888 Simpson James H. Simpson Cordelia R Tomlin Detail
Simpson Emeline Carroll Co., Mo Carroll February 19, 1884 Simpson James H. Simpson Cordelia R. t? Detail
Simpson John Carroll Co. Carroll no date, 1890 Simpson James Simpson xx Tomlin Detail
Simpson Lizzie Bell Maudeville, Mo Carroll July 24, 1883 Simpson Samuel G. Simpson Eudora Graham Detail
Sims Wakenda Carroll June 26, 1888 Sims P. G. Sims Laura Bell Maddox Detail
Singleton Stokes Mound Carroll September 21, 1887 Singleton Geroge M. Singleton Mary Settle Detail
Singleton William C. Wakenda Carroll November 28, 1884 Singleton William H. Singleton Sonora Telers Detail
Sinnemondo Fannie Carrollton Carroll July 23, 1886 Sinnemondo Zacharia Joel Sinnemondo Mammie Ann Blevins Detail
Sinnes Lewis Lee (Illegitimate) Wakenda Carroll October 10, 1889 Sinnes David Anderson Thomas Odie Bell Detail
Slaton Wakenda Carroll February 17, 1884 Slaton C. W. Slaton Mary E. Neet Detail
Slaton Combs Twp Carroll October 24, 1883 Slaton John Steel Staton Sarah Martha Lucas Detail
Sloth Carroll Co., Mo Carroll November 26, 1883 Sloth Green Casey Sloth Anna Elizabeth Baker Detail
Smart Carroll Co. Carroll February 5, 1889 Smart Goodman Smart Luella Jenkins Detail
Smart Combs Carroll May 28, 1887 Smart John Smart Martha L. Henderson Detail
Smart Carrollton Carroll May 10, 1889 Smart David Smart Jane Cook Detail
Smart Combs Carroll February 11, 1888 Smart Joel Smart Kate Sprouse Detail
Smart Carroll Co. Carroll January 8, 1888 Smart Jas. N. Smart Nora Barr Detail
Smart Elizabeth V. Eugene Twp Carroll October 19, 1883 Smart David W. Smart Mary M. Cook Detail
Smart Susan Combs Carroll July 4, 1889 Smart John M. Smart Jane Carter Detail
Smiley Rob H. Carrollton Carroll October 12 Smiley Robert Smiley Edmonia Walling Detail
Smith Combs Twp Carroll March 29 Smith James Smith Mary Shenes Detail
Smith Smith Twp Carroll March 14 Smith James Smith Louesa Stephens Detail
Smith Trotter Twp Carroll October 20, 1884 Smith Arthur Payten Smith Willes E. Crank Detail
Smith Miami Twp Carroll October 26, 1884 Smith S. H. Smith Nellar French Detail
Smith Carroll Co., Mo Carroll February 4, 1884 Smith W. J. Smith Sadie James Detail
Smith Norborne, Mo Carroll October 4, 1884 Smith Alexander W. Smith Ella P. Smith Detail
Smith Carroll Co. Carroll June 29, 1885 Smith Wm. P. Smith Lizzie Marbla Detail
Smith Combs Twp Carroll September 18, 1884 Smith John Marshall Smith Nancy Winfrey Detail
Smith Carroll Co. Carroll October 24, 1886 Smith Wm. E. Smith Alundratis Quillen Detail
Smith Wakenda Carroll December 15, 1887 Smith Edgar Smith Alma Quillin Detail
Smith Hurricane Carroll July 2, 1887 Smith Phillip S. Smith Susan Maria Miller Detail
Smith Carroll Co. Carroll December 20, 1887 Smith Frank Smith xx Detail
Smith Carroll Co. Carroll October 24, 1886 Smith W. Edgar Smith Almediales Quillen Detail
Smith Ridge Carroll October 25, 1885 Smith Richard Smith Dora Hudson Detail
Smith Carrollton Carroll August 28, 1888 Smith Edward Smith Dora Vonture Detail
Smith Carroll Co. Carroll January 12, 1889 Smith W. Edgar Smith Almeda A. Quillan Detail
Smith Egypt Twp Carroll October 14, 1890 Smith Charles J. Smith Carrie Schafferdish Detail
Smith Hurricane Carroll June 21, 1889 Smith William Smith xx Sturges Detail
Smith Carroll January 15, 1887 Smith Geo. W. Smith Malissa Casy Detail
Smith A. J. Miami Twp Carroll March 2, 1884 Smith John Smith Jennele Jon Detail
Smith A? R. Residence Carroll October 17, 1883 Smith Albert J. Smith Angeline L. Rose Detail
Smith Atta May Leslie Twp Carroll October 28, 1883 Smith Wm. P. Smith Lizzie Moblie Detail
Smith Charles Leroy Sugar Tree Twp Carroll July 12, 1885 Smith Sam. R. Smith Bessie Mutton Detail
Smith Edgar Lee Wakenda Carroll August 16 Smith Thos Smith Palina J. Jenkins Detail
Smith Grover Cleveland Carroll Co., Mo Carroll January 24, 1885 Smith James W. Smith Edith J. Beck Detail
Smith James Thomas Carrollton Carroll November 30, 1887 Smith James Smith Roberta Newman Detail
Smith Jas A. Hurricane Twp Carroll April 9th Smith Joseph Smith Sarah Ellery Detail
Smith Jeremiah S. White Rock Carroll March 12, 1885 Smith Wm. H. Smith Serlenia A. Terry Detail
Smith Martha Eliza Hale, Mo Carroll September 11, 1886 Smith Wm. D. Smith Ida H. Sturgis Detail
Smith Roscoe Norborne, Mo Carroll March 10, 1884 Smith John F. Smith Armelda Todd Detail
Smith Thos Fountain Carroll Co., Mo Carroll April 8, 1884 Smith Francis M. Smith Lucy B. Crawford Detail
Smithfeeler Estelle Maudeville Carroll December 13, 1884 Smithfeeler John G. Smithfeeler Cora E. Powers Detail
Snider Carroll Co., Mo Carroll October 25, 1883 Snider W. H. Snider Olivia E. Cooper Detail
Snider Carroll Co., Mo Carroll April 1, 1885 Snider Hiram Snider Sallie Ann Cowsert Detail
Snider Carroll Co., Mo Carroll May 1, 1885 Snider Jacob Alexander Snider Sarah Adaline Griggs Detail
Snider Carrollton Carroll December 4, 1884 Snider Joseph T. Snider Julia F. Montgomery Detail
Snider Carroll Co. Carroll June 20, 1888 Snider John J. Snider Margt. H. Fink Detail
Snider Sugar Tree Carroll June 1, 1889 Snider Amos Snider Matilda Mattox Detail
Snodgrass Carrollton, Mo Carroll March 24, 1885 Snodgrass Jno W. Snodgrass Margaret S. Handrick Detail
Snyder Carroll Co., Mo Carroll October 9, 1883 Snyder Amos Snyder Mableda B. Malloy Detail
space Carrollton Carroll June 15, 1890 space blank space blank Detail
Sparks Carroll Co., Mo Carroll Sparks A. Sparks Amanda Barker Detail
Sparrow Rockford Carroll October 13, 1888 Sparrow Ed Sparrow Lizzie Taylor Detail
Spatts Moss Creek Twp Carroll May 7, 1885 Spatts Nicholas Hope Spatts Kittie Haines Detail
Speller Hurricane Twp Carroll August 27, 1883 Speller Saml. F. Speller Emaline Gist Detail
Spencer DeWitt, Mo Carroll February 25 Spencer Nimrod A. Spencer Emma M. James Detail
Spilzter Sugar Tree Twp Carroll January 7, 1884 Spilzter Joseph Spilzter Marga Ann Casner Detail
Spitler Chester Jonas Little Compton Carroll May 25, 1887 Spitler Jonas B. Spitler Emma C Roush Detail
Spitler Curtis Roush Little Compton Carroll May 25, 1887 Spitler Jonas B. Spitler Emma C Roush Detail
Spitler Jennie Lillian Little Compton Carroll April 11, 1884 Speller Jonas B. Speller Emma C. Roush Detail
Spitzer Cherry Valley Carroll August 26, 1887 Spitzer Joseph Spitzer Matilda Cassner Detail
Spooner Carrollton Carroll December 3, 1889 Spooner J. H. Spooner Harriet E. Smith Detail
Spruill Lura Cherry Valley Carroll April 5, 1889 Spruill Thomas F. Spruill Eva Bowles Detail
Squires Combs Twp Carroll May 10, 1884 Squires Sterling Squires Orzelia Haley Detail
Squires DeWitt Carroll June 9, 1886 Squires Stiper Squires Georgia A. Cochran Detail
Squires Edgar H. Eugene, Mo Carroll November 6, 1883 Squires Edwin Auto Squires Mary Ellen Detail
Stack Prairie Twp Carroll September 7, 1885 Stack John J. Stack Mattie E. Walls Detail
Stalon Ollie Blance Wakenda Carroll May 4, 1884 Stalon W. H. Stalon Mary Luella Skinner Detail
Standler John Roland Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 15, 1883 Stanley Charles Stanley Christine E. Touelin Detail
Standley Leslie Twp Carroll June 19, 1884 Standley James P. Standley Louisa Creel Detail
Standley Hill Twp Carroll October 5 Standley George W. Standley Narcissus E. Long Detail
Standley Leslie Twp Carroll October 1 Standley James P. Standley Louisa A. Hunt Detail
Standley Chariton Co., Mo Carroll October 28, 1884 Standley Hale Standley Alice Coalson Detail
Standley Leslie Twp Carroll July 16, 1885 Standley Henry Standley Catharine M. Lane Detail
Standley Carroll Co., Mo Carroll March 8, 1884 Standley P. Beaugard Standley Fannie F. Tannon Detail
Standley Prairie Twp Carroll August 30, 1883 Standley Archie Standley Ella Wells Detail
Standley Carroll Co. Carroll May 8, 1885 Standley Jno. H. Standley Edith A. Blood Detail
Standley Carroll Co. Carroll April 24, 1885 Standley Chas. C Standley Eulalia Tomlier Detail
Standley Carroll Co. Carroll January 31, 1888 Standley John H. Standley Edith A. Blood Detail
Standley Carroll Co. Carroll January 21, 1888 Standley P. Beauregard Standley Kate F. Forman Detail
Standley Carroll Co. Carroll November 10, 1885 Standley Robert Standley Sarah Gleason Detail
Standley Wakenda Carroll March 3, 1889 Standley John Henry Standley Edith Anna Blood Detail
Standley Hill Twp Carroll July 1, 1887 Standley Joseph M. Standley Mary E Hayes Detail
Standley Hill Carroll December 5, 1888 Standley John W. Standley Mary Harris Detail
Standley Alva Mai Carroll Co., Mo Carroll May 11, 1885 Standley Jeremiah B. Standley Elizabeth F. Knox Detail
Standley Goldie Fern Wakenda Twp Carroll August 19 Standley Pritchart Beauregard Standley Fannie ? Forman Detail
Standley James Ralph Carrollton Twp Carroll July 26 Standley Isaac Standley Namie Beck Detail
Standley Mary Alice Carroll Co. Carroll November 10, 1885 Standley Robt. N Standley Sallie Gleason Detail
Stanley Carroll Carroll June 9, 1887 Stanley Henry Stanley Kittie Tane Detail
Stanley Bosworth Carroll December 29, 1889 Stanley Hale Stanley Alice Caulson Detail
Stanley Lula May Wakenda Carroll September 3 Stanly Hile Stanly Mahala Cosley Detail
Staple Fanny Eugene, Mo Carroll November 6, 1883 Staples Joseph Marion Staples Lucy Catharine Slaton Detail
Staples Joseph F. Wakenda Carroll December 17, 1885 Staples Joseph M. Staples Lucy Catharine Staton Detail
Staples Mary Catherine Wakenda Carroll February 22, 1888 Staples Joseph M. Staples Lucy Catherine Staton Detail
Starkey DeWitt, Twp Carroll November 20, 1884 Starkey Elias Starkey Sarah E. Baker Detail
Starnes Carroll Co. Carroll January 30, 1884 Starnes Peter Starnes Mary A. Belcher Detail
Starnes Carrollton, Mo Carroll December 27, 1883 Starnes Robert Starnes M. L. Gentry Detail
Starnes Wm. Melton Carroll Co., Mo Carroll August 15, 1883 Stames James Ruchan Stames Martha Alice Thomas Detail
Starns Edward Ovel Van Horn Twp Carroll January 18, 1885 Starns Jas Buchanan Starnes Martha Alice Jett Detail
Starr Prairie Twp Carroll November 21, 1888 Starr James C. Starr Elizabeth Brock Detail
Staton Arthur Wakenda, Mo Carroll December 14, 1884 Staton John M. Staton Martha Harmon Detail
Stavup Carrollton Twp Carroll October 26, 1885 Stavup Gustavus Stavup Mattie Calvert Detail
Steadley Carrollton Carroll August 25, 1889 Steadley Frederick Steadley Mary H. Darr Detail
Stegner Norborne Carroll September 14, 1892 Stegner Henry Stegner Aalice Bassler Detail
Steinman Carrollton Carroll May 18, 1887 Steinman John E. Steinman Martha Rader Detail
Stemitzky Combs Twp Carroll August 22, 1885 Stemitzky W. F. Stemitzky Priscilla McCoy Detail
Stemple Carrollton Carroll October 5, 1884 Stemple Lawrence Stemple Christina Fox Detail
Stephens Nora Estle Stoke Mines Carroll September 30, 1886 Stephens Wm.J. Stephens Lois H. Dalmer Detail
Stephenson Wakenda Twp Carroll July 15, 1884 Stephenson James M. Stevenson Frances C. Scott Detail
Stephenson Tina Carroll November 25 Stephenson Oliver U. Stephenson Ann Bender Detail
Stephenson Miami Station Carroll September 12, 1885 Stephenson G. W. Stephenson Ayrena Malisa Fordacy Detail
Stephenson Eugene Carroll February 23, 1886 Stephenson James M. Stephenson Frances C. Scott Detail
Stepp Carrollton, Mo Carroll September 8, 1883 Stepp Christian Stepp Anestine Wellerette Detail
Stepp Christian Carrollton Carroll December 4, 1888 Stepp Christian Stepp Ernestine Wetwen Detail
Sterling Mansur Hale Carroll November ??, 1886 Sterling Wm. G. Sterling Alice J. Frazier Detail
Sterling Mary Hale Carroll May 5, 1889 Sterling Wm. Sterling Aalice Frazier Detail
Sternitzky Boyd Combs Carroll January 3, 1887 Sternitzky Wm. Sternitzky Priscilla McCoy Detail
Sterum Carroll Co., Mo Carroll December 12, 1884 Sterum George Sterum Lucy Green Detail
Steven Prairie Twp Carroll January 10, 1885 Steven Daniel Stevens Augusta Krukschield Detail
Stevens Stokes Mound Carroll August 22, 1892 Stevens Chas Stevens Almerdine Stute Detail
Stevens Mary Celestine Coloma Carroll February 5, 1884 Steavens John Steavens Margaret Parris Davis Detail
Stie Cherry Valley Carroll October 3, 1886 Stie August Stie Amelia Thoni Detail
Stifler Carroll Co., Mo Carroll July 1, 1883 Stifler Henry xx Detail
Stilwell Carrollton, Mo Carroll January 29, 1884 Stillwell John Wilbur Stillwell Carrie E. McCain Detail
Stinel Joseph Miami Twp Carroll January 8, 1886 Stinel Bernhart Stinel Mary Reaen Detail
Stipp Everhart Carrolton Carroll January 31, 1886 Stipp Christian H. E. Stipp Earnestine Vonbwer Detail
Stomes Norborne, Mo Carroll Sterms Saml Jacob Sterms Mary Ellen Henry Detail
Stomes Henry S. Norborne, Mo Carroll September 30, 1883 Stames James Henry Stames Jenette Payne Detail
Stomes Jesse Norborne, Mo Carroll August 30, 1883 Stames Samuel Jacob Hainey Mary Ella Stames Detail
Stoneking Tina, Mo Carroll March 19, 1884 Stoneking Alving Stoneking R. W. Boyle Detail
Stormes Norborne Carroll October 23, 1889 Stormes John W. Stormes M. E. Webb Detail
Storms Benjamin H. Egypt Carroll October 3, 1888 Storms Arthur Storms Lina E. Stoness Detail
Storms Claude Lucratus Carrollton, Mo Carroll September 3, 1884 Storms Asa Storms Margaret Ellen Wagaman Detail
Storton Carroll Co. Carroll September 26, 1886 Storton E. H. Storton xx Detail
Stratman Cherry Valley Carroll April 1, 1892 Stratman Julius Stratman Elizabeth Desterazzi Detail
Stratton Prairie Twp Carroll December 15, 1885 Stratton Chas. E. Stratton Sarah Shank Detail
Street Carroll Co. Carroll September 30, 1885 Street John M. Street Julia Ellen Street Detail
Street Mary E. Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 27, 1883 Street John M. Street Julia Street Detail
Stress Joseph Norborne Carroll March 16, 1893 Stress David Stress Mry Long Detail
Stroup Carrollton Carroll January 29, 1888 Stroup Wm. Wilson Stroup Elovira Clements Detail
Stroup Clane Carrollton Twp Carroll February 15, 1884 Stroup Melton Stroup Elvira Clemens Detail
Stroup Jewell Moss Creek Twp Carroll June 8, 1885 Stroup Wm. Milton Stroup Elvira Jane Clements Detail
Stroup Walter E. Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 25, 1883 Stroup Augustus Stroup Laura LauraCalorst Detail
Stuart Carrollton Carroll June 8, 1889 Stuart Leonard Stuart Kate Childs Detail
Stuart Florence Estella Washington Twp Carroll March 13, 1885 Stuart Adam Daniel Stuart Martha Jane Davis Detail
Stucker Henry Carrollton Carroll September 2, 1883 Stricker John Stricker Ellen Desoh Detail
Stupp Carrollton Carroll January 5, 1890 Stupp Chris. H. E. Stupp Carnestine Wittwer Detail
Sturgeon Rhea Near Hale Carroll May 6, 1889 Sturgeon Robert Sturgeon Melcina Elledge Detail
Suess Miami Twp Carroll February 10 Suess George Suess Dellar Beller Detail
Sugg Leslie Twp Carroll September 10 Sugg David C. Suggs Mary A. Smith Detail
Suggs Leslie Twp Carroll September 9, 1884 Suggs David C. Skaggs Mary A. Smith Detail
Suggs Leslie Twp Carroll July 24, 1885 Suggs Andrew Suggs R. A. Andrew Detail
Summers Moss Creek Carroll January 3, 1886 Summers Walter Lewis Summers Anna Elizabeth Cenease Detail
Summers Robt Monroe Cherry Valley Carroll February 15, 1886 Summers George Summers Margaret Young Detail
Summers Winona Mildred Moss Creek Twp Carroll February 29, 1884 Smmers Walter Lewis Elzabeth Anna Conare Detail
Surant blank Carroll January 5, 1886 Surant David W. Surant Mary M. [Blank] Detail
Surbaugh Eugene Twp Carroll January 27, 1887 Surbaugh Chas. W. Surbaugh Mattie Mills Detail
Surcth Amanda A. Norborne, Mo Carroll September 29, 1883 Smith Alexander W. Smith Ella P. Smith Detail
Suttes Combs Twp Carroll November 10, 1885 Suttes Daul A. Suttes Lucinda Jane McCumber Detail
Suttles Combs Carroll July 13, 1886 Suttles Allen M. Suttles Martha Frances Leaton Detail
Sutton Carroll Co Carroll August 25, 1884 Sutton Henry Sutton Lizzie Reish Detail
Sutton Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 8, 1884 Sutton Lee xx Marler Detail
Swank Trotter Carroll August 17, 1889 Swank Robt D. Swank Penelope Allen Detail
Swank Fairfield Carroll February 14, 1887 Swank Palnia Swank Anna Shield Detail
Swank Carroll November 12, 1886 Swank Newton Morrell Swank Margaret E. Detail
Swank Myrtle Olive Fairfield Twp Carroll March 27,1885 Swank N. M. Swank Margaret E. Detail
Swans Smith Twp Carroll February 29 Swans Edward Swans Marilda Black Detail
Swart Thomas Leonilas Carroll March 10, 1885 Swart Stephen B. Swart Abigail L. Cary Detail
Swartz Carrollton Carroll October 5, 1887 Swartz Alexander C. Swartz Charlotte E. Loyd Detail
Sweggett Wakenda Twp Carroll August 15, 1884 Sweggett Leo R. Sweggett Anne E. Allenton Detail
Swiggett Bosworth Carroll August 4, 1889 Swiggett Jas. Swiggett Lizzie Turney Detail
Sylvester Ridge Carroll October 25, 1888 Sylvester Sam Sylvester Ola Stafford Detail
Sylvester Carroll October 25, 1889 Sylvester Leander Sylvester Ollie Stafford Detail
Symnes Cherry Valley Twp Carroll November 22, 1884 Symnes John Symnes Mary M. Kidd Detail

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