Winona County |
 Main Street, Lewiston |
City of Winona |
 State Normal School, Winona [1913] |
 The Winona General, Winona |
 College of Saint Teresa, Winona |
 Statue of Wenonah, Fountain Park, Winona |
 Central M. E. Church and Parsonage, Winona |
 St. Martin's German Lutheran Church, Winona |
 Court House, Winona |
 German M. E. Church, Winona |
 St. Stanislaus Church and School, Winona |
 The Watkins Plant and Administration Bldg., Winona |
 The Watkins Administration Building, Winona |
 View of the Administration Building, Manufacturing and Printing Plants of The J. R. Watkins Company, Winona |
 Methodist Church, Winona [1906] |
 Chicago & Northwestern Railway Station, Winona |
 Lake Shore Drive, Winona |