This little volume is neither a history nor a novel and has no pretentions as to literary merit, as to style or language. It is a plainly written story of the plain people who settled here in the seventies. What is true about Leeds township is true of every prairie township in western Minnesota. Leeds was chosen for the reason it was settled by nine Scandinavian families, and they have descendants in the township of Leeds or in the townships adjoining.
Histories in years gone by referred to this section of the United States as the "Great American Desert." Those early pioneers were pathfinders and doers in the movement which transferred this part of Minnesota from a "Desert" to one of the great agricultural sections of the world.
This is the story of hardy men and brave women—this is the story of men and women who battled against desperate odds to make the undeveloped prairie into a fertile community and to leave a heritage for their sons and daughters and it is to the memory of those pioneers of the '70's that this little volume is sincerely dedicated.
The writer is under obligation to Ed. L. Engebretson of Slayton, through whose persistent insistence this volume came to be written. Also to Jack Berry of Pipestone, whose clever pen and ink sketches of the early days have proved so interesting. We are also under humble obligations to the many friends in the western part of the county who have displayed kindly interest and assistance in the making of this little story.
Robt. B. Forrest
Lake Wilson, Minnesota
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