Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carney have retired from farming but still live on the home place.
N. C. Christensen was born in Denmark in 1866. He came to this country in 1886, and settled at Racine, Wisconsin. He then moved to Tyler. He was united in marriage to Miss Nina Larson at Lake Preston, S. D. The Christensens moved to Lake Wilson in 1901 and until last winter he had been continuously in business here for 45 years.
To the Christensens were born eight children: Anita, Ellen, Thyra, Anker, Gale, Dagmar, Margaret and Burdette.
Anita, after completing her education in the local schools, was graduated from Stout University, Menominie, Wis. She accepted a position in the Social Science Dept. of the U. S. Steel Corporation subsidiary in Birmingham, Alabama. On June 18, 1925 she married R. Lawrence Craig, who is General Agent for Alabama of the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On April 6, 1942 Mr. Craig was ordered to active duty as a first Lt., Army Intelligence, with the Army Air Forces, and was separated from the service with the rank of Major on October 17, 1945. Anita joined her husband in June of 1942, serving in the Red Cross as a volunteer worker as Dietetics Instructor, Grey Lady. The Craigs own their own home at 3415 Windsor Boulevard, Birmingham, Alabama.
Ellen died in 1921.
Thyra, after graduating from Fairview Hospital, Minneapolis, did institutional and private duty nursing in Minneapolis. In 1927 she joined the Bureau of Child Hygiene and Public Health Nursing of the Birmingham and Jefferson County Health Department. In 1941 she received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Health nursing from Columbia University, New York City. In 1945 she was named Assistant Director of the Bureau, and July 1, 1946, was named Director of all Public Health nursing in the Birmingham and Jefferson County Health Department, Alabama.
Anker died in 1937.
Gale was in World War II. He saw service in the European front, and served for a while as Staff Sgt. He was attached to General Plank Division of Service and Supply, Red Ball.
Dagmar, after graduation from the Mankato Normal has been devoting her time to teaching. She is now teaching in Seattle, Wash.
Margaret, after completing her local education, became a graduate of Fairview Hospital in Minneapolis. She was united in marriage to H. L. Stream in Minneapolis in 1941. They have one son, Leonard.
Burdette, the youngest, is a veteran of Guadalcanal in World War II. He was attached to the Field Artillery. He was married to Lorraine Baack in 1940. They have two sons: Robert Eugene and Gary Burdette.
Edward G. Christianson is the only member now living of the Christianson family which came to Murray County in 1872.
Christian Christianson and wife Caroline were born in Norway and came to the U. S. via Canada. They then moved to Minnesota settling briefly in Fillmore county and came to Murray County in 1872. There were seven children, Edward, John, Mena, Betsy, Tia, and Carrie. Edward is the only member left.
C. Christianson took an active part in the development of the township, serving with the town board for several years. When they came here they lived first in a dug out and then built a sod house. The Christiansons were the second family to arrive in the township, arriving here in October, 1872.
Edward is the last male link between now and the Indian days. Back in 1874 he played with the Indian boys in their little village which was located exactly where the Hadley Creamery stands today.
The life of Fred Carlson shows that America is the land of opportunity. He came to New York, then to Minneapolis
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