organization the company purchased the Benson Grain Elevator company building for $2,700.00. The west elevator was destroyed by fire in 1936 but was rebuilt two years later. The west elevator is being used as a storage for grain and seed grains of all kinds. The elevator also handles an ample supply of coal; more than enough for its regular customers. Cleaning facilities for cleaning grain are available also at the west elevator.
        The elevator is a distinctly co-operative organization and has always paid satisfactory dividends.
        The officers are real veterans: Axel Fresk serving as President since 1921, O.C. Wornson serving as Vice President since 1924, Donie Knutson has held the office of treasurer and secretary since 1934. Carl Johnson has been a director since 1937 and Chas. Swan has been a director since 1938. Ole D. Olson is manager of the company's business assisted by Leon Olson.
        Ole D. Olson who has so ably managed the affairs of the company as manager for the last four years grew up in the business, serving seven years as assistant manager. Mr. Olson was united in marriage to Miss Gilletta Paulson on Deccmber
24, 1944.
        The following is a list of the original stockholders: John G. Johnson, Joel Swanson, P. L. Swan, J. Iverson, H. Brecker, Johanson Bros., Aug. Markwardt, Chas. Olson, Chas. Swan, Holmen Bros., J. J. Mihin, Hans Pearson, A. P. Fresk, Wm. Fresk, Mrs. Ira Engebretson, J. D. Knutson, H. Yager, W. J. Clauson, L. R. Jones, J. W. Olson, C. F. Lowe, Harry Kadolph, E. B. Halverson, O. C. Wornson, A. A. Berg, W. P. Rice, John Voss, Mary Wornson, A. G. Johnson, C. Weigand, H. Deden, F. Ost, A. Johnson, B. H. Jacobson, C. F. Clark, A. Kadolph, J. M. Low, Mrs. P. Doerhofer, Dinehard & Weck Sec. Co., J. V. Bosch, A. S. Amundson, Theo. Michaelson, Ole Pearson, Otto Herman, Axel Fresk, Marie Nelson, Pete Pearson, B. H. Larson, Geo. Paulson, Carl G. Johnson, F. R. Blake, Ed Christenson, C. A. Paige, Albert Ost.
        Murray County is thirty miles wide, that is from west to east, and twenty-four miles from north to south.
The Gateway House built in 1867

Home of B. M. Low
        The most historic house, "The Gateway House" of Western Murray County passed out of view last year when it was razed, but not out of the memories of many an early pioneer of the 70's and 80's.
        It was the log house, a commodious one, built by B. M. Low in the late sixties. There was only one settler in Murray County, Cap. Aldrich near Lake Shetek, when the Lows arrived in 1866.
        John Low built his house on the prairie on the west side of the north lake and Bart, on the west side of the south lake in the timber by a small clearing.
        For more than two decades this modest log house was the headquarters and gateway of not only Murray County but the boundless prairies to the west. (The first white settler came to Pipestone County in 1874.)
        To this modest home, which was presided over by Mrs. Low, a typical pioneer from Wisconsin and a famous cook,
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