Cumberland County |
 Baseball Field and Casino, Birch Island |
 Steamer Landing, Birch Island |
 Main Street, Bridgton |
 Highland Lake and Pleasant Mountain, Bridgton |
 Cottages along the East Shore, Bustins Island |
 Bustins Island |
 Field-day at the Hamilton, Chebeague |
 The Old Ledge School House of the '50s, South Freeport [Built in 1850's] |
 View from Diamond Island, Portland Harbor [1908] |
 Main's Camp, Little Sebago Lake, Sand Bar |
 The Covered Bridge on Prescumscot River, Below Riverton Park, Falmouth |
 On the Road to Underwood Spring Park, Falmouth Foreside [1909] |
 The Pier, Mere Point |
 Orr's Island Point |
 Lowell's Cove Road, Orr's Island |
 One of the Cozy Lodges- Noraco Inn, North Raymond |
 One of the Cozy Lodges- Noraco Inn, North Raymond |
 On the Road from Gray to Poland Springs |
 Club House and Grandstand, Scarborough Downs |
 Three Islands, New Meadows River, Bragdons Island and Rich Mountain in backfround |
 Steamer Maquoit, Littlejohn's Island |
 Street Scene, Long Island |
 Ponces Landing, Long Island |
 Falls and Bridge, Stroudwater Village |
 Old Mill, Stroudwater [1914] |
 Eagle Island, The Summer Home of Robert E. Peary |
 Steamboat Passing through Sliding Bridge, Songo River |
 L. S. Maines General Store, South Casco |
 The Willows, Prouts Neck |
 Views on Shaker Farm, Sabbathday Lake |
 Section of Shaker Village, Sabbathday Lake |
 Cliff Island as Seen from the Pier |
 M. C. R. R. Station, Sebago Lake |
 McIntyre's Wharf, Lowells Cove, Casco Bay |
 Main St., Westbrook |
 Fred S. Hawkes Store and N. E. Telephone Exchange, Windham Centre |
Bailey Island |
 Bailey's Island, Headquarters of the Lobster Industry, Mackerel Cove |
 Lobsterman's Shanty, Bailey's Island |
 Mackerel Cove, Bailey's Island |
 Mackerel Cove, Bailey Island |
 Orr's and Bailey Islands Bridge |
Brunswick |
 Looking Down Main Street, Brunswick [pre 1908] |
 Maine Street, Brunswick |
 Cabot Mills, View from the Island, Androscoggin River, Brunswick [1926] |
 Cabot Mills and Falls, Brunswick [1926] |
 Hotel Eagle, Brunswick |
Bowdoin College, Brunswick |
 Massachusetts Hall, Bowdoin College, Brunswick |
 The Moulton Union, Bowdoin College, Brunswick |
 King Chapel, Bowdoin College, Brunswick |
 Alpha Delta Phi House, Bowdoin College, Brunswick |
Cape Elizabeth |
 Baiting a Trawl at Fishermans Point, Cape Elizabeth [1908] |
 Cliff House, Cape Elizabeth |
 Casino and Beach, Cape Elizabeth |
Gorham |
 R. R. Depot, Gorham |
 Central Square and South Street, Gorham |
 Robie Hall, State Teachers College, Gorham |
 Regiment on March to Encampment in Fairgrounds, Gorham [1913] |
 Gorham Academy, Erected 1806, Gorham |
 Cumberland County Fair, Gorham |
Harpswell |
 Casco Bay, Steamer "Sebascodegan", Harpswell Steamboat Co. |
 High Head House, North Harpswell |
 Rev. Elijah Kellogg's Church, Harpswell Center |
 At a turn in the road under the widespreading elms, West Harpswell |
Naples |
 View of Naples Village |
 Bay of Naples Inn, Naples |
 Gus Bove's Spa, Bay of Naples |
Peak's Island |
 On the float, Peaks Island |
 S. S. Merryconeac landing at Pier, Peaks Island [1912] |
 Surf and Rocks, Ocean Side, Evergreen Landing, Peaks Island [1909] |
 Trefethens Landing, Peaks Island |
Portland |
The Danish Village (Den Danske Landsby), Scarboro |
 Town View |
 Town View |
 Entrance |
 Aerial View |