Penny Postcards from Maryland

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Washington County

Scene on State Highway near Hagerstown

Hancock Bridge across the Potomac River connecting U. S. 40 with U. S. 522 at Hancock

Potomac River, C. & O. Canal, and W. M. R. R. near Hancock

Masonic Temple, Hancock [pre-1907]

War Correspondents' Arch off U. S. 40 near Boonsboro

First Monument to George Washington, near U. S. 40, Boonsboro

Bloyer's Motel, Seven Miles West of Hagerstown

Lake and Club House, Camp Ritchie Military Reservation, Cascade
Antietam National Cemetery

National Cemetery, Antietam Battlefield

National Cemetery, Antietam

Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Indiana Monuments, Antietam

Kee-Mar College, Hagerstown

Prospect Street, Hagerstown [1906]

Broadway School, Hagerstown [1924]

Washington Street, Looking East from Court House, Hagerstown

Country Club, Hagerstown

Hotel Hamilton, Hagerstown

Advertising Card for Hagerstown Bookbinding & Printing Co., Hagerstown

Washington County Hospital, Hagerstown [1906]

View from Dining Deck of Club House, Hagerstown Race Track, Hagerstown

Contact Joy Fisher for more information
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