T H U R S D A Y |
February 12, 1795 |
[No. 2509] |
PHILADELPHIA, February 2. Extract of a letter from a very respectable house in London, to his friend in this country, dated the 6th of December, 1794. Extract of a letter from the Havanna, dated December 24th, 1794
"I wrote you a few days since, vi_ Charleston, informing you of the melancholy fate of New-Orleans, one third of which was burnt to the ground on the 8th instant. In the space of three hours, all the merchants stores, without any other exceptions, than those of Messrs. Merr cutt, Carelier, and Petit; have been destroyed, mine in the number, and my loss is considerable - the particulars, I will in a day or two give you."
"The treaty has actually been signed between the United States and Great-Britain, and published in our Gazettes - In consequence thereof the price of American stock has risen very considerably, particularly bank stock, which is at one hundred and twenty-four pounds sterling a share, dividend to the purchaser."
By a vessel arrived at Norfolk, letters are received in this city from New-Orleans, containing intelligence, that a considerable part of the town was destroyed by a dreadful conflagration that broke out on the 8th December, in the most improved and opulent part of that city, which experienced a like calamity but a few years ago. It is supposed that 400 buildings, including a magazine of powder, have been consumed by this last disaster.
Notice to Mariners
Trinity-house, London, 6th Nov. 1794.
This corporation having very lately received from the right honourable the lords commissioners of the admiralty, a report of the survey taken of the Goodwin Sand, by Mr. Grame Spence, their maritime surveyor.
Notice is hereby given, that in compliance with the request of a numerous body of merchants, owners, and masters of ships, measures are now taking to moor, as speedy as possible in the next summer, a proper vessel, fitted for a floating light, on the Goodwin Sand, near the north and south of Forelands, on which vessel three distinct lights will be exhibited, to distinguish this light from the north and wouth Foreland lights, and continue constantly in the night season for the benefit of navigation. A large bell will also be fixed on board to be run in hazy or thick weather, to warn ships of the danger as they approach the said Sand when the lights may not be seen.
Further notice, and particulars of the station will be given as soon as the said vessel is placed and the lights are exhibited.
Department of State of the United States.
February 3, 1975.
I hereby certify, that the above is a true copy of the original communication from Joshua Johnson, Esquire, consul at London, on file in the office of the department of state.
GEORGE TAYLOR, Jun. Ch Clk.The printers of the United States are requested to insert the above in thei respective papers.
ANNAPOLIS, February 12.
The President of the United States has appointed, by the advice and consent of the senate, Oliver Wollcott, jun. Esq; secretary of the treasury of the United States, in the room of Alexander Hamilton, Esq; resigned.
Extract of a letter, dated London, 22d November, 1794, to a merchant in Philadelphia.
"With regard to the treaty just concluded here, we understand that the posts in Canada are to be given up to the United States, on the 30th of June, 1795; after which time they are to be free for the traders of both nations with their effects - that goods imported from one to the other country shall be liable to the same duties as may be payable at the ports of either - that American shipping shall have additional (but restricted) privileges in the trade to the West-Indies - that commissioners shall be appointed on both sides to regulate the recovery of debts, etc. etc. We sincerely pray that this treaty may prove the foundation of the most lasting harmony and friendship between both countries."
The MEDDLER, No. 1
There is a line of Latin which can't be made out
Who is the auther?
HORACE, book 1st, Sat. 4, v. _0
THE first question generally asked concerning any new publication is that which I have adopted for my motto. To satisfy this curiosity, and in compliance to the general custom, I shall begin by giving an account of thyself.
I am descended from a family which came from England among the first settlers of Maryland, and fixed their residence in one of the lower counties of the western shore. My father, being bred a scholar, wished that I should be one also, and accordingly sent me to school at a very early age. Here, even in my childhood, I began to manifest a disposition, which has been troublesome to me through the whole course of my life; this was an insatiable desire of being acquainted with the affairs of others, and of giving my opinion upon every subject. This passion, which grew up with me, has been the cause of much mortification to me, which, instead of curing me, seems rather to confirm my attachment.
I had scarcely completed my education when my father died, leaving me at liberty to pursue my inclinations; and my desire of information impelling me, I set out on the tour of Europe, from which I was recalled by the late revolution. During the war I was employed in the service of my country, and since the acknowledgement of our independence I have lived for the most part in retirement.
I am of an inquisitive disposition, (as I have before observed) but yet, in spite of the general maxim,
Nee retinent patulae commissa fideliter aurea. Hor_
He that delights to hear, delights to tell.
I am as remarkable for my secrecy as for my inquisitiveness, and I never was known to divulge any thing that had been confidentially communicated. Besides these qualities (if I am not flattered) I have the reputation of an easy goodnatured man, who, from his own faults, has learned to forgive the failings of others. Whether I deserve this character or not the reader may, perhaps, hereafter discover.
But though I have retired from the bustle of the world, my natural bent of disposition will not allow me to be idle. My time has been chiefly employed in taking care of the affairs of others, from whom, instead of thanks, I have generally met with a disgusting coldness, and more than once have been asked if I had anything to do with them? These repeated mortifications had almost induced me to disclaim all commerce with mankind, and to become a professed misanthrope, when it struck me that the fault might be in myself, who, by my impertinent inquiries, had subjected myself to their resentment. These considerations made me strive to overcome my indiscreet propensity, and I resolved, that if I must be meddling with something, to apply myself to general concerns, which might be of advantage both to myself and others, without hazarding a dispute. For this purpose I have undertaken this performance, to which I think I cannot give a more proper title than it now bea! rs. My design is to publish my sentiments upon such subjects as may be conducive to the instruction or amusement of my readers; and in this undertaking, as I am a professed meddler in every thing, it must not be expected that I will confine myself to any one particular branch of knowledge, since changing is the essence of a meddler. If then I do not always please my readers in such a multiplicity of subjects, I would wish them to consider it as is directed in the manual of 1Epicletus. "Every thing," says he, "has two handles, one by which it may be held, the other by which it cannot: If your brother has injured you, do not take it on that part, that he has injured you; for this is the handle by which it must not be held; but rather consider that he is your brother and your companion, and then it will be held by the proper handle." In the same manner, if sometimes I fail to please, let not censure be cast upon me for this, but strive to! recollect whether I ever pleased you.
With regard to the subjects of my paper, I have had many schemes offered to me by some of my friends, to whom I have communicated my intention. One, who is a violent democrat, wishes that it should be entirely political; An aged lady, who is somewhat inclined to methodism, hopes that I will make it a comment on the works of the reverend John Wesley; A country gentleman desires me to give an account of the improvements in agriculture. Many other proposals have been submitted to my determination, but as they are all calculated for the sole use of some particular class of men, I shall give the preference to my own plan, which if it does not please all men at the same time, will, I hope, please them all in their turn.
THE creditors of ADAM ALLEN, late of Anne-Arundel county, deceased, are requested to meet at the house of the subscriber, on Saturday the 21st of March next, that they may receive their dividends of the deceased's estate.
JOSEPH HILL, Administrator.
February 6, 1795.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the justices of Anne-Arundel county, at their next April court, to grant a commission to mark and bound part of two tracts of land, one called IIAMS's PURCHASE, and the other BURGESS's CHOICE, lying and being in Anne-Arundel county, agreeably to an act of assembly for marking and bounding lands.
January 26. 1795.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscribers intend to petition the court of Anne-Arundel county, for a commission to mark and bound the following tracts of land, viz. HOCKLEY, FOSTER'S FANCY, BARREN HILLS, ADDITION TO TIMBER RIDGE, BELT'S POINT, MACCUBBIN'S DISCOVERY, TIMBER RIDGE, and POLE-CAT FOREST, agreeably to the act of assembly for marking and bounding lands.
CHARLES CARROLL, of Carrollton
DANIEL CARROLL, of Duddington
February 7, 1795
ALL persons indebted to the estate of WILLIAM DEVNISH, late of Anne-Arundel county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against said estate, are desired to bring them in, legally attested, that they may be settled by
WILLIAM COE, Administrator.
February 4, 1795.
And to be sold at the Printing-Office,
Price, One Dollar,
M A R Y L A N D,
Passed November Session, 1794.
LOST, near South river ferry, a SILVER WATCH, numbered 402, the maker's name W. MITCHELL, COCKSTON. Whoever will deliver the said watch to me, in Annapolis, shall receive TWO DOLLARS reward.
P R O P O S A L S, WHEN the present high price of subscriptions to the established news-papers in Baltimore is considered, the necessity of one at a more moderate expence, must be strikingly evident. - There are few persons in the state of Maryland, unless in the commercial towns, who would wish, or can conveniently afford to pay a subscription of SIX OR SEVEN DOLLARS per annum, together with the expence of postage; and when the great and acknowledged usefulness of these kind of publications is taken into view, there is every reason to expect, that the present undertaking will meet with the general patronage and encouragement of our discerning citizens. To accommodate, therefore, our readers, in every rank and description of society, it is proposed to publish the FELL'S POINT TELEGRAPHE at the low price of TWO AND A HALF DOLLARS per annum, which is to be paid half yearly in advance; - And !
that it may not be defective in communicating any article of interesting intelligence, it will be published as often as the post arrives, three times a week; on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, when it will be delivered to subscribers at the Point and in Town, and immediately forwarded, agreeably to order, to those in the country.
It will be printed on good paper, and of a 2quarto size; and the editor is determined to spare no pains to render it a useful, instructive, and entertaining paper. - For this purpose, he will make the best selections in his power from all the American and European printes and should any thing important or interesting appear in any of the Baltimore papers, his friends may also be assured, that it will be infserted in the TELEGRAPHE.
As there can be no doubt but this cheap and useful paper will find a ready circulation in every part of the state of Maryland, a work of this kind being so much wanted, it is presumed it will claim its share of the advertising business. The editor, advantageously situated in Fell's-Point, will be easily enabled to procure every article of ship news, and be early acquainted with the arrival of every species of mechandise, which he will communicate to the public. He therefore solicits his friends, and the public for their advertising cu____; and he trusts that their advertisements will be printed correctly, and judiciously displayed.
Original essays, both moral and political, authentic accounts of marriages, deaths, and other casualties, will be received with gratitude, and meet with due attention. And here, he thinks it necessary to remark, that it is his fixed determination, to conduct the Telegraphe on free and rational principles; - Averse to party purpose, no interest or emolument whatever, will influence him to disturb the peace of domestic tranquillity, by publishing anonymous slander, or malevolence, against individuals in the private walks of life. Baltimore, Janary 19.
Fell's-Point, Telegraphe.
The public's very humble
And obedient servant,
N.B. It is intended, should a sufficient number of subscribers appear by the 23d day of February ensuing, that the first No. of Fell's Point Telegraphe shall be published on that day.
SUBSCRIPTIONS are received by Mr. John Pannel, captains James and Joseph Glays, captain Thomas Moore, captain Peter Sharp, and Mr. Job Smith on Fell's Point; by Messrs. Clarke and Keddie, Mr. John Flagerty, and Messrs. Thomas, Andrews and Butler, booksellers; and Messrs. Undt and Brown, and Mr. Philip Edwards, printers, Baltimore-town, and Messrs. F. and S. Green, Annapolis.
BY virtue of an order of the orphans court, held at Dover, in and for the county of Kent, on the tenth day of December, Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, will be EXPOSED to SALE, by way of PUBLIC VENDUE, on Monday the fourth day of May next, on the premises.
ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate in Murderkill hundred, in the county aforesaid; containing the whole about one thousand five hundred acres, being in the property of BENEDICT BRICE, deceased, at the time of his death, and to be sold for the payment of his debts. For the accommodation of those who may incline to purchase, the said land will be laid off in three divisions, with a sufficient quantity of woodland to each division; the terms of sale to be as follow, one third of the purchase money to be paid on one year from the day of sale, one third in two years, and the remaining third in three years, with insterrest, on the respective payments from the day of sale. Attendance will be given, and further particulars made known, by
MARY COOK, administratix of the said deceased.
By order of the court,
December 10, 1794
Wanted immediately
Three negro men, who understand the farming business, and two negro women; for such who can be well recommended for their sobriety, industry and honesty, good wages will be given. Inquire of Mr. Richards, or the Printer.
P R O P O S A L S, THE subscribers beg leave to inform their friends, and the public in general, that, having procured the new and elegant apparatus, lately imported from Europe, by Mr. JOHN HAYES they intend publishing a daily news-paper, under the title of
The Baltimore Telegraphe.
It is proposed to publish this paper every morning, (Sundays excepted) on a larger and more extensive scale than any heretofore attempted in the State of Maryland. The name will indicate the intention of the editors, that like the new machine, lately invented in France, it may communicate the earliest and most interesting intelligence.
That this publication may be rendered agreeable to their friends and patrons, the editors beg leave to lay before them an idea of their plan.
I. As it is of great importance to the people, to be regularly informed of the operations of the general government, a certain portion of this paper will be appropriate _ to the debates of congress, the laws and all interesting reports proceeding from that body, and from the officers of state, so as to exhibit a connected view of their deliberations.
1Surely, Epictetus (55 AD - 135 AD) Roman (Greek-born) slave & Stoic philosopher, is the one he quotes. The exact quotation is, "Everything has two handles, the one by which it may be carried, the other by which it cannot. If your brother acts unjustly, don't lay hold on the action by the handle of his injustice, for by that it cannot be carried; but by the opposite, that he is your brother, that he was brought up with you; and thus you will lay hold on it, as it is to be carried." My favorite is, "If anyone tells you that such a person speaks ill of you, don't make excuses about what is said of you, but answer: `He does not know my other faults, else he would not have mentioned only these.'" The Enchiridion, by Epictetus, written in 135 A.D. & found on M.I.T.'s website.
2Quarto: originally, a book of the size of the fourth of sheet of printing paper; a size leaves; in present usage, a book of a square or nearly square form, and usually of large size. Webster Dictionary, pub. 1913