Maryland USGenWeb Archives
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Description Link Submitter
Almony-Ayers Family Cemetery almony.txt Christos Christou, Jr.
Black Rock Cemetery, Butler blackrock.txt various
Boordy Vineyard/Gittings Cemetery gittings.txt Judy Renee Pope
Bosley Church Cemetery, Sparks bosley.txt various
Camp Chapel UMC Cemetery, Perry Hall campchapel.txt Dan Smith
Carroll's Gill's United Methodist Church, Lutherville carrolls.txt various
Clynmalire Methodist Church, Monnkton clynmalire.txt Betty Hearst
Cockey Family Cemetery, Cockeysville cockey.txt Eric Haas and Kathi Jones-Hudson
Cockey Family Cemetery, Brooklandville  cockey2.txt various
Curran, Keller, Dontell, Loveless, Preacher & Riddle multiple.txt Barbara Rendina
Dover Church Cemetery, Reisterstown dover.txt various
Druid Ridge Cemetery druidridge.txt various
Dulaney Valley Memorial Garden, Lutherville-Timonium dulaney.txt various
Fairview Methodist Church, Phoenix fairviewm.txt various
Falls Road Chapel Cemetery, Sparks fallsroad.txt various
First Baptist Church of Hereford Cemetery fbchereford.txt Christos Christou, Jr.
Foreston Church Cemetery, Parkton foreston.txt Nancy Barrow
Fork United Methodist Church, Fork forkumc.txt Betty Hartman
Fowler-Morfoot Cemetery; Carney fowler.txt Caryl Crook
Gardens of Faith Memorial Park faith.txt Kim Sargent
Granite Presbyterian Church Cemetery; Granite gunpowder.txt Jodi Dew
Gunpowder Baptist Cemetery gunpowder.txt various
Hereford Methodist Church Cemetery, aka Foster's Cemetery hereford-umc.txt Mary Jean Gardner
Holly Hill Memorial Gardens hollyhill.txt various
Holy Rosary Cemetery; Dundalk holyrosary.txt Eric Haas
Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery 1 jerusalem.txt James S. Harry
Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery 2 jerusalem2.txt Bonnie Henriquez
Jessop United Methodist Church Cemetery jessopumc.txt various
Lorraine Park Cemetery; Woodlawn lorraine.txt various
Lowe Family Cemetery lowefamily.txt Nancy Simmers
Mainline Cemetery mainline.txt Christos Christou, Jr.
Maryland Line Cemetery; Maryland Line mdline.txt various
Middletown Baptist Church Cemetery; Freeland middletown.txt Nancy Barrow
Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church Cemetery; Parkton mtcarmel.txt various
Mt. Olive Church Cemetery olive.txt Wanda Slowother
Mt. Paran Presbyterian Church Cemetery mtparan.txt Kathy D. Shaulis and Kathi Jones-Hudson
Mt. Tabor Cemetery; Hoffmanville mttabor.txt Nancy Barrow
Mt. Zion Cemetery mtzion.txt Christos Christou, Jr.
Oak Lawn Cemetery oaklawn.txt various
Oella Cemetery / Old Union Manufacturing Works Cemetery; Oella oellaunion.txt Lamb, Rendina & Whipps
Orems United Methodist Church Cemetery; Middle River oremsum.txt various
Parkwood Cemetery; Parkville parkwood.txt various
Pearce Plantation Cemetery pearce.txt Judy Renee Pope
Pine Grove Cemetery; Rayville pinegrove.txt various
Poplar Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery; Pheonix poplargrove.txt various
Prettyboy Hill; Hoffman Graves hoffman.txt Nancy Barrow
Prospect Hill Cemetery; Towson prospect.txt Robert Hilgartner
Rebecca Robinson's Burial Card robinson-bc.txt
Nancy Jenkins
Sacred Heart of Jesus Cemetery sheart.txt Haas & Hatten
Scherer-Cemetery Listings  scherer.txt Barbara Rendina
Sherwood Protestant Episcopal Church Cemetery; Cockeysville sherwood.txt various
St. Alphonsus Catholic Cemetery; Woodstock stalphonsus.txt Maureen Moore
St. John's Catholic Church; fork stjohns.txt Carol
St. John's Lutheran Church of Bleinheim; jluth.txt Robert Hilgartner
St. John's Lutheran Church st-johns.txt Betty Hearst
St. Luke's United Methodist Church Cemetery stlukes.txt Christos Christou, Jr.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church Cemetery stpaulsl.txt various
St. Paul's Methodist Church Cemetery stpaul.txt Iva Thompson
St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Chapel  st-stanis.txt Tim Lawrence
St. Thomas Garrison Forest Cemetery; Owings Mills thosgarrison.txt Jennifer Shipley
Stabler's Church Cemetery stablers.txt Christos Christou, Jr.
Stella Maris Hospice; formerly Long Crandon, Timonium stellamaris.txt Eileen Colgan
Taylor's Chapel Cemetery taylors.txt Iva Thompson
Tom TAYLOR's Burial Card taylor-bc.txt
Nancy Jenkins
Todd's Inheritance todd.txt
Trenton Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery; Upperco trentoncel.txt various
Walker-Cameron Cemetery, Parkton cameron.txt Beverly Biance
Wiseburg Cemetery weisburg.txt various
Wesley Chapel Cemetery wesley.txt Christos Christou, Jr.
West Liberty Cemetery westliberty.txt Christos Christou, Jr.
Wilson United Methodist Church Cemetery wilsonumc.txt Robert Hilgartner
Woodlawn Cemetery & Chapel woodlawn.txt various

Description Size Date Submitter
Woodlawn Cemetery - Partial 1K Feb 2025 Carol Eddleman

The File Manager For This County Is: Debra Crosby The Registry

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Last update: Friday, 28-Feb-2025 16:25:50 EST