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Madison County Marriages
File Name | Record | Submitted by: |
mar18ak.txt | Marriages, 1821 - 1899 Surnames A - K (partial) |
Joyce V. Compton |
mar18ak.txt | Marriages, 1821 - 1899 Surnames L - Z (partial) |
Joyce V. Compton |
mar19ai.txt | Marriages, 1900 - 1935 Surnames A - I (partial) |
Joyce V. Compton |
mar19jz.txt | Marriages, 1900 - 1935 Surnames J - Z (partial) |
Joyce V. Compton |
cmarbk2.txt | Marriage Book 2 - 1901-1908 - Colored Marriages (Incomplete) |
File Name | Record | Submitted by: |
adams2586mr.txt | Adams, Catherine - Lombardo, James Joseph May 1946 | |
anthony2481mr.txt | Anthony, Clyde - Burroughs, Ellis December 20, 1919 | |
anthony2482mr.txt | Anthony, Clyde - Burroughs, Ellis January 6, 1943 | |
anthony2483mr.txt | Anthony, Clyde - Burroughs, Ellis September 28, 1945 | |
anthony2585mr.txt | Anthony, Corrie Sue - James, Branson June 10, 1925 | |
anthony496gmr.txt | Corrie Sue Anthony - Branson James | |
arnold497gmr.txt | Helen Arnold - Roy C. David | |
barnette2583mr.txt | Barnette, Annie Lou - Kidd, Howard December 1, 1923 | |
barret498gmr.txt | Ella Mae Barret - Thurston Freeman | |
barret2582mr.txt | Barret, Ella Mae - Freeman, Thurston December 31, 1923 | |
barrette2584mr.txt | Barrette, Elizabeth - Rogers, Murray December 29, 1921 | |
benedict2580mr.txt | Benedict, Margaret - Boyd, Otis August 3, 1946 | |
benedict2581mr.txt | Benedict, Margaret - Boyd, Otis December 28, 1923 | |
black2532mr.txt | Black, Ella Marie - Patton, James William August 24, 1946 | |
boggs2490mr.txt | Boggs, Kate - Taliferro, James Hampton June 5, 1925 | |
boggs2392mr.txt | Kate Boggs - James Hampton Taliferro | |
bond2367mr.txt | Lera Bond - Rupert D. Kinnamer | |
bond2539mr.txt | Bond, Lera - Kinnamer, Rupert D. June 28, 1925 | |
brown2515mr.txt | Brown, Thelma - Parham, Albert May 18, 1946 | |
brown2518mr.txt | Brown, Thelma - Parham, Albert July 18, 1925 | |
brown2578mr.txt | Brown, Lunette - West, Luther August 3, 1946 | |
brown2372mr.txt | Thelma Brown - Albert Parham | |
brown2373mr.txt | Thelma Brown - Albert Parham | |
brown502gmr.txt | Lunette Brown - Luther West | |
burrough2336mr.txt | Wilma Burroughs - Joe R. Nelms | |
burrough2577mr.txt | Burroughs, Wilma - Nelms, Joe R. January 26, 1924 | |
burrough503gmr.txt | Wilma Burroughs - Joe R. Nelms | |
campbell2561mr.txt | Campbell, Pauline - Fitts, Elmer December 27, 1922 | |
carither2480mr.txt | Carithers, Winnie Sue - Crowe, William F. June 3, 1942 | |
campbell2358mr.txt | Pauline Campbell - Elmer Fitts | |
campbell2393mr.txt | Ruby Campbell - W. F. Wimbley Jr. | |
coker2575mr.txt | Coker, Geneva - Bruce, Claud L. December 24, 1947 | |
collier2478mr.txt | Collier, Sarah - Lawson, Powers Cooper January 1943 | |
collier2479mr.txt | Collier, Virginia - Kelley, Jr., George W. December 20, 1942 | |
collins2574mr.txt | Collins, Werner - Almand, Thomas Anderson February 22, 1946 | |
compton2573mr.txt | Compton, Olive - Weart, Charles Reynold January 5, 1946 | |
conwell2492mr.txt | Conwell, Elise - Strickland, Clarence June 10, 1922 | |
conwell2377mr.txt | Elise Conwell - Clarence Strickland | |
cook2572mr.txt | Cook, Elsie - Parker, Felton December 26, 1947 | |
cooper2570mr.txt | Cooper, Winona - Harmon, Tom September 29, 1946 | |
cooper2571mr.txt | Cooper, Winona - Harmon, Tom September 29, 1946 | |
cox2477mr.txt | Cox, Hilda - Willis, J. W. June 28, 1945 | |
daniel2345mr.txt | Ida Mae Daniel - J Porterfield | |
daniel2569mr.txt | Daniel, Ida Mae - Porterfield, J. C. December 11, 1923 | |
davis2568mr.txt | Davis, Estelle - McClaid, Sherman D. February 17, 1924 | |
davis2344mr.txt | Estelle Davis - Sherman D. McClaid | |
dickerso2566mr.txt | Dickerson, Bert Elise - Lord, Reliford October 22, 1922 | |
dickerso2567mr.txt | Dickerson, Hoke Smith - Adams, Lovie November 22, 1923 | |
dickerso2342mr.txt | Bert Elise Dickerson - Reliford Lord | |
dickerso2343mr.txt | Hoke Smith Dickerson - Lovie Adams | |
eberhard2533mr.txt | Eberhardt, Florene - McGinnis, Raymond Dudley August 24, 1946 | |
estes2563mr.txt | Estes, Elenor - Bannister, H. G. January 10, 1923 | |
estes2338mr.txt | Elenor Estes - H. G. Bannister | |
evans495gmr.txt | Catherine Elizabeth Evans - James Joseph Lombardo | |
fields2471mr.txt | Fields, Doris Lovada - McKie, Benny Walker May 18, 1946 | |
fields2475mr.txt | Fields, Sara Nell - Carithers, Albert October 17, 1942 | |
fields2516mr.txt | Fields, Doris Lovada - McKie, Benny Walker May 18, 1946 | |
fitts2560mr.txt | Fitts, Jackie Carolyn - Fortson, John L., Jr. December 25, 1947 | |
fitts2340mr.txt | Nell Fitts - Cecil Blackwell | |
fitts2360mr.txt | Nell Fitts - Cecil Blackwell | |
fitts2562mr.txt | Fitts, Nell - Blackwell, Cecil May 29, 1923 | |
fortson2474mr.txt | Fortson, Lucille - Crowe, Henry W. May 3, 1946 | |
fortson2499mr.txt | Fortson, Jessie Fortson - Webb, James Alfred July 23, 1922 | |
freeman2558mr.txt | Freeman, Evie Anne - Sorrow, Noble August 17, 1946 | |
garrett2356mr.txt | Vennie Garrett - Roy Brown | |
/garrett2557mr.txt | Garrett, Vennie - Brown, Roy June 24, 1923 | |
gilbreat2355mr.txt | Bessie Gilbreath - J. L. Berrong | |
gilbreat2556mr.txt | Gilbreath, Bessie - Berrong, J. L. January 12, 1924 | |
glenn2555mr.txt | Glenn, Lena - Smith, Z. B. May 12, 1922 | |
glenn2354mr.txt | Lena Glenn - Z. B. Smith | |
gober2554mr.txt | Gober, Betty Loutishia - Wilson, Julian L. March 17, 1946 | |
goolsby2553mr.txt | Goolsby, Sarah Martha - Reid, I. D. January 24, 1922 | |
goolsby2353mr.txt | Sarah Martha Goolsby - I. D. Reid | |
gordon2473mr.txt | Gordon, Christine - Burroughs, William Franklin February 17, 1945 | |
grefe2472mr.txt | Grefe, Alice - Moon, Thomas Evans November 18, 1945 | |
/griffeth2552mr.txt | Griffeth, Norene - Hancock, Sherman November 30, 1922 | |
griffeth2352mr.txt | Norene Griffeth - Sherman Hancock | |
gunter2351mr.txt | Nina Gunter - Felton Wheeless | |
gunter2551mr.txt | Gunter, Nina - Wheeless, Felton January 26, 1924 | |
gwyn2493mr.txt | Gwyn, Willie Sue - Stearns, Arhur Leroy November 21, 1925 | |
gwyn2378mr.txt | Willie Sue Gwyn - Arthur Le Roy Sterns | |
hall2382mr.txt | Gertrude Hall - Buell Smith | |
hampton2361mr.txt | Sibyl Hampton - Walter J. Moran | |
hargrove2341mr.txt | Frances Hargrove - Bill Dillard | |
harris2350mr.txt | Lillie Mae Harris - Ollie Gentry | |
harwell2339mr.txt | Willie Mae Harwell - Waymon Edwards | |
hix2349mr.txt | Annice Hix - Goss Brooks | |
honea2348mr.txt | Callie Honea - Worth Brown | |
jackman501gmr.txt | Margaret Jackman - Otis Boyd | |
king2347mr.txt | Zaidee King - Charlie Jones | |
lord2389mr.txt | Mae Lord - Garland Williams | |
martin2364mr.txt | Freida May Martin - Jesse Columbus Bennett Jr. | |
meadow2370mr.txt | Hilda Meadow - Albert Chase Tilton | |
meadow2455mr.txt | Meadow, Bessie - Edwards, H. E. 1899 | |
moon2359mr.txt | Ruby Moon - Holden King | |
moore2365mr.txt | Ola T. Moore - Frank D. Harwell | |
mygott2362mr.txt | Ethel A. Mygott - Dewitt Power | |
nelms2374mr.txt | Katie Lou Nelms - Snelling | |
newton2375mr.txt | Marian Newton - John A. Simpson Snelling | |
cpayne2454mr.txt | Payne, Elsie - Gaines, Paul September 5, 1948 | |
parham2346mr.txt | Etta Mae Parham - Coy Kidd | |
porterfi2371mr.txt | Lois Porterfield - James Floyd Head | |
rampev2376mr.txt | Josephine Hampton Rampev - Bernice E. Aiken | |
rampey2388mr.txt | Sara Rampey - Roy Williams | |
rice2387mr.txt | Aldine Rice - Coile Graham | |
roberts2386mr.txt | Annie Roberts - Carlton Seagraves | |
rogers2369mr.txt | Julia Rogers - George McWhirter | |
scarboro2384mr.txt | Kathleen Scarboro - Eugene Skerbin | |
scarboro2385mr.txt | Elmo Scarboro - William Dalton | |
seymour2383mr.txt | Delree Seymour - Coile Cox | |
shaw2368mr.txt | Verbie Shaw - Elmo McElroy | |
simmons2363mr.txt | Ida Simmons - Marvin King | |
simmons2390mr.txt | Lillie Mae Simmons - Joe Warrne | |
smith2357mr.txt | Mildred Smith - Buris Freeman | |
smith2366mr.txt | Gussie Smith - Carswell Moon | |
smith2381mr.txt | Jessie Fortson Smith - James Alfred Webb | |
sorrow2379mr.txt | Susie Sorrow - Joe Patten | |
sorrow2380mr.txt | Ossie Sorrow - Clarence Christian | |
thompson2391mr.txt | Nina Thompson - Frank Harold Frost | |
williams2337mr.txt | Bertha Williams - Johnie Chatham |
File Name | Record | Submitted by: |
mlbmadmr.txt | Select Marriage Records | Mary Love Berryman |
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