Penny Postcards from Massachusetts

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Worcester County

Cushing Academy, Ashburnham

Watatic Club House, Ashburnham

Academy of Music, Athol

The Lee Shoe Factories, Athol

Saint Vincent de Paul Church, Baldwinville

Wachusett Dam, Clinton

Residence of Superintendent Maddox, Linwood

Lookout near Summit, Mt. Wachusett

Post Office and Main Street, North Grafton

Main Street, looking W., Southbridge

Main Street, Southbridge [1905]

Bird's-Eye View of Spencer

St. Mark's School, Southborough

Washacum Park, Sterling

Unitarian Church and Chapel, and Old Town Hall, Templeton

At Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggagungamaugg, Webster

R. R. Station, West Rutland

B. & A. R. R. Station, Westboro

Westminster Cracker Works, Westminster

Westminster Electric Power Station, Fitchburg and Gardner Line

Steamer Landing, Whalom Park

Y. M. C. A., Fitchburg

Edgarly School - Normal School & Dormitory, Fitchburg

High School, Fitchburg

McKinley Cruiser, Whalom Lake, Fitchburg
Fort Devens

Enlisted Men's Barracks, Fort Devens

Red Cross Building, Fort Devens

Soldiers' Monument, Fort Devens

Post Theatre, Fort Devens

Dunn's Park, Gardner

Greenwood Memorial Bath House and Pool, Gardner

The Windsor House, Gardner [1910]

First Congregational Church, Gardner

Elm Street Fire Station, Gardner

State Colony for the Insane, Gardner

The Depot, Leominster

Monument Square, Leominster

Soldier's Monument and Square, Leominster [1906]

Columbia Hotel, Leominster

The Common, Leominster

Old High School, Leominster [pre-1907]

McGrath's Block, Leominster
City of Worcester

J. J. Newberry Co. newly enlarged super store, 10-20 Front Street, Worcester

Rustic Bridge, Worcester

The Sheraton Hotel

Unitarian Church in Ruins, The Great New England Hurricane of 1938, Worcester

White City from Bridge, Worcester

Joslin House, Worcester

Contact Joy Fisher for more information
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