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of 172
415 82 Doherty Hugh 1848 1901
416 82 Doherty Elizabeth 1845 1923 wife of Hugh Doherty
417 82 Doherty John F. 1881 1923
418 82 Doherty Frances 1855 1923
419 82 Martin Thomas I. 1877 1950
420 82 Martin Mary A. 1875 1948? wife of Thomas I. Martin
421 82 Martin Thomas I. Jr. 1908 1968
422 82 Doherty S. Adaline 1907 1985 wife of Thomas I. Martin Jr.
423 82 Martin S. Adaline (Doherty) 1907 1985 wife of Thomas I. Martin Jr.
424 82 Martin William J. 1944 1994
425 82 Martin William H. 1910 ?
426 82 Blake Eleanor R. 1919 ? wife of William H. Martin
427 82 Martin Eleanor R. (Blake) 1919 ? wife of William H. Martin

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