Pvt. Robert Earl Lyons, Washington Parish Louisiana
Submitted by Beth Van Cleave
Date: August 29, 2006

Reburial For Pvt. R. Lyons is Saturday
Reburial services for Pvt. Robert Earl Lyons, who died in the Battle of
the Bulge
in Belgium on January 2, 195, will be conducted Saturday at 5 p.m. at
the Superior
Avenue Baptist Church.
The soldier’s body will arrive here Saturday morning aboard the Rebel
and will be
met by Mayor Curt Siegelin, who will place a wreath on the casket in
behalf of the
city, as well as a delegation from the American Legion, which will
serve as an
honor guard.
Known to many Bogalusans as “Bubby,” Pvt. Lyons was born and reared in
He attended the public schools of the city and was graduated from the
High School on May 23, 1944, the deceased soldier was employed by the
mill division
of the Gaylord Container Corporation.
After entering service, Pvt. Lyons sailed overseas from Maryland on
November 27, 1944.
Six months later in the first battle he fought, he died in action. At
the time of
his death, he was 24.
Pvt. Lyons was a member of Local 1089 of the International Brotherhood
of Papermakers,
and was a member of the Superior Avenue Baptist church.
The pastor of the church of which he was a member and chaplain of the
American Legion,
the Rev. Charlie Webb, will officiate at the funeral services Saturday
Internment will be in the family plot at Ponemah Cemetery with the
American Legion
conducting military rites and Poole Funeral Home in charge of
Pvt. Lyons’ survivors include his wife, Mrs. Imogene Thornhill Lyons
Brickery of Oak
Ridge, Tenn, two children, Susan and Sidney John “Buddy Boy” Lyons; his
parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. J. Lyons of Michigan avenue; one brother, Melvin Lyons of
this city, and
one sister, Mrs. J. M. McLaurin, also of Bogalusa.