Photograph submitted by Allana Gray Bosch

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This is the family of James P. Shackelford in front of their home, a typical dogtrot
cabin identical or similar to the many that were built by the pioneers of Union Parish.

Left to right: James P. Shackleford (father),
Effie Pauline Shackelford(daughter),
Sarah Madorah Byram Shackelford (mother),
Rosa Stella Shackelford (daughter),
Lillie M. Shackelford (daughter),
William H. Fitzgerald (son-in-law, Sarah's spouse),
Sarah Rebecca Shackelford Fitzgerald (daughter),
Felix Hillman Shackelford (son) holding his son Earl (grandson),
Frances Lessie Nutt Shackelford (daughter-in-law, Felix's spouse),
George W. Mabry (son-in-law, Harriet's spouse),
Ruth Mabry (granddaughter),
Harriet E. Shackelford Mabry (daughter),
George Wesley Shackelford (son),
Georgie Nutt Shackelford (daughter-in-law, George's spouse).

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